Chapter 5 - Progress

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You skim over the daily prophet at breakfast, inspecting the news. It seems there's been a break in at Knockturn Alley. Borgin and Burkes was broken into last week, just at the end of September, but nothing of value is missing according to the owners of the shop. In the photo, the windows around the entry of the shop are broken and kicked in, yet the two older men who own the shop are standing there as if nothing happened. You glance to Severus, who is eating quietly beside you. You slide the paper to him, but he remains unfazed. He's either oblivious or ignoring you, and you'd bet money it's the latter. Pursing your lips, you tap your foot to his left leg. He stops chewing, swallowing his bite, and sits his fork down forcibly.

"Professor, look." You murmur.

You point to the picture of Borgin and Burke. He glances to it then grabs his goblet of pumpkin juice, drinking it - pleasantly ignoring you.

"Do you think it's death eaters again?" You ask.

Snape turns to you, eyes narrowed, a wisp of irritation in his eyes. He looks over your shoulder at Igor Karkaroff, who is staring at him intently. He moves his head in front of yours to remain out of view.

"Don't speak of things so lightly...especially in front of others. Just asking about them can make people question you." Snape warns.

You sigh, irritated at how he's avoided your question. You grab the paper and tuck it under your arm, standing up to leave the great hall. Snape looks up at you.

"Professor Reynolds, I didn't mean to be rude. Sit down." He says, more annoyed than sorry.

You roll your eyes but sit back down. He grabs the paper under your arm, opening it up, reading it quickly. He sits it down, realizing you're unfamiliar with the details of the British Wizard world, so he begins to enlighten you.

"Borgin and Burke aren't the most trustworthy in Knockturn Alley. It looks like they were robbed, but as if on purpose, to collect their insurance money no doubt. A planned robbery - they likely aided someone into getting something they needed." Severus whispers.

Your heart begins to race. Who is they? They as in death eaters? You place your hand over his, that is gripping the side of the paper, then stretch your pointer finger to the picture.

"Are they...his followers?" You whisper.

You slowly turn to Snape, meeting his eyes. He stares at you for a moment. You briefly wonder what he is thinking, but your shit at legilimency, so you don't even attempt it.

"The dark lord isn't back. Why are you curious, miss Reynolds? Surely, they don't have death eaters in America." Snape inquires.

You exhale slowly, your hands still touching. You notice how his brows are slightly knitted together and his dark eyes are filled with curiosity. His hair frames his face. He cocks his head at your silence and you glimpse at his smooth looking, hooked nose.

"I-" you begin.

The bell begins to ring, signaling classes begin in five minutes. You grab the paper from him and stand up. You slide behind him and head to class, your lips in a tight line, your thoughts going in a hundred directions.

I didn't come here to assist a brooding professor. I accepted Dumbledore's invitation solely to try to find the death eater who tipped off MACUSA about my father being a follower of Lord Voldemort. To try to find the death eater who killed my mother last May.

The American Assistant (Y/N x Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now