Chapter 19 - Torture and Toronto

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Term ended on a miserable note as Cedric Diggory is no longer alive, Severus Snape somehow avoiding you since the night of the third task, and Lord Voldemort is walking around in the form of a person again. You, along with your father, witnessed Barty Crouch Junior receive the kiss of death by the dementors at the Ministry of Magic. You had no time to speak with him - guards brought your father, with chains on his hands and ankles, and as soon as Barty Crouch Junior was no longer breathing, they took him away. You suppose it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities to visit him in prison again. You still are mad - he is partially to blame for your mothers demise. Perhaps you are just wanting someone to blame other than yourself.

The Daily Prophets are filled with rather trash news again this morning as they deny the return of Lord Voldemort. It's been two weeks and they're still insisting on reporting Diggory's downfall was a tragedy and not murder. You toss the paper on the kitchen nook and stride to the refrigerator, opening it. You scan through your godmothers selection of food and settle on left over oatmeal from what Hannah likely ate this morning. It's just past six, but Hannah had an emergency surgery for an auror who lost three fingers last night. You find it humorous she made time for breakfast. You take the lid off the container and put it in the microwave.


A sickly chill washes over you as a quiet voice echoes in your ears. You turn and look out to the opened kitchen. You stride past the island, looking into the vaulted ceiling living room. Hannah lives in a small community of wizards in Toronto. She has a white, split level cottage that is far too big for only her.


You glance down the half flight of stairs, towards the glass door, hearing that voice again. You know it isn't odd for magical beings to hear things - but this is very off to you. The voice sounds like your mothers - her comforting, quiet, singsong voice. You hold the wooden railing as you slowly approach the door. You reach into your robe pocket for your wand, but it isn't there. You take a step back up the stairs to go get it - you aren't leaving the house without it.


You look up, confused, then open the door quickly. If this is some spirit playing a trick on you, you'll send it back to wherever it came from. You glance down the cement driveway, the bright early morning light making you wince. When your vision clears, you see a black cloaked figure walking down the sidewalk. You cock your head and furrow your brows.

"What the actual..." You murmur to yourself.

You step down the three stairs, dressed in your light pink pajama shorts, black tank top, and thick navy robe. You watch the figure get father and farther down the street before confirming that this is Severus Snape. You can't call out for him for a moment - you're still shocked by your mother calling your name. You clear your throat.

"Severus?!" You call out.

Snape stops and turns, in his typical black robes and cloak on, his dark eyes opened slightly wider than normal at the sight of you. You slowly smile and wave him over. As he steps into the driveway, you shake your head to him.

"What are you doing taking a morning stroll in Toronto?" You question.

He purses his lips as he stops a few feet from you. You cross your arms over your chest. Snape opens his mouth the same time you do.

"Why haven't you wrote?" You ask each other in unison.

You hold your hand out to him, signaling for him to speak first.

"After the guards of Azkaban came to retrieve Crouch, I had to him. He kept me for days, demanding information." Severus explains.

You raise your brows.

The American Assistant (Y/N x Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now