Chapter 54 - Desperation, Deceit

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"Get her in here. Hurry!"
"I'm trying!"
"I told her not to engage with Bellatrix!"
"We're almost there, darling."
"Walk, [first name!]"

Your eyes snap open at the voice demanding your name - that wasn't your mothers voice you've been hearing for the last few hours. It was familiar, though - deep, velvety, laced in anger that's somehow comforting. Your head swings back and bright light hits your bloodshot eyes, causing you to wince. You're staring up at the ceiling of the hospital wing, trying to get your legs to move. They feel so heavy. Vaguely, you feel spit roll down your chin and an electric pain like no other throbbing through your body, lingering right in the back of your skull. Your right arm is swung around Draco Malfoy's shoulders. You recognize his silvery blonde hair. Your left arm is around Severus'. You thought that was his voice.


You grunt, steadying your head long enough to see your godmother beckoning you forward, waving at you quickly to come to her. She has a large duffle bag around her body - the one she has for emergency injuries. Behind her, you see your mother staring at you flatly, disappointedly, emotionlessly. She's in her dirt stained overalls, the ones she always wore when she was working on her herbs in the garden, and her blonde hair is down in waves.

"Mom..." you sigh.

Your voice cracks and you feel just how dry your throat is. Were you screaming? You think you were. Severus and Draco drop you onto the last bed in the wing. Hannah quickly pulls the curtain to shroud you all.

"Careful-" Draco begins.

Severus lets your arm fly around to your side and your hand hits the metal rail of the bed. You open your mouth and a blood curdling scream erupts from your lungs.

"Watch her hands!" Hannah scolds.

Severus sighs, jaw clenched in worry, looking rather exhausted. He probably couldn't apparate you here in this state - you wonder how you got here from Malfoy Manor. You hear the curtain swing open but haven't the strength to look up.

"Madam Pomfrey," Hannah greets.

"What's happened?" She inquires.

Severus stands straight and gestures to you.

"Her hands are broken. She was thrown against a bookshelf. And...the Cruciatus..." Severus informs.

Madam Pomfrey hurries to a cabinet.

"For how long was she tortured?" she calls out.

Severus glances to Draco, who has his lips pressed together. Hannah brings her hand up to cover her mouth, clearly restraining herself from crying.

"I haven't seen after effects like this in many years... it must have been at least an hour... from when she spoke to me and from when Mr. Malfoy came for my help, it was well over an hour," Hannah informs.

Severus shuts his eyes tightly and his hands flex into fists at his sides. You begin to dry heave and Hannah rushes to find a bucket for you to throw up in. Severus watches you empty your stomach - it's merely fluid, acid from your gut.

"How long were the Longbottoms tortured by her?"

Severus glances at Hannah - why would she ask that? - and he feels his stomach begin to churn. What is she implying? That you may go mad?

"I think the records stated at least five hours," Pomfrey informs.

Snape halts all of his movements, even his breathing, as the neurons in his brain attempt to process this. You've been gone quite some time. How long does it take one to go mad from the Cruciatus? Bellatrix is the most efficient at the curse - Snape has seen it cast many times. Not even the Dark Lord's Cruciatus can compare to Bellatrix.

No. Not you. Anyone but you.

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