Chapter-(562) How to accept what we see is untruth and what is invisible ..?

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(562) How to accept what we see is untruth and what is invisible and unseen is a real element?

Shruti says

यत्र नान्यत्पश्यतीति श्रुतिर्द्वैतं निषेधति ।

कल्पितस्य भ्रमाद्भूम्नि मिथ्यात्वावगमाय तत्।।

A wise does not see anything except Paramatma in the universe. He rejects the theory of duality. Because under the cover of Maya everything seems real but as whatever we see in dream is not a reality, whatever we see in this world is like a dream in vain.

A wise should understand the meaning of TATVAMASI. तत्वमसि.The word Tatvamasi is made with three words Tat-तत् , Tvam-त्वम् and Asi-असि . Tat means whatever creation you see in this world is created by APAR BHRAHM अपर ब्रह्म. TVAM refers to an ignorant person who takes birth, entertains his senses ad roams here and there under the illusion of Prakruti -Maya. One that is visible- Sansar and the other is invisible-the power of Paramatma. Nobody can do anything without the presence of Paramatma in the Swaroop of a Soul who is a witness of all our Karma just like our shadow does not feel joy or sorrow, heat or cold , soul in the body remains detached from all our karma. When a wise knows that I am a part of Paramatma who is in the form of Sat-सत्, Chitt-चित्त and Aanand-आनन्द, he can accept unification of his self with Paramatma

यदिदं परमं सत्यं तत्त्वं सच्चित्सुखात्मकम्।

अजरामरणं नित्यं सत्यमेद्वचो मम।।

Whatever is visible is not truth including five elements, five Mahabhut- महाभूत, eighty-four million of bodies, our mind, senses, intellect, ego, countries, fire, directions and everything is untruth. Only Brahm is truth.

एतद्दश्यं नामरुपात्मकं योङधिष्ठानं तदब्रह्म सत्यं सदेति।

गच्छंस्तिष्ठन्वा शयानोङपि नित्यं कुर्याद्विद्वान्बाह्यदृश्यानुविद्दम्।।

So, a Sadhak surrenders to Paramatma and accepts that he is a part of the eternal Brahm and he could be eligible for Salvation. When he accepts himself not as a body but a soul full of spirit with wake up CHAITANYA, he would be free from all the kinds of dilemma of truth and untruth.

अहं ब्रह्मास्म्यहं ब्रह्मास्म्यहं ब्रह्मेति निश्र्चयः।

चिदहं चिदहं चेतिस जीवन्मुक्त उच्यते।।

According to Vedas when a person thinks about his own real Swaroop and tries to acquire knowledge, he would be confused as

किं करोमि क्व गच्छामि किं गृह्यामि त्यजामि किम्।

यन्मया पूरितं विश्र्वं महाकल्पांबुना यथा।।

What should I do Where should I go to acquire knowledge and which theory of philosophy should I accept and which are the things that I should avoid? But when he is blessed by Guru and God, he would recognize the difference between truth and untruth and see him in every particle of the universe and everything of the universe within his body.

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