Chapter 23 - More Than an Assistant

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Standing in the large, vaulted corridor outside of the third floor common area. This is where Harry Potter, and several other students, find you. You're up to no good - you're trying to corner Umbridge. She's an intimidating woman, but you're sure you can make her back off. She's been practically interrogating professors and their abilities to teach - she hasn't cornered you, but Trelawney, Flitwick, and even Snape are another story. She despises Charity Burbage, the professor of Muggle studies. You heard her speaking with Filch, the freaking castle caretaker, as if he has a say in staff, telling him she'd like to see her dismissed from her posting. You've had to assert your presence at Ilvermorny a few times when you first started teaching. You were very young and lacked experience, so for a young woman in her early twenties to all of a sudden have the potions mistress posting at Ilvermorny...well, some people didn't like it. You quickly grew a backbone like your mother had.

Harry, and the rest of his friends, stand in their school robes. Classes were just dismissed and you flew out of the potions classroom with the plan on cornering Umbridge. It seems Mr. Potter has obstructed your plan, which may be for the best.

"Professor Reynolds, will you help us?" Harry asks, again.

You swallow, shoving your hands into your tunic pockets, looking at their hopeful faces. Harry has not only found his housemates to learn defense against the dark arts with him, but several other students from the other houses, besides Slytherin. They're calling their little club Dumbledore's Army - you love the name. It's powerful and fierce. You regard them with your eyes before speaking.

"Harry, there are way too many of you. If Umbridge sees us, she'll have it out for me." You explain.

Harry looks behind him to his classmates, then back to you.

"We're thinking of a place to practice in. We have some ideas, but when we find somewhere, you'll help us?" He asks.

You purse your lips. Hermione steps forward, her hair down in soft waves.

"We need to learn how to protect ourselves!" She defends.

You begin to nod, but Colin Creevey hops forward, his blonde hair unkept but adorable in a way.

"Please, Professor! You're such a good teacher!"

The other students begin to nod, agreeing. You sigh, a grin forcing its way to your lips. You hold your finger up warningly.

"Alright, fine! But if anyone snitches, you'll be done for in potions." You warn.

The students all smile to each other, excitedly high fiving or elbowing each other. You shoo them away - hoping to still catch that toad Umbridge.

You know she was meeting with someone favorable to the ministry, but that's all. You stare at the door to meeting hall she is in, tapping your foot, waiting for the bitch to come out. You've already got your perfect speech for her. You hear the handle move and begin to strut towards her, a calm, yet confident expression on your face. She comes out, that little, pudgy toad, dressed in all pink of course. She's snickering, looking back at her. You open your mouth to call her name, but stop in your tracks so fast you almost stumble. Lucius Malfoy, cane in hand, comes out. He's dressed in tailored, upperclass dark wizard robe and his hair looks like it was pressed with a hot iron and doused in conditioner. He regards you with his eyes, as if he knows you. He gestures to you with his cane.

"Ah, miss Reynolds. Pleasure to see you again." He greets.

You force a smile, keeping a good distance between you and the two rats.

"Good afternoon. Professor Umbridge, if I could have a word with-" you begin.

Lucius leans towards you.

The American Assistant (Y/N x Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now