Chapter 12 - Prison and Pubs

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A few weeks after the second task, the spring sun warms the air and softens the frozen grounds of Hogwarts. You put in a request last week to have a visitation with your father in Wizapriz, the wizard prison in America, and it was approved for March nineteenth - today. Minerva suggested last week you ought not go alone. She offered to attend the visitation with you, in which you politely declined, but you assured you wouldn't be alone. With a simple owl, your godmother agreed to meet in Hogsmeade and apparate with you to Wizapriz.

You sport black sneakers, simple black jeans, a black tank top, and grey bomber jacket. You don't do your makeup but wear your hair in a bun on the top of your head with some flyaways to frame your face. As you leave your chambers, you glance down the narrow corridor to Snape's door. 

You and him haven't really spoken since your occlumency lesson. The day after the lesson, you spotted him and Igor talking somewhat heatedly between classes. The conversation ended with Snape stepping towards Igor and saying something that made him turn on his heel and flee. Ever since, Snape has only had professional conversations with you, pertaining to work. You wonder why - you were getting along well. You've felt agonizingly lonely and often think of your mother, which makes your anger for you-know-who and the death eaters burn inside you. It makes the want - the utter need to avenge your mother - consume your mind. 

You make your way out of Hogwarts and down the path to Hogsmeade. You stare at your feet with your hands shoved into your pockets anxiously. With each step through the softening ground, you grow sicker and sicker with facing your father for the first time since he was arrested. 


You raise your head and slow down, hearing the soft voice of Severus. You turn, seeing him approaching you, cloak slowly swaying behind him. The spring breeze waving his hair back and forth. He's probably getting his shipment of potion ingredients from the apothecary that typically comes on Sundays. 

"Good afternoon." You say when he is closer.

He raises a brow in response, then gestures towards the village. You begin to walk beside him, your head angling down again. Snape eyes you. While your face is hardened and unreadable, he has worked with you long enough to tell you are nervous. 

"In just a few hours, you'll be back at school." Snape murmurs, almost attempting to soothe you.

You nod, sighing.

"Why have you been so..." You begin.

Snape continues to walk, using his long legs to step over a large root in the ground. You step over it too, staring at his back as he continues on.

"I've told you, Y/N, we aren't friends. There are far better people to acquire friendship with." He says, flatly.

You scoff. 

"Well, that is something I get to choose, is it not?!" You demand.

Snape stops suddenly, surprised at your outburst. He looks over his shoulder at you. 

He observes your tense body and can make out your hands that are gripped into fists in your pockets. Your eyes hold strong anger, not all for him, but realizes he is partially responsible for your demeanor. He sees the dark circles beneath your eyes and hopes it is the visit with your father that has caused you to lose sleep, and not him. You stare at him, who lacks any emotions to be read. Not once in your life has it been hard to befriend anyone. You've dealt with Snape for seven months - his initial disapproval of your position, his lack of respect, his plain rudeness. You were rewarded by sticking out the undeserving disrespect with simple tea time and subtle conversations. You had thought you finally won over the brooding potions master people flee from after the Yule Ball. Then, you were talked into occlumency lessons with him, because Dumbledore deemed it wise you learn the skill. The lessons brought you both closer, but with Snape's sudden exile, you realize you truly cannot understand him. You probably never will, either, unless he helps you to. 

The American Assistant (Y/N x Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now