Chapter 59 - Dark Times, Time Flies, Naked Rides

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Good evening, I hope this update finds you all well. Very much filler chapter.. some story... much smut. Enjoy. Welcome back. - G


After getting your godmother settled into your old chambers, you climb into bed with Severus. He holds you from behind, rubbing his soothing fingers up and down your thigh, trying to bring you comfort you can't find. You breathe shakily and tears well up in your eyes. "I just want this to be over," you whisper.

He pulls you close and kisses into your hair. "It will be soon," he promises. You scoff at his reply. How does he know? How can he? "I feel it in my bones," he adds.

It's April now. Almost a year since Dumbledore was killed by Severus. How long do wars last? How long did the prior wizard war last? You feel Snape squeeze your leg. "Stop thinking so much. You'll drive yourself mad."

"I can't help it. My thoughts won't stop," you explain. "And, Hannah-"

"What happened to Hannah is illegal in our ranks. We don't hurt one another...without permission from the Dark Lord. Whoever did it probably had something against you," Severus murmurs. 

You push his hand away from you, now feeling like it is your fault. It could have been a slew of people. Bellatrix. Dolohov. Lucius, even. It's a shame Hannah didn't see who did it. You'd kill whoever did this. You know you would.

"She came here for sanctuary, but she cannot stay. The Dark Lord will miss his healer," Severus points out.

You nod, knowing. "I have a plan," you state.


Snape watches you eat breakfast and laugh quietly with your godmother. This is the first time you've eaten more than half of your plate in what seems like months. You look glowing, healthy, and it brings a sense of overwhelming relief to Snape.

The three of you sit around Snape's desk, making small talk while eating. Snape doesn't do much small talking, but he listens, and looks at you mostly.

"Oh, you'll never believe what I did!" you suddenly exclaim. You stand up, gesturing to the side of you. "Granger and I were walking the beach at Shell Cottage. She told me what happened, how Bellatrix tortured her," you begin, frowning. Snape sits up, giving you his attention.

"Anyway, she showed me her arm. Where...Bellatrix carved that slur into her. I touched it...and it healed! I think my hand magic, like, advanced!" you inform.

Snape furrows his brows, uncertain now. "I can try to heal you, Hannah. Watch," you state. Carefully, you place your hands around her face, causing her to wince. Snape made her pain relief potions, but they must not take the edge off. Your hands do first. But, when a soft glow forms in the palms of your hands and Hannah's face begins to mend, Snape sits up and examines you more closely. When you remove your hands, Hannah's face is completely healed. You sit down and smile smugly.

"Darling..." Hannah begins. She feels her face, then smiles gratefully. "I wouldn't use that so freely," Hannah informs. You look at her hesitantly. "Using that power, whatever it may be, is not without costs. It comes from somewhere. Uses something from you," Hannah finishes.

You nod, then shrug. "I feel fine, Hannah," you state. Hannah smiles sweetly at her, then returns to eating her breakfast. Snape keeps his eyes on you the remainder of the meal. When classes begin, Hannah retires to your old chambers. Says she won't be seen, especially by the Carrows.


After washing up, your plan is to head to class. It seems to keep your mind off things, working. When you go to head out the door, Severus stops you.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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