Chapter 44 - Innocence Lost

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Severus Snape managed to get three hours of sleep, though he suspected none. He stays in the shower abnormally long in the morning, hoping he won't see you in the kitchens for breakfast. Not that he doesn't want to see you, but because he may break apart at the mere sight of you.

In the course of a day, he was ordered to write you a letter to lure out you and your beloved godmother, so the Dark Lord could force you to serve him. You were unwillingly put to your knees in front of Lord Voldemort and took the Dark Mark, the mark of the inner circle of Death Eaters. The mark of the darkest wizards.

Then, the torture. He is numbing his emotions, numbing himself to the fact he had to willingly hurt the woman he loves. It makes him sick. Violently ill. Like he could pass out from the mere memory of you wincing and thrashing while he had his wand aimed at you, causing excruciating pain.

Then when he checked on you, your reaction was worst than he imagined. The anger and pain in your eyes were unimaginable. He'll never forget it. Then you said you hated him, which didn't hurt him much - everyone hates him. But, hate and love can coexist. Surely, you still loved him.

But, surely, not.

You threw your ring at him and urged him out of your bedroom. He knew the door in his face would come, but not the vicious words that flew from your mouth.

I wish you were dead.

Hearing those words out of anyone else's lips would have been easier than hearing them from yours. It would have been easier to hear them from Lily. That was it - the moment he knew he'd lost you forever. He's ruined everything good in his life again. He should have known this would have happened. That somehow you'd be taken from him. He's been damned from the moment he was conceived.

Snape slips on his normal robes and fastens his cloak around him. He must go to breakfast. Make an appearance whilst he's in Malfoy Manor. He must keep up his facade as Voldemort's favorite Death Eater.

He slips out of his door and looks to yours - of course, you're right across from his bedroom. You couldn't be at the front end of the wing - no, that would have been to kind for Snape. And Severus Snape doesn't get kindnesses, nor deserve them. This world knows no boundaries when it comes to causing Snape anguish.

Your door is shut and silence comes from it. Perhaps you're sleeping. Perhaps you're walking around the grounds. Perhaps you've escaped, by some miraculous mystery.

When he comes to the front of the housing wing, he hears Cain Reynold's voice - it's dulled, coming from a bedroom. Snape slows and begins to listen.

"What do you mean my daughter is here, too, Hannah?"

Snape shuts his eyes and exhales through his hooked nose. Hannah is speaking quietly, too quiet for Snape to make out the words. A long moment passes and Snape feels the floor creak.

"No, Cain, calm down-" Hannah begins.

"Calm down? How can I calm down, Hannah?" Cain asks, manically.

The door opens and Snape watches Cain slip into the hallway in front of him. Cain stares at Snape for a long moment, grey eyes striking black, and Cain takes a threatening step towards Snape. Before Snape can withdraw his wand, Cain leers his hand back, forming a fist with it. As he goes to strike Snape in the face, Hannah latches onto his arm, beginning to fight with him.

"Stop! Stop it!" Hannah pleads.

Cain shrugs her off - a little too hard - she hits the hard corner of the doorway and yelps. Her cry of pain gets both Cain and Snape's attention. Both men turn to her, seeing her hand go to her lower back. Her blue eyes slowly raise to Snape's. There's a deep pain in them, one much more lingering than the little pain she currently is in.

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