Chapter 43 - On Your Knees

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I feel as if this chapter needs a trigger warning for suggestions of rape, and torture. (There is no smut, despite the title of the chapter😈)


Snape sits in a chair beside Voldemort inside Malfoy Manor. They're in the meeting hall - Voldemort, Snape, and several Death Eaters. Snape appears to be impassive and utterly bored as he merely gazes upon Cain Reynolds, your father, as Bellatrix continues to torture him. Of course, it's always like this with Snape - he simply turns off everything.

He feels nothing. He thinks nothing. He is nothing.

The table is filled with Death Eaters. They're celebrating - drinking and laughing, slandering Albus Dumbledore's name. A handful of half naked women surround them. Muggle women who have been victims of the Imperious Curse. Forced here beyond their will.

Voldemort's looking down - with his red, snake like eyes - at the book he once scoured as a student. The same book that prompted him to ask Horace Slughorn about Horcruxes. It's been less than an hour since Snape killed Dumbledore and told you run far, far away. He can only hope you're doing exactly that.

"Severusssss... you deserve a reward for killing Dumbledore... perhapssssss you will partake in the muggle women Dolohov has brought to us...?" Voldemort inquires in a snake like voice. 

Voldemort extends one of his hands and gestures down the table. Snape leans back and politely shakes his head.

"I have no interest, My Lord." Snape assures.

Snape's eyes dart to Cain as he screams out in agony. He's on his knees with sweat dripping off his forehead. Snape is impressed with his ability to endure the Cruciatus Curse. Cain's been being tortured for several minutes now without crying out until now. Voldemort raises a hand to Bellatrix, signaling for her to stop.

She pouts but obeys her master, lowering her wand. Cain falls forward, hands bound behind his back, and pants.

"Cain?" Voldemort asks.

Cain'a grey eyes weakly open and slowly look up to Lord Voldemort. A side of his face rests against the cool floors of the large hall.

"You ran from your brothers and sisters. From me. Something unforgivable." Voldemort states.

Cain shuts his eyes and nods weakly.

"I regretted it every moment, My Lord. When I had heard you had gone, I tried to reach out...using the Dark Mark... no one answered..." Cain chokes out.

Snape digs his fingers into a knee, wishing Cain wouldn't lie more.

Just shut up. Shut up or you'll die. Shut up or you'll die and Y/N will be without both her parents.
Snape thinks.

Voldemort raises his head and looks down the table to Lucius Malfoy, Crabbe, McNair, and Goyle. Even his most loyal servants didn't look for their master. Voldemort sighs and waves his hand over Cain. The bindings around his wrists break.

"For the time being, you are not to leave, Cain." Voldemort commands.

Cain shakily stands, keeping his head low.

"Yes, My Lord." Cain replies.

Voldemort offers him a smile.

"You did well not to give this book to that old man. You've always been loyal to our cause... love blinded you from the right path." Voldemort speaks.

Cain nods once, knowing he must agree. Voldemort is looking for a reaction from him. Any bad reaction to give Voldemort a reason to kill him. Cain knows this and won't be swayed.

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