Chapter 40 - Birthdays, Poison, and The Half-Blood Prince

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Term has resumed seamlessly after Christmas holiday. You're back into the swing of work, as well as Severus, and things seem...okay. Which is odd. There are no new updates with the Order and Severus says that there isn't anything pertinent with the Death Eaters to report.

The information you forced out of Narcissa Malfoy was valuable - Dumbledore seemed very interested in the diary she mentioned, though you have no clue how a diary plays into this.

The cursed book in the library you discovered before Slughorn's Christmas party was also handed over to Dumbledore. He spent the first week of term inspecting it and has only told Severus that things are piecing together. The old man talks in riddles - you don't take anything he says to heart. You don't really like him right now, anyway. He still won't elaborate, though you've asked frequently, on giving Severus the Defense Against the Dark Arts position when it's supposedly cursed.

Then there's Draco Malfoy. You're watching him closely, making sure nothing happens again like it did with Katie Bell. He doesn't appear to be up to anything at the present moment, thankfully.


Laughing at a joke Slughorn just muttered to you about Nearly Headless Nick, you both turn into the Great Hall, ready for a spot of breakfast. Students flood the hall and bustle about, which makes you at ease. It's as if Voldemort isn't rising in power - as if everything is peaceful and calm. Even though it's a facade, you revel in it.

You watch Slughorn stop beside Harry Potter and company - he reaches out and pats Harry Potter on the back.

"Harry, my boy, studying I see!" Slughorn exclaims.

You peer over Granger, seeing him with his Advanced Potion Making book open. You squint, seeing several notes in the margins, in spidery, cramped writing. You tilt your head - you know Potter's handwriting and that isn't it. Granger sees you staring and elbows Potter. His green eyes look at you, seeing your eyes narrows on the page he's on. He slams his book shut abruptly.

"Take it easy, Mr. Potter! You have the best grade in your class. Ease up on the studying." Slughorn advises.

You watch Slughorn walk to the High Table, then you turn back down to Harry.

"Let me see your book, Mr. Potter." You request.

Potter swallows, then, as if purposefully, he turns on the bench he's sitting in, elbowing his goblet, spilling it on your legs and feet. You scoff, stepping back, withdrawing your wand. You dry yourself and glance back to Harry, who's handing you, what appears to be, a new, crisp copy of the potions book. Unlike the one he was just reading. You snatch it from him and look to Granger and Weasley. Ginny Weasley is even staring at you intently.

"Where's the book you just had?" You demand.

Potter swallows, running a hand through his messy black hair.

"That is it, Professor, I swear-" He begins.

You lunge toward him, frowning.

"Do you take me as a fool, Potter?" You ask, quietly and shortly.

He begins to shake his head. You shove the book back into his hands, then hold a finger up to him.

"That wasn't your writing, Mr. Potter. If you're cheating, I will have you in serious trouble." You warn.

He nods again. You look to the four of them now.

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