Chapter 14 - Formalities

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Snape stands beside the pensieve in Dumbledore's office, his arms crossed over his chest, observing the headmaster with his head inside the memory. It's well past midnight and the blue glow from the pensieve illuminates the dark office. Snape pinches the bridge of his nose as he waits. He begs to the gods that whatever information this memory holds can bring the dark lord down. Can keep him away before returning. Snape shuts his eyes and begins to think.

His thoughts drift to you and to the time you've both spent together. He feels confused - he never feels this way. He can always ward people away with his attitude and mannerisms. You, on the other hand, were persistent. You extended him kindness and care when he was terrible to you in the beginning of the year. He tried to detest you. It is easier for him to make people feel hatred for him - so it isn't hard when they actually begin to hate him. It wasn't bad enough you were actually good at your job, but you wanted to have tea with him and spend time together outside of the classroom. Wanted to spend time with him. Wanted to go to the Yule Ball with him. Offered friendship countless of times in which he declined. You made it hard for him to hate you and he will never forgive you for that. You would never understand the position it would put you both in if you befriended one another. The danger it would entail just being friends. 

Snape's mind wanders to your presentation of yourself. You always greet everyone with a smile. You take pride in your appearance, always making sure to look clean and well groomed. Even though you are beautiful, you aren't vain about it, which Snape finds attracting. You work diligently in class, always making sure the students have their questions answered and offer them advice, something he can't do. It isn't that he doesn't want to aid their studies - if Severus Snape is anything, he is an advocate for learning. It's that he isn't innately kind and comes off too demeaning, something he is sure he could work on, but probably never will. He won't have to work on anything if you stay his assistant. The students adore you and their grades have risen, much to his displeasure. He relishes in you walking around the workstations, helping students cut or pour the right ingredients, smiling at them as you do. It's become his favorite part of teaching - watching you. 

Dumbledore lifts his head out of the pensieve, ceasing Snape's thoughts. Dumbledore backs into the wall, his hand holding his chest. Snape feels his blood begin to rush. 

"What is it, Albus?" Snape asks.

Dumbledore shakes his head slowly.

"I...I don't know... Tom is far more intelligent than I anticipated. I will do some research."

Snape stares at Dumbledore, waiting for him to speak more. Surely, the tediousness of legilimizing his assistant for so long earned them something. Anything. A crumb of information. Snape throws his arm to his side, anger flooding his being.

"That's it? You'll do some research?! That is what you have deduced from-"

"Severus. Calm yourself. I have many ideas, but..."

Dumbledore eyes Snape in an almost apologetic manner. Snape lowers his arm slowly, beginning to nod, his lips turning downward.

"I don't wish to reveal anything to a death eater, correct?" Snape asks, coldly.

Dumbledore steps towards him and his eyes soften. 

"Severus, that is not what I think of you. You haven't been a death eater since you came to me, all those years ago, begging for my help. When Tom Riddle returns, he will be curious to know what you've learnt over the years from me. You will have to give him information, you will have to rejoin him and the death eaters, to get him to believe your loyalties are to him. This memory, however, may be the key in destroying him. Tom doesn't need to know we have it." Dumbledore explains.

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