Chapter 20 - The Order and Obedience

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Snape stands in his kitchen, drinking the tea you made this morning, waiting for you to finish getting ready. He's showered and is in his robes, waiting to take you to the first official meeting of the Order of the Phoenix.

You've both fallen into a rather unbalanced routine - but it's something. For the last two months, you've been staying on and off with Snape. When Lord Voldemort calls him, Snape apparates you to your godmothers house, then he goes to him. Then, to put Snape at ease, you stay there until he comes to get you, which is typically two or three days. Snape doesn't want to be trailed or spied on - his biggest fear is that a death eater will come to his home in person while you're there. You find the arrangement appeasing - Hannah really misses your mother and you remind Hannah of her. You think it's good for Hannah not to be alone all the time. And she's practically your only family.

Snape would be lying to himself if he told you his position as a double agent hasn't grown exceedingly more stressful now that you're lives have become intertwined. He doesn't wish to falter - he owes Lily Potter his life, he owes it to her to protect her son. He feels sick that you still don't know anything. He isn't sure how to tell you. He's lied to you - told you he's always been a spy, when in reality, he willingly became a death eater right after school. Overheard the prophecy that not only got the Longbottoms tortured to insanity, but also his best friend, Lily Potter, killed. As much as he still hates James Potter, Snape feels he is responsible for his death as well. How could you still stand to be in his presence once you know everything, let alone look at him with your eyes he so much adores.

You walk out of the spare bedroom and carry two outfits with you, wanting Snape's opinion. You have a fitting, black long sleeved dress that reaches your knees or leggings with a white shirt and jean jacket.

"Which one?" You ask.

Snape lowers his tea cup from his lips, arching a brow at you. He doesn't look at the outfits in your arms - only you and your lack of clothing on your body.

"Severus, focus." You request.

You look at him and wait for an answer.

"If I present myself well, I won't have to tell the Order the only thing I'm good at is making potions." You think.

Snape sighs distastefully - he doesn't like it when you put yourself down. You've expressed to him your lack of defense against the dark arts skills and how you worry the Order won't take you seriously.

"Your talents reach far beyond the knowledge of potions, Y/N." Snape murmurs.

You roll your eyes, then glare up at him.

"Don't use legilimency on me!" You scold.

He sits his tea cup down, walking to you, grabbing your face.

"Apologies. Truly, it is difficult for me not to hear your surface thoughts." Snape explains.

He leans down and plants a kiss on your forehead.

"Wear what is most comfortable. Frankly, I'd like you in a paper sack." Snape admits.

He strides to the door and grabs his cloak from the coat rack, slipping it on. You grab the dress and pull it on, eyeing him.

"You need different clothes." You comment.

Snape looks down at his apparel, then back to you.

"I very well do not." Snape informs.

You smile, walking to him. You hold his arm for leverage as you lean down to pull on your black flats.

"Since we'll be in London for the meeting, we should go shopping after." You suggest.

The American Assistant (Y/N x Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now