Ninety -five

971 54 34

Fiora's pov

It's been fifteen days Taehyung went for his overseas schedule, The days without him had been a struggle, and I missed him so much. Our daily conversations, laughter, and the warmth of his presence were replaced by the emptiness. The first few days were very difficult, as I could hardly feel him near me.

But as time passed, I began to get to this new reality. Our daily phone calls and video chats make me feel him a little bit closer to him. It was different, for sure, but it brought its own unique experiences, like staying up late to chat with him, feeling like he was right there with me despite the miles that separated us.

But I can't help but feel a growing distance in my heart as the days pass without hearing Taehyung's voice. At first, his daily calls and our long conversations brought me comfort, despite the physical distance that separated us. I cherished every moment we shared, finding happiness in his words and laughter.

But now, something has changed, and I can't ignore the growing distance between us. It's been weeks since Taehyung last called, and the silence has become piercing me through my heart. I replay our last conversation in my mind, searching for clues, for something I might have said or done to cause this sudden distance between us.

The doubt gnaws at me, and I wonder if I was too much, too demanding. My emotions swing between sadness and frustration, and I can't help but question our once-strong connection. I long for his voice, his laughter, and the reassurance that he's still there for me.

I can't shake the feeling of being alone as the days turn into weeks, hoping for an escape to draw me back to the warmth of his affection. It's like a storm struck in my heart, and all I can hope for is that the comfort of his presence will return soon.

With each unanswered call and ignored message, the anxiety in my chest grows heavier. I can't bear the uncertainty any longer, and I decide to call Taehyung. Each ring feels like an eternity, but it only leads to his voicemail. The sound of his recorded voice only grows my uneasiness.

"Taehyung, it's Fiora. I've been trying to reach you, and I'm really worried for you. Please, call me back when you get this. I just want to know that you're okay." I leave a voicemail, my voice quivering with worry.

Days pass with no response, and the silence between us deepens. The lack of communication feels like an wall, and I can't help but feel lost, not knowing what's going on in his world or what has caused this sudden change in him.

Having enough if this all I tried to call him again, and surprisingly he received the call. The moment he answered, I was both relieved and taken aback by his sharp tone.

"What on earth is wrong with you?  Stop phoning and texting me. Unlike those who have more free time, I am here to work." His words cut through me like a knife, and for a brief moment, I'm speechless. I never expected such a harsh response.

𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥'𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞┃ 𝐊𝐓𝐇 𝐅𝐅 ┃Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora