Chapter 13 - Memories and Madness

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You sit at Dumbledore's desk, staring at the elder wizard and his tailored blue robes, still buzzed from the alcohol you drank at lunch. As soon as Hannah departed Hogsmeade and you and Severus returned to the castle, you went to inform Dumbledore about the meeting with your father. He neither pleased nor displeased - but your remember your fathers words to you. Dumbledore didn't extend your offer to be the potions assistant just because Snape needed one. Snape didn't need one. Dumbledore was suspicious that you would have information pertaining to -he-who-must-not-be-named. 

"The only thing I suggest is that you continue occlumency lessons with Severus. Unless they free your father from prison, there will be no way of recovering the memory." Dumbledore advises.

You lean back, not replying. Dumbledore stands and paces to his window, stroking his grey beard as he gazes out into the dimming sky. 

"What is his story, headmaster? Every time we grow comfortable with one another, he...becomes rude and distant. It's like a vicious game we're playing... You know, I gave up my life and friends to come here, to be a measly assistant. You could have at least informed me there was only one young professor and that he was horrible." You say, tiredly.

Dumbledore smiles briefly and turns to you.

"He isn't horrible, Y/N." Dumbledore states.

You begin to nod.

"He is! His treatment of students would be grounds of firing at Ilvermorny." You firmly say.

Dumbledore smirks, walking back to his chair.

"You wish Severus would be fired?" He inquires.

You lean forward and put your face into your hands. No, you don't wish that, not in the slightest. Ever since you hexed him in the corridor, he has been acceptable to his students. Not nice at all, but not as mean as you've witnessed him being. 

"No, I...I just wish he were my friend! I feel alone here. Your staff isn't made up of young adults that are interested in the things I am. The only one around my age is Severus. And even if he were older, I'd still wish to befriend him. I enjoy his company and sarcasm...he just doesn't enjoy me." You explain.

Dumbledore sits down and pulls out a bowl of candy. He sits it in the center of his glossy desk and pops a piece of candy into his mouth before speaking.

"I cannot speak on his story. It isn't mine to tell. I do think he enjoys you, rather you both believe it or not. I know you have give him time, but I must ask you to give him more. going through something right now." 

You stare at the elder wizard and heed his words. You stand and grab a handful of candy.

"Headmaster, do you have any more information on my mothers murder? Who did it...where they are...?" You ask.

Dumbledore looks at you through his spectacles. His hesitation to answer immediately alerts you that he will hide the truth from you.

"I think many things will be revealed very soon, Professor Reynolds." 

You grab the Daily Prophet off his desk and tuck it under your arm. You bid him a good evening and begin to make your way to your chambers, eating the candy you snagged from him earlier. As you pass the Great Hall, Mad Eye Moody steps out of the entrance, his staff slamming down as he walks. He grunts as he sees you and clears his throat.

"Reynolds!" He demands.

You turn your head to him and stop, looking around. Dinner has just finished and students are walking towards their houses, not paying attention to you or Moody. You walk to him, a brow raised in question. 

The American Assistant (Y/N x Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now