Chapter 56 - Retrieval

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Bill and Fleur Weasley gave you a probationary acceptance - you can stay at Shell Island and recover but will not be allowed your wand. Tonks spoke for you, told them you aren't on the Dark Lord's side, not truly. It helped that Tonks mentioned how you steered the snatchers away from the Tonks residence last year - somehow they knew you did that. You wonder just how.

Your recovery is proving difficult. You've replenished your blood with potions and dulled the pain, but without an experienced healer, you will have to wait until you can walk without becoming immediately winded to return to Hogwarts. No wonder why Ronald Weasley took so long to mend - it isn't just physical pain and injury. It's fatiguing, mentally draining to be Splinched. You feel everything so sharply and tangibly that you'd rather step on broken glass or sleep on an iceberg. Everything worsens each time you try to talk to Severus - he won't answer you. This was his plan and somehow you're the one at fault. You should expect this from him, he can be cold and callous, but not now. Not during this darkening war.

You force yourself from your back but wince when you roll on your side. The aching in your healing cut radiates around your body, causing your ribs and hip to sting. You snatch the mirror from the bedside table and hold it up.


You find the silence you've grown accustomed to these last three days. You tap it aggravatedly. He can't just ignore you. You're his best friend, his person. You're going to marry him! He can't do this shit anymore.

"Severus Snape, you do not have the right to ignore me!" you hiss.

A short moment passes and the drawer opens slowly. Is he waiting by his desk ignoring you, yet listening for you? He can hear your voice, but you aren't allowed to hear his? Gods, Severus is so very frustrating at times. The reflection falters as he picks the mirror up. He stares back at you with disdain.

"Why are you ignoring me?! Why are you upset?!" you demand.

He magically floats the mirror in front of him. Your eyes soften when you watch him lean back and run his fingers through his thick hair - to anyone else, he seems relaxed, content, but to you it is clear how ridden with worry and fear he truly is.

"I should have never let you go. This entire plan was rubbish. Now, I've lost you and Black had to be the one to save you..." he clenches his teeth together. "...again," he gets out.

You cock your head to the side. How did he know about Bellatrix's trap? "Severus, how did you-"

He raises a hand up to silence you. "Bellatrix nearly went mental on Rowle and Rookwood when she discovered Sirius Black escaped. I knew you fell victim to her mind hex when you didn't respond to me. I also assumed Black must have saved you from it when he had vanished from the dungeon," Severus concludes, dryly.

You don't like the tone of his voice, his blatant attitude. He's condescending you, saying you couldn't have escaped without help. Lacking faith. You sit up and sit on the edge of the bed. Your lips twist down in pain which doesn't go unnoticed by Severus.

"You have no idea what I went through in there. You lack confidence in me. I could have gotten out," you reply.

Severus' head falls to the side. "It isn't about my faith and belief in you. Even I couldn't get out of it, [first name]. I was one of the test subjects when I was first initiated into the Death Eaters. Almost like a...haze, as you would call it. I spent twenty three hours and could not get out. It is impossible to do alone."

You grind your teeth together. "Then why are you angry with me?!"

Severus slams a hand down onto his desk, making you jump. "Because, bloody Black had to be the one who saved you again! It is my job, mine, [first name], to take care of you! I am angry at myself!" Severus barks, voice cracking on the last word he chokes out.

The American Assistant (Y/N x Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now