Chapter 31 - Pawns and Mirrors

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September 1st come with a cooler and damper air than Summer held. You're back in Scotland, walking from Hogsmeade with Snape, where you both just apparated. The new term begins tomorrow with the welcome feast being tonight. You wear a gold colored tunic and simple brown ankle boots with your hair down. You've sent your trunks ahead - the castle elves will bring them to your chambers. You gnaw on your lower lip, anxiously, trying to prepare your introduction to Slughorn. Snape side eyes you and lets out a long sigh.

"You're worrying for nothing." He states.

You sigh and look up at him, ignoring his statement.

"What if he doesn't like me? Then I have to endure an entire school year with him."

Snape's lips twitch into a small smirk.

"I didn't like you when you started, yet you survived, did you not?" Snape inquires.

You both reach the path that leads from Hogsmeade and through the Forbidden Forest to the castle. You run your hand along the tall trees as you pass.

"Barely. I wanted to quit. And you did too like me." You say, matter of fact.

Snape arches a brow and cocks his head. You elbow him, gaping.

"Severus Snape!" You warn.

He chuckles lightly now, glancing to the castle as it comes into view. The sun is covered by greying clouds and the air feels heavy - it's as if the current situation of the wizard world is being represented by the weather. The castle is dark and looks as if its filled with dread. If this is the sign to your upcoming school year, you're going to be exhausted.

"How many years of experience does he have?"

Snape sighs, tired of your questions.

"Fifty. Why do you care what he thinks of you, or anyone for the matter? I don't." Snape questions.

You pinch the bridge of your nose and begin to ramble.

"You've had your career handed to you, Severus. When I was given my position at Ilvermorny, I had to interview against fifteen other potions masters and mistresses. Then I had to interview again in a second round, and then-"

Snape stops, placing his hands on your shoulders, looking down at you firmly.

"Y/N, you're co professors with Slughorn. You'll be running half of the classes. You aren't an assistant anymore. You do not even have to work with him if you do not want to." Snape assures.

His dark eyes flicker between yours, hoping you'll see reason. You sigh but nod, offering him an apologetic smile.

"You're usual. Sorry. I always rambled to my mother about work stuff like this. I suppose it's all just pent up from not being able to talk to her for so long." You explain.

Snape nods, rubbing your shoulders tenderly, then turns and presses on your back so you continue to walk with him.

"I understand the feeling of not being able to speak to someone who has gone to the afterlife. You seem to miss your mother when term begins each year." He explains.

You bite your lower lip only to hold your tongue. It seems like Lily Potter is being more and more bothersome in your relationship with Snape. His patronus remains the same as hers, which you cannot blame him for it, he cannot change it himself. Hell, you should probably be thanking her dying - she's the reason why Severus saw his choice was very wrong to become a death eater. He rarely returns your I love you's and you begin to think it's because of her.

"My mother's birthday is this month, that is why I miss her around this time, more so than normal. We'd do a little dinner with dinner with gifts and sparkling cranberry juice she'd make. She'd never let me drink real alcohol around her, not after my stent of alcoholism and my broom accident."

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