Chapter 29 - Prison Break

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Hannah's house always bring you comfort you cannot explain. Maybe it's all the memories of you, your godmother, and your parents that were made here.

Or, perhaps, it's waking up to Severus Snape beside you in bed.

Given that the battle of the department of mysteries was two days ago, neither of you have gotten much rest. You've stared at Snape the last fifteen minutes - he's on his back, sleeping, with his arm lazily draped over your thigh. You don't want to get up, but you hear Hannah rummaging around in the kitchen. She shouldn't return to work yet - she was just injured. Even if she is alright physically, she nearly died - she needs some mental rest too. You carefully grab Snape's arm and lay it beside him. After tugging the quilt over his chest, you silently get out of bed and throw on your robe. You press your hand against the wall as you stride down the white walled hallway. When you come to the living room, you can see Hannah through the entryway to the kitchen. She's dressed in her white healers coat and has a cup of coffee in her hand. Wiping your eyes, you approach her, shaking your head.

"Hannah, do you have to go back today? I just got here and its summer now." You murmur.

She smiles as you walk into the kitchen. Her blonde hair is up in a tight bun and her face is glowing.

"Yes, darling, I have to return to work. I'm well. It isn't like when you go to work and you stay there for months on end. I'll be home tonight and will make your favorite for dinner." Hannah assures.

You sigh and lean against the island.

"You're up quite early. Is Severus well? He looked like he had been run over by a train when we apparated here from Grimmauld Place." Hannah murmurs.

You nod, watching Hannah begin to make you a cup of coffee.

"He's alright...just tired."

She sits a cup of coffee down on the island and slides it to you. You take it and a give her a small smile, then take a sip.

"I was thinking sometime next week...we go and visit your father."

You inhale with coffee in your mouth and begin to cough. You furrow your brows.

"Dad? Why? It was such a hassle last time." You remind.

Hannah nods and grabs a letter off the refrigerator. She hands it to you and you quickly skim over it. You slam it down and glare at her. She took it upon herself to schedule a visitation.

"Hannah, why would you want to see Cain? The both of you always butted heads. And he's a death eater." You say, frustratedly.

You sit down on one of the stools and watch her face you with her fingers tapping her coffee mug.

"He is your father and he loves you. Besides, he isn't a death more than Severus." She says, lowly.

You roll your eyes.

"You know how I feel about dad! It was his fault that Barty Crouch Junior stole everything out of our family fault and his fault that mom was killed. Now, I'm broke and motherless." You say, bitterly.

Hannah rolls her eyes and sits her coffee mug down a little roughly.

"You're being dramatic, Y/N. Perhaps Severus wants meet him." Hannah points out.

Your face twists into one of confusion.

"Just go to work Hannah." You beg.

She laughs lightly and strides around the island to you. She grabs your face and plants a kiss on your cheek.

"Don't leave the house alone." She murmurs.

You nod and she grabs her bag and leaves. You sip your coffee for a few minutes before you begin to make breakfast. You turn the small television on that is in the corner of the counter as you prepare the food. The morning news is on.

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