Chapter 48 - Karma is a Bitch

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Hello babies,
This is a longer chapter. We move through a couple of months.

This chapter needs a trigger warning. If you want to be surprised, read on. If you have any triggers, please read the warning I put it at the bottom of the chapter. Just scroll all the way down to read the warning.

Another miserable, losing month goes by - it's November now. The ground has gone hard and cold weather is settling in. The Manor fills and empties with Death Eaters each day. When you aren't spending five days a week at the Ministry, you linger in the Manor, but avoid your godmother and father at all costs. You stay because where else are you to go? You hope you overhear some dark, important secret or see something to benefit the Order or Harry Potter. Alas, you typically only hear the short and sweet arguments between Narcissa and Bellatrix.

With the Ministry of Magic being run by the Death Eaters and Voldemort, Order of the Phoenix safe houses are being attacked. You don't dare visit Grimmauld Place now - you can't risk being followed there.

Two muggleborn Ravenclaw women whom graduated with Arthur Weasley were captured by Snatchers recently - beaten, forced against their will, then murdered. You saw Snatchers bring them to Malfoy Manor and escort them into the cellar. A quick inquiry on who they were, from Scabior, told you. Once you heard the group of men having their way with them, you wandered back up to your room and drank yourself to sleep. The next day, on your way down to breakfast, the house elves were disposing the girls bodies.

It crosses your mind every night how easy it would be to apparate to Hogsmeade and walk to the castle. Severus would be surprised - you'd like to think he'd wrap you in his arms, kiss you, and take you to bed - but he wouldn't be happy to see you at all. The Carrows would run the the Dark Lord and tattle on you. You'd be stupid to do that to him when you know he is stressed out.

Snape was irritated to no end to learn that Harry Potter and Co. were not at Grimmauld Place. They need this information - lest Voldemort continues his journey to have full control over the Wizarding World and enslave muggles. When you told him the news through your cracked mirror, he simply shoved the mirror back into his drawer and left you staring into the darkness. You haven't spoken since.


Snape paces inside his office at Hogwarts, hands running furiously through his hair, wondering where the hell Potter is hiding. Surely, not at an Order members home. Not at Privet drive. Not hiding in the school - that'd be mental. So, where?

Snape collapses down into the chair at the Headmaster's desk, groaning. He shuts his dark eyes, long eyelashes lying flush against his cheek bones, nimble fingers pressing firmly against the bridge of his nose. His mind slowly drifts the memory he's been lingering on for weeks - the memory getting through this hell.

You're both in that pretty meadow - he is lying down and you're walking around him, picking dandelions and daffodils, smiling sweetly. Snape shut his eyes briefly, enjoying the smell of the grass and the noise of your movements around him. Once you'd gathered enough flowers, you walked right over to him and thought it acceptable to sit on top of his chest, a knee on either side of him. Snape's eyes slowly opened, unstartled. His eyes lingered on your wide, calm smile, unaware you were placing flowers in his hair that was sprawled in the grass beneath him. When you went to place the last flower, Snape's hand shot up and wrapped around your wrist. A small gasp, followed by a bout of your consoling laughter, came from your lips. He brought your wrist down to his lips, planted a kiss there. Without any words, Snape smiled, a very small, only lipped, but genuine smile. You were so beautiful in that moment - a pretty dress, your hair messily pulled back, smooth, sun kissed skin. He let you put the last yellow flower beside his ear, let you stare at him triumphantly - you were clearly proud of the perfect art piece you made out of him - then he flipped you to your back and quickly got between your legs. You laughed and giggled when he-

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