Chapter 28 - End of Term

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You hold pajamas in your hands as Snape takes his shoes off at your door. He unclasps his cloak once his shoes are off, then runs his hands through his hair, stressfully. Tonight was stressful - Hannah nearly died and Snape's role as a spy was nearly compromised.

"I'll shower first. Your things are still in the bottom drawer." You murmur.

Snape nods, heading to you. His eyes glance into your dark bathroom. You reach down and wrap on finger through one of his belt loops, tugging on it.

"Unless you'd like to join me." You offer.

Snape shakes his head once and strides into your room, your finger slipping from his waist. You sigh as you walk into the bathroom and start running hot water. You suppose seeing Snape naked is still a feat to be accomplished. You begin to take your clothes off, tossing them into the waste basket. There's blood on them from when Hannah was injured and it'll be too tedious to get the stains out, even with magic.

"You were hurt?" Snape asks.

You turn, seeing him in the doorway with his arms crossed. You shake your head, holding your bra over your chest.

"No. Just Hannah's blood." You explain.

Snape hums in response and his dark eyes dart down your body. You smile kindly. He steps into your small bathroom and leans against the porcelain sink, arms still crossed over his chest.

"Go on." He insists.

You raise a brow - it's well past midnight and both of you are exhausted, but now you don't think you'll be getting much rest. You point one finger to your lip and stride to him.

"Only if you let me wash this hair."

You reach up and run your fingers through a lock of his matted hair.

"No." Snape replies.

He reaches up to your bra straps, grabbing at them and tugging them down. You roll your eyes and let him finish taking it off you. His calloused, rough hand comes up to your collar bone and his fingers gently trace over it.

"I've been denied for so long..." Snape murmurs.

He glides his hand down to your breast and gently paws it. He smirks and grabs the other now, making you sigh.

"Mm. Like the first time all over again." He muses.

He leans down and plants a kiss on your lips, sucking hard on them. You mirror the action and put your hands on his chest, grabbing at the top button of his robe, unbuttoning it. Snape pulls away from your lips, looking at you displeasingly.

"Y/N." Snape warns.

You back up away from him, shoving his arms from your breast, leaning against the wall. You're naked except for your plain silk underwear.

"So you can see me, but I can't see you?" You wonder.

He leans his head back and pinches the bridge of his nose, letting out an exhausted sigh. You don't want to fight over something so small, so you walk to the shower curtain and yank it open. After tossing your panties off, you step in and pull the curtain closed, letting the hot water run over your body. Snape strides to the shower now and leans against the wall outside of it.

"You are beautiful inside and out, Y/N. I don't want you to see my body because it isn't a pleasant sight to look at. It reflects just what I am on the inside."

You don't reply. You hate when he talks about himself because it is never anything good. As you grab the bottle of shampoo, the warm lanterns that light your bathroom go out. You scoff.

The American Assistant (Y/N x Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now