Chapter-( 564) How do we overcome our Vikars ?

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(564) How do we over come our Vikars by knowing Paramatma?

धर्म जिज्ञासमानानां प्रमाऩं परमं श्रुति ओम् नो देवी भिष्टय आपो भवन्तु पीतये शं यो रभि स्त्रवन्तु नः।(ऋग्वेद)

O Paramatma! You are the source of DIVYA virtues. Please show me the path to attain desired contentment and happiness forever with complete health of body, mind and soul. In reply to this Prayer of Rishi Munis in Rigveda regarding living together of all the livings on this planet with contentment ,Paramatma says that ,O Jivatma ! do your karma without expecting its reward or fruits ,follow Gyan Yoga ,love everybody as your own family to show pure devotion to me without discrimination, do charity with whatever you have in kind or in value ,earn Punya ,follow your Swa-Dharma as described in Vedas, perform your duties and fulfil your commitments of worldly responsibilities and through your pious deeds meet your forefathers ,meet Yam -the God of death as he is a carrier of your soul from one body to another ,abandon all Vikars and sinful acts and come back to me as pious and as pure I have sent you in mother's womb.

संगच्छ स्वपितृभिः संयमे नेष्टापूर्तेन परमे व्योमेन हित्वा यावघं पुनसस्तमेहि संगच्छचसेव तन्वा वर्चाः।(ऋग्वेद)

Paramatma lives in the heart of everybody, within every Jivatma in whichever body he takes birth. Only a human body can do effort to know him through knowledge. Soul enters a new body after a fixed period again and again , he forgets his previous life when he takes birth in his new body. But with the grace of God and Guru ,he should try to acquire knowledge ,learn methods and try to memorize his previous birth's knowledge with the help of Guru. As Paramatma is the ultimate source of all sixty-four lakh yonis and seventy -two branches of knowledge including Para and Apara Vidhya and sixty -four Kalas -skills, Paramatma says you just surrender to me. Have faith in me .When you try to attain me through your good deeds KARMA YOGA you think that we are separated from each other, When you try to acquire knowledge about me and my creation through GYAN YOGA ,you consider ourselves as divided but if you surrender and have complete faith in me, you will be blessed with whatever you desire in this world and heaven after death too, because I live within you in your heart.

सर्वस्व चाहं ह्रदि सन्निविष्टो मत्तः स्मृतिर्ज्ञानमपोहनं च।

वेदेश्र्च सर्वैरहमेव वेद्यो वेदान्तकृद्वेदविदेव चाहम् ।।(१५-१५)

When a person tries to do good karma, he thinks about its fruits. He has to remain dependent on worldly resources for accomplishment of his karma. All the worldly resources are visible and perishable in nature so they are untruth and non -living elements because everybody and everything is created to pass through -birth, maintenance, growth, developments and destructions and death after a fixed period. So, whenever a person thinks of any good karma; for example to help some sick and needy people ,to provide them a shelter and food ,house to live comfortably or If he wants to serve some dumb animals ; he has to accumulate land to build a home for them , arrange food and clothes , to take care of them some doctors and medicines and a lot of things as needed from time to time and he would remain busy in doing karma through his trio non-living STHULA,SUKSHMA and KARAN Sharir-bodies. He has to accumulates various instruments. He has to learn so many things. He has to develop his potentialities and learn skills for multiple kinds of tasks ,he has to purify his virtues ,abilities to fulfill his decision of helping somebody. So, his trio bodies will remain busy in Sat karma, Sat- discussion and Sat-Chintan and he desires to earn name and fame or Punya though his activities. But when he does all these with expectation of getting fruits in any form as appreciation in the society or entry in the heaven after death, he could not attain liberation because Paramatma is not attainable through speech, mind or eyes, as it is said in Kathopanishad;

नैव वाचा न मनसा प्राप्तुं शक्यो न चक्षुषा।

अस्तीति ब्रुवतोङन्यत्र कथं तदुपलभ्यते ।। (कठो.उ. २-३-१२)

When Paramatma is not attainable through our senses, how could we see him? Our senses are made for different purposes. Five Gyanendriyas, five Karmendriyas, mind, intellect, Chitt and ego has different nature. Senses have their own different Swaroop too.

इन्द्रियाणां पृथग्भावमुदयास्तमयौ च यत्।

पृथगुत्पद्यमानानां मत्वा धीरो न शोचति।।

A wise knows that nothing is permanent and the nature is unsteady and changeable. Every feeling emerges and subsides only for some time. No happiness or joy lasts long and no sorrow and pain are permanent. As no night remains when the Sun shines in the east in the morning, everything again seen as brightly -lit. So, the wise never feel joy in comforts and sorrow in uncomfortable situations. This day will last and all these moments of sorrow will pass away. यह दिन भी चला जायेगा। So, a person who wants to overcome his Vikars should have control over his senses.

विज्ञानसारथिर्यस्तु मनः प्रग्रहवान्नरः।

सोङध्वनः पारमामोति तद्विष्णोः परमं पदम्।। कठो.उ. १-३-११)

A person whose conscious is awakens and who has given reins of his life chariot in the hands of his pious and pure awaken conscious, whose mind is under the control through practice of Yoga and disciplined, he could only cross over the ocean of obstacles of Sansar and attains Param Pad being free from all the Vikars of trio bodies.

When Paramatma takes Avtar as a human being as shown by Lord Shri Ram, he establishes ideal role as a son, as a husband and as a king. And in Krishanavtar Lord Shri Krishna taught us to treat evil elements with strict responses. So, it is said that a person should follow ideals of Lord Shri Ram and act like him but it is difficult to follow ideals in practice so, Lord Shri Krishna treats his rivals with the treatment he deserves according to his karma. A person cannot follow Lord Shri Krishna too because it is difficult to judge good and bad karma without the knowledge of his previous birth's deeds. Only Paramatma knows everything as he is full of sixteen Kalas and his birth, his karma ad his authentic power are divine and a human being is just a perishable body made by five elements inside and outside

जन्म कर्म च मे दिव्यं एवं यो वेत्ति तत्वतः।

त्यक्त्वा देहं पुनर्जन्म नैति मामेति सोङर्जुन।।( ४-९)

In the Shanti Parva of Mahabharat it is said that if a person who has studied all the Vedas and Vedanta but if he could not know Paramatma; he is only carrying the burden of knowledge in the form of his pride and ego as a donkey carrying loads of things on his back which are not useful to him because pride is a sign of a FALL.

साङ्गोपाङ्गानपि यदि यश्र्च वेदानधीयते।

वेदवेद्यं नजानीते वेदभारवहो हिसः।। (महाभारत ,शान्ति, ३१८।५०)

It is considered as an ASURI SAMPATI all the Vikars are related to human nature since birth as never-ending desires, anger, greed, attachment to perishable Sansar envy and jealousy, all bad deeds -DURACHAR like telling a lie, doing corruption dishonestly, killing innocent persons and animals, birds, snatching other's rights and properties, kidnapping others wives and children, being AATATAYI are Vikars that are pampered and sheltered under the tree named Ego and pride. Hence, Paramatma insists on seeing his thirteen VIBHUTIS as a source of enlightenment – the light of Sun, Moon and fire, the holding power of earth, energy feeding power of Moon, digesting power of Vaishwanar, memories of previous birth's karma, knowledge of Para, Apara, Apohan-being free from doubts about Paramatma through knowledge of Vedas, knowledge about the creator of Vedas who is omniscient having knowledge of everything being Swaroop of Paramatma. Then how do we understand coordination of Sansar, Jivatma and Paramatma?

Let us surrender to our great God and Jagat Guru Lord Shri Krishna for enlightenment ...Om Tat... Sat... Shri Krishnarpanmastu...


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