Chapter 6 - The Champions

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Ever since your evening of tea drinking with Severus, he hasn't been too off putting. You both converse mildly, grade together, and take turns doing the inventory of potions supplies. The more you spend time with him, the more you want to know him better. He's still a mystery to you - he knows a lot about yourself now, but you know barely anything about him. His life prior to teaching or his personal life are vague and you want to learn more but you also don't want to press your luck. He's still dreadful most days. He seems like someone who could shut the entire world out without any regret.

The end of October brings brisk air and falling leaves, but also excitement as it's time to choose the champions for the Triwizard Cup. Professor McGonagall told you the Halloween feast is always festive, but this year it will be like no other.

You find yourself dressing in a long sleeved deep purple robe - it's the one you always wear each Halloween. It's form fitting with a slit up your right leg, decorated with embroidered bats on the sleeves, and is low cut. You straighten your hair today, lengthening it longer than your natural hair usually portrays. You finish your outfit with a black witches hat. You smile to yourself in the mirror, wondering if Severus will like your outfit. You shake your thoughts - why do you want him to like it? He's dreadful and brooding. You briefly wonder if other professors will be dressing up - it isn't like your outfit choice is wild, though.

You return some ingredients to the potion supply closet before heading to the feast. There is a part of you that feels off, like some greater force is presiding over the castle, but your shake your thoughts.

"Severus, we need to talk!"

You stop, hearing the heavy accent of Igor Karkaroff. You wave your hand over the torch in the supply room, putting it out, and shut the door silently. You lean back agaisnt the shelves and turn your breathing to shallow, silent breaths. You hear the whooshing of Snape's cloak grow closer. He's walking fast. Practically running. 

"Go on, Igor. It's time for the feast." Snape dismisses.

They stop in front of the supply closet.

"Severus, listen to reason-" Igor begins.

Through the crack in the door, you see Snape whip around and lunge at him aggressively. Your eyes widen and you put your hand over your lips.

"Igor. You will find yourself in a deep hole if you follow me again." Snape says, venomously.

Igor stares at him, then scoffs, somewhat frustratingly. He turns and disappears down the corridor. Snape slowly exhales and you watch him bring his fingers to the bridge of his nose. He His eyes look sad. Almost pained. He begins to walk towards the staircase, likely to to Great Hall. You decide to stay quiet but slowly slip out of the closet. As he rounds the corner of the corridor, you begin to hurry after him.

Curse his long legs - even when you're practically running, he's still faster than you. You do catch up though, while he is cutting through the courtyard.

"Severus!" You say, breathlessly.

He stops, turning subtly to look at you. You stare at him - he is darkness, decorated with greying clouds in the sky above and dying leaves blowing around him. He raises a brow down to you.

"Why are you out of breath?" He inquires.

You laugh, catching your breath, staring up at him. He's in his normal robes and his hair windblown from the sharp winds gusting through the courtyard. He smells nice - you catch hints of lavender and cauldron smoke.

"Oh, I just didn't want to be late, so I ran." You say, shrugging.

He hums in response. You study his eyes. You've never seen them like this. They usually lack depth and emotion. But is different somehow. It's like his emotions are all pooling in those dark abysses. You cock your head.

The American Assistant (Y/N x Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now