Chapter- ( 542) How to overcome the impact of trio virtues and ...?

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( 542)

How to overcome the impact of trio virtues and become GUNATIT-free from Satva, Rajas, and Tamas of nature?

सत्वं रजस्तम इति गुणाः प्रकृत्सम्भवाः।

निबध्नन्ति महाबाहो देहे देहिनमव्ययम्।।

When every creature is created by Prakruti and Prakruti is characterized by three virtues Satva, Rajas, and Tamas then how could it be possible that any human being can remain free from the trio virtues of nature? It means that trio virtues already exist in a body they do not come from the outside. Where do our virtues live then ?- in various bodies or our minds, Buddhi, or in our hearts? We think that our virtues live in ourselves as non-divisible characteristics. Further trio virtues show the existence of the Prakruti in a body that goes on changing in proportion with every up and down of emotions, events, incidences, and circumstances. These virtues are not characters of a soul.

Prakruti shows trio-virtues. It is the function of Prakruti to create a show in the universe and these virtues emerge or subside according to our mood and thoughts. They make our body and senses act and react Our body and Buddhi. When we are not able to distinguish any action as completely followed by Satva Rajas or Tamas, how could we describe Prakruti itself and hence these virtues are above and beyond description? No one can describe Prakruti and all the characteristics of virtues through any language. Here Lord Shri Krishna describes these virtues in eight ways joy and sorrow, happiness sadness, liking and disliking, appreciation and abusing others respect and disrespect or hatred. They are opposites to each other. It is difficult to be steady for a Sadhak in all eight situations. Hence only a Sadhak who can remain steady in all controversial situations and does not feel happiness or sadness, envy or jealousy in comfortable or uncomfortable situations could be steady and peaceful even in a disastrous situation as we have discussed above envy and jealousy are not characteristics of living or non –livings. They are not characteristics of body or soul It means that only when a person thinks of himself as a karta because of the ignorance of his original Swaroop as a part of Paramatma, these virtues envelop him, and he gets involved in the web of illusion created by Prakruti. He accepts the authority of Satva, Rajas, and Tamas, and feels their existence through respect and disrespect, joy and sorrow, he pays attention to them and gives importance to gain and loss of desired things, and hence he becomes happy or unhappy but when a Sadhak thinks beyond trio virtues of Prakruti and accepts himself as SHIVOAHAM – I am Shiv-a part of eternity. When he would worship the Lord with pure devotion this undivided devotion and dedication to the lord makes a Sadhak eligible to attain Brahm.

मां च योङव्यभिचारेण भक्तियोगेन सेवते ।

स गुणान्समतीत्यैतान्ब्रह्मभूयाय कल्पते।।

The word used AVYABHICHAREN BHAKTIYOGA states that a Sadhak should have faith in one swaroop of Paramatma. He should be free from all the attachments and dependency on relatives, parents, friends, and any kind of worldly sources for his entertainment of soul and happiness of mind except Paramatma. He should never be dependent on any instrument as wealth, power and position in society, ownership of a land, or kingship for his inner happiness and peace of mind. He should know that all the happiness created by worldly instruments or people or Padarth is temporary, only the pleasure and joy he could obtain from the devotion to Paramatma could give him real ecstasy. Lord Shri Krishna says..

सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज।

अहं त्वा सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुचः।।

Paramatma says Jivatma to surrender to him with all his head, heart, and body. A Sadhak should feel free and independent from sansar. He should have only his abode under the feet of Paramatma. He should not expect anything from his worldly relations and he should have faith in God to fulfill all the desires. He should try to get blessings of Paramatma for his power and strength but have complete faith in God being hopefully. When a person surrenders to Paramatma, Paramatma takes responsibility of his entire well-being.

योगक्षेमवहाम्यिहम् ।

When a Sadhak surrenders to Paramatma, he will be blessed by HIM and no Vikars of Prakruti can distract him. When a Satvik could remain detached from Prakruti NOTHING can distract him. When a Satvik could remain detached from Prakruti, he would be full of faith and devotion to Paramatma because he has now given the reins of his life chariot in the hands of Paramatma. He could be eligible to see Paramatma in Sukshma Jivatma as well as he could see Paramatma's Virat Swaroop in the universe with Divya Drishti given by God.

When a Sadhak is blessed by Paramatma through devotion ANANYA BHAKTI, he need not do any karma or he should not worry about the true knowledge of Brahma because his karma becomes devotion as he remains with Paramatma 24*7*365 days and nights as Bhakt Narshinh, Mira, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu or Surdas ji. The entire knowledge of Para and Apara Prakruti is given to him because of the mercy of god. Otherwise how a devotee could sing so many beautiful prayers without going to Gurukul and without learning Veda and Shastras? When a devotee tries to please Paramatma all his karma becomes worship. He would be blessed with all kinds of knowledge because Paramatma is the only ultimate nectar and source of true knowledge as Jagat Guru. He is the final destination of permanent, incredible Dharma and he is the only resting house for all the people and Jivatma of the universe for real happiness. Paramatma is the only source of nectar of religion. There is no duality in Paramatma and religion. Paramatma is the savior of religion as he promised in Bhagavad Gita...

यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत अभ्युत्थानम् अधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम् ।

परित्राणाय साघुनाम् विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम् धर्म संस्थापनार्थाय संभवामि युगे युगे।।

Further Paramatma only can bless Jivatma eternal peace of mind and unexhausted happiness of a soul. Hence Paramatma lives in multiple forms but exits as one in all living and non – livings. Though we call Paramatma with different names as Ram, Krishna, Hari and Har, Shiv and Shakti but all the swaroop are multiple forms of one and only Paramatma

एकोङहम् बहुस्याम ।

He exists in all the shapes, all the Jivatma, in all the particles of the universe, in all the living and non-living. He is not enveloped by any virtues of Prakruti hence he is NIRGUNA. He multiplies himself in various shapes as we see millions and billions of creatures living on land, air, and water but he has no shape on the contrary the virtues rest under his feet. He is the ultimate source of all the kalas and Vignan. He exists in every particle of the universe outside and in the body of the smallest creature too. So he has various forms and no forms. He is the source of everything but he is not enveloped by any virtues. Lord Shi Krishna shows us karma yoga, and Gyan yoga . He has described his swaroop in eighty-two Vibhutis in Padma Puran Lord Krishna says nails of my feet show the rays of Brahm. Lord Shiv worships Lord Shri Krishna and sees Brahm in the swaroop of nail-moon of Lord Vishnu whom all the Gods worship and who is beyond three virtues of Satva, Rajas and Tamas

यन्नखेरुचन्दुरुचिर्ब्रह्म ध्येयं ब्रह्मादिभिः सुरैः। गुणत्रयमतीतं तं वन्दे वृन्दावनेश्र्वरम्।।

Paramatma has described his devotees as Sagun who worship statues of various Gods and who worship Paramatma in the particles of the entire universe and all the five elements as NIRGUN NIRAKAR. Those who see Paramatma everywhere and worship him in every living and non-living could be free from the illusive web of Prakruti.

Then let us surrender to Lord Shri Krishna Jagat Guru to know how to be a true devotee of Paramatma through undivided devotion and surrendering to him...Om Tat Sat...Shri Krishnarpanmastu...

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