Chapter 53 - Two Switches, One Stupid Decision

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Shortly after the very unpleasant intrusion of Minerva McGonagall, you showered together with Severus and went to bed. Neither of you said anything more - just kissed each other goodnight and curled up with one another.

You've both fallen back into a consistent rhythm and you're grateful for it in this time of dreadful war. You feel as if you can stand on your own two feet again, as long as Severus is beside you. You think he feels the same, at least, you can see it in his eyes.

You both wake to the sharp tapping on the windows. Severus places a calm hand over your thigh, keeping you put. He rises and goes to the window, only in long black briefs, his long, black hair messy from bed. He reaches out his left arm, Dark Mark glowing off his pale arm, and opens the window. He grabs the letter from a black owl and it flies away - no need for a response.

Severus examines and arches a brow as he begins to open it.

"From Narcissa..." Severus begins.

His nimble fingers open the parchment. The letter must be short because he lowers it down to his side, letting it fall from his fingers. You sit up in bed, holding the sheet around your bare chest, swallowing. This isn't good. He runs a hand through his hair and lets out a tired, exhaustive sigh.

"Ted Tonks has been killed by snatchers," Severus states.

The information tries to enter your brain, but you can do nothing but stare at Severus. He slowly approaches the bed, lowers himself down onto it, swings his legs onto it. You don't fuss when he drags you down into his arms, pulling the blankets over you both.

"No..." you breathe. You turn your face into his chest, pressing your lips together tightly. "Poor Andromeda...poor Tonks," you cry.

He pulls you tighter against him. In times like these, you wonder if he slams his Occlumency shields into place, so he needn't deal with the pain. He doesn't cry, but you feel his chest hitch once, his hands grasping your sides firmer.

"We will win..." Severus states aloud. "We will stop him if it is the last thing I do..." Severus grits out.

You both fall asleep in the safety of each other's arms.


You wake before him in the morning, feeling hollow. You need to see your father. It's been quite sometime since you saw him and with the news of Ted Tonks, you grow worried, anxious. Maybe you can go to the Manor before the school week resumes and see if he is there, or at least inquire about him.

It's good that you woke before Severus, as you have one last thing to procure for his enticing birthday present. It should have just been shipped to the Three Broomsticks for pick up.

After showering - taking great care to use the lavender and rose body wash Severus likes most - you hurry back out to the bedroom and quietly go to the wardrobe. When you try to open it though, you are unable.

"Y/ is my birthday..." Severus greets, his octave voice deepened with sleep. The bed creaks. "And I believe you owe me an orgasm..."

Before you can turn to face him, his chest is flush against your back, hands roaming down your sides and to your inner thighs. You gasp when his fingers begin to stimulate your clit.

"Sev- Severus! Wait," you urgently command. His hand halts and he leans into your neck. "This isn't your present! I have to go get the last thing!" you complain.

He groans, pushing his hips agaisnt you, his manhood hard against the soft flesh of your skin. "But it's my birthday," he repeats, almost pouts.

The American Assistant (Y/N x Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now