Chapter 38 - Christmas (not) Miracles

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Christmas in Toronto is always beautiful. Pure white snow covers the streets and houses in the small wizard village Hannah Curtis' home resides in. Everyone's homes are decorated - Merlin figurines with Santa hats, lights strung about. You haven't been happy for the last two Christmases. You're beginning to think you'll suffer through a third one, too.

Hannah peers through the curtains and sees you sitting on the cold steps that lead into her home. You're wrapped in a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate in one hand, the other holding the two way mirror. She shuts the curtain and looks across to Cain at the kitchen nook, worry obvious in her eyes. His nose is pressed in the Daily Prophet and he has one hand in a candy bowl.

"Cain." Hannah murmurs.

Cain hums in response, not lowering the paper.

"Cain." Hannah repeats.

Cain hums a little longer now. Hannah reaches out and tears the paper from his hand, slamming it down on the table. Cain stares at her with annoyed grey eyes. He grabs a handful of candy and shoves it into his mouth.

"What, Han?" Cain inquires with his mouth full.

Hannah leans back and requests he shuts his mouth while chewing. Cain rolls his eyes but shuts his mouth.

"It's Christmas. And she's out there again, like these last few days." Hannah complains.

Cain leans towards the window and opens the curtain, peeking out at you. He sighs and lets the drapes close.

"What do you want me to do? Have a heart to heart?" Cain demands.

Hannah shrugs, holding out her hand to him.

"I don't know, Cain. It's freaking twenty degrees. She's going to get sick. She's already worried sick. It's the holiday. She should be in here, spending time with us."

Cain glances into his lap.

"Leah use to do the same thing. Constantly be looking out the window for me...when I was trying to get us out of London. Away from the first war. I could never soothe her anxieties, what makes you think I can soothe my daughters?" Cain asks, calmly.

Hannah leans back and sighs tiredly, not replying. Hannah has tried to talk to you. Several times these last days. You've barely ate or slept. It isn't good for your health. If you're too successfully go to the Malfoy Gala and occlude your mind if the death eaters try to read it, you need to be rested. Cain slides out of the nook and waves his hand to Hannah dismissively.

"Put on The Christmas Story. I'll get her inside." Cain murmurs, dreadfully.

Hannah nods hopefully and stands, in red and green pajamas and slippers, heading to the living room. She kneels in front of the television and begins to file through the box of VHS tapes. Cain slips out the front door.

He looks down at you from behind, finding it bitter cold out here and rather miserable, then nudges you with his foot.

"Y/N, come inside." Cain requests.

He watches you shake your head subtly.

"I want to wait for him-"

"You can't wait inside for him? In the warm house? You're worrying your godmother sick. You've moped around here for three days now. We're over it. Get up and come inside!" Cain commands in a rather weird stern voice.

Your brows raise when you hear him - this isn't him, it reminds you of someone else. He watches you turn your head to face him. A flicker of nostalgia washes over you. Suddenly, you're both laughing. Cain leans against the railing and holds his stomach, laughing hard.

The American Assistant (Y/N x Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now