From the Author

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An update is coming.
Be patient.
It's been a long time, I know.
I work full time at a hospital and have two dog children and friends and family to maintain. I fell out of my Snape phase but I'm back in it.
I've worked on the new chapter. The next chapter I release will lead up to the Battle of Hogwarts. My goal is to have it done by next Sunday, so about a week from now.
I plan to take this story into a long epilogue that I am most excited to write. But we must get there.

I love you all, those especially faithful to this story. It was my first work - not greatly written but fun to write and interact with you all. It unfailingly has a spot in my heart. See you in the next chapter.

The American Assistant (Y/N x Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now