Chapter 33 - Favors Unpaid and Three Difficult Words

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Saturday is a cool, but sunny day. Snape informed you he had to meet briefly with Narcissa Malfoy today - he left about an hour ago. He didn't say what for, but you assume it's pertaining to Lord Voldemort ordering Draco to kill Dumbledore. He hasn't told you much of what is going on with the death eaters - even when you ask, he uses his elegant words to change the subject. You wish you knew what he was feeling - you know he is immensely stressed, but if he would just confide in you, he'd feel better. You kissed him goodbye and told him you loved him to which he only replied with a small smile. You wish he'd say it more - words of affirmation is your love language and he hasn't told you he's loved you in awhile. You wish he would, especially during this stressful time of Voldemort's return. It brings you comfort you cannot describe.

You're now making your way towards Hogsmeade to meet Sam - your old boyfriend from school. Honestly, a simple drink and catching up sounds nice. You need to get away from the castle and just escape for a few hours.

You stride down the cobblestone path towards the Hogshead - you've never been in the pub, it's a little sketchy to you, but if Sam is here you suppose it must be fine. You look around and note an auror pacing the streets - you've forgotten his name, but he's apart of the Order. Dumbledore did say he'd be stationing members of the Order here - you wish it would be Tonks or Remus so you could catch up with them. 

You grab the old wooden door to the Hogshead and open it, the hinge creaking as you do. You slip in, seeing many patrons filling the pub. It is Saturday, you suppose it's expected to be busy. You see Sam tucked away in the corner booth - he's still sporting his ear length messy brown hair that has a few grey strands in it now. You come to the booth and looks down at him - you can tell he's still using his parents money. He's dressed in a silk shirt, a dressy vest, and black slacks with square black glasses covering his dark eyes.

"Y/N! Merlin, you haven't changed!" He greets.

He has a rather neutral voice - nowhere as deep and melodic as Severus' voice. He stands up and wraps his arms around you, bringing you into a tight hug. You laugh, patting his back.

"You have grey hair." You greet.

He lets you go, looking down at you horrifically.

"Is it that noticeable?" He asks, worriedly.

You laugh lightly and slide into the other side of the booth.

"Not really, no. I can't believe you're here." You admit.

He sits back down with a smirk on his face.

"I can't believe you teach at Hogwash! How is the great Albus Dumbledore?" He eggs.

You roll your eyes and Sam begins to laugh.

"The famous eye roll. Jeez, I've missed you, Kitten." Sam admits.

You hold your finger up.

"Don't call me that. What a stupid pet name that was." You admit.

Sam scratches the back of his head, beginning to laugh nervously. A wave of silence washes over you and you raise your hand to get the bartenders attention. She comes over quickly.

"You're buying, right?" You ask.

Sam smirks, nodding, ordering a drink for you both.

You're having fun catching up with Sam, but it is getting dark outside now, so you tell him you need to return to the castle. Things are looking gloomy outside - it's drizzling light rain and there's even a black dog that keeps prancing around without an owner, probably looking for scraps of food. Sam doesn't disclose why he is here - just says he has always wanted to come to Scotland to see the castle and visit Hogsmeade. He pleads with you to have one more drink, but you tell him you really have to go. You hug him goodbye and head out the door. Before you can take a step on the winding cobblestone path, the black shaggy dog you saw earlier prances around you. You smile, wishing you had a treat for him. You kneel down and pet his head and his tail wags happily.

The American Assistant (Y/N x Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now