Chapter-(481) How to know what we see as truth and untruth?

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How to know what we see as truth and untruth?

Rishi Chanakya says;

न पश्यन्ति च जन्मान्धः कामान्धो नैव पश्यन्ति।

न पश्यन्ति मदोन्मत्तो ह्यर्थी दोषान् न पश्यन्ति।।( चाणक्य नीति 6-7)

A person who is blind by birth cannot see anything. A person who is blind after lady love and who is drunk cannot see anything properly. A person who is blinded by his selfishness too cannot see anything or judge right or wrong but generally, it is said that what we see, we believe, but if we do not understand what it means after seeing, how could we believe those things? Further, whatever we see, we accept it as difficult to believe. Every day we see miracles of nature. Every now and then we see that we cannot do anything without the wish of Paramatma. We are helpless against nature and we have to accept all the situations in our lives. Whatever we desire or not, we have to accept destiny. We cannot accept things unless science proves it. We think of ourselves as scholars but our knowledge and Buddhi have limits. Our scientists cannot make blood, skin, or all the parts of the body. Even an unknown virus can afraid as it happened during the Covid-19 pandemic. We are like a child to Almighty. As an infant looks at everything but he could not recognizes anybody and anything, We under the illusion of Sansar-MAYA cannot see LILA of Paramatma or cannot understand it as to why something is happening around us, why is it happening in the world?

When King Janak saw Ram Laxman with Rishi Vishwamitraji in the wedding venue of Sitaji, his heart was full of ecstasy. Tulsidasji describes the joy as if it were BRAHMANAND.

ब्रह्मानंद ह्रदय, दरस-सुख लोचननि

अनभये उभय,सरस राम जाने हैं। (बाल काण्ड-61-4)

Having been blessed by Darshanam of Ram Swaroop of Narayan, king Janak feels as if he has to enjoy Brahmanand. He experiences ecstasy when blessed by Darshanam of Ramji.

Now, look here, how lucky is Arjun! If one Swaroop of Paramatma can make Rishi figured king Janak in the ocean of Brahmanand. When Arjun sees the VIRAT SWAROOP of Paramatma, what would be the feelings of Arjun?

Paramatma shows Arjun various Swaroop in an ANSH of his Krishnavatar. This VIRAT SWAROOP has many faces, many mouths, many eyes, various kinds of ornaments on hands, necks, legs, heads, various kinds of weapons in thousands of hands as SHANKH, CHAKRA, GADA MUSHA, BOW and ARROW, variety of dressings and clothes, various kinds of jewelry, and garlands made of diamond, pearls, flowers, various kinds of TILAK of Sandalwood, Kumkum, Different kinds of faces in all the ten directions and Devta Swaroop that no one has seen before.

Virat Swaroop is a combination of all Avtar of Paramatma. When we think about Shiv, we think about a garland of serpents, clothes made from the skin of a tiger, Nandi as his vehicle, moon adorning his forehead, Gangajal flowing from his Jata. When we think about Ganpati Ji or Vishnu, Sai Baba or Durga, we imagine all the different kinds of dressings, different colors of the skin of Paramatma, different kinds of flowers garland, different kinds of ornaments. Here Arjun is seeing none but all Devtas in a single Swaroop, Paramatma has multiplied himself in thousands of Swaroop as he did when Brahma wants to test Krishna's human Avtar when he saw him as a cowboy with cowboys of Vrundavan Gokul and took away all the cows and cowboys for a year and nobody except Shri Krishna multiplied himself in thousands of Swaroop of cowboys and cows for a year and Brahma was taught a lesson that HE has unlimited manifestations of his Swaroop wherever and whenever he wants to multiply himself. All the Swaroop are shown is an ANSH only. How miraculous it would be for Arjun, Bhishma, and Dhritarashtra to listen and to see that Virat Swaroop. Everything was very thrilling, astonishing, and creating fear in the hearts of onlookers.

Sam Veda says ,

जनस्य गोपा अजनिष्ट जागृनिरग्निः सुद्रक्षः सविताय नव्यसे ।

धृतप्रतीको बृहता दिविस्पृशा द्दयुमद्वि भाति भरतेभ्यः।। (सामवेद-5-3-1)

Fire is a source of light. Fire is full of adventure. It gives light, protects human beings. It helps livings. It is assumed to be quieting by water. It is a form of the brightest light. It gives light to all human beings through his power. Sun is the source of all lights. We cannot face the heat and light of a single Sun then how our eyes can see Virat Swaroop shining with the lights of billions and billions of Sun.

Though we cannot see Sun during night time it does not mean that Sun is not there when it is a night for us, there is a day for another side of the globe and Sun shines with all his brightest rays to enlighten in the second hemisphere of the planet. Sam Veda Says,

अत्राह वामस्य मन्मथ इन्द्राग्नी पूर्व्यस्तुतिः।

अभ्राद्वृष्टिरिवाजनि।।(सामवेद -5-3-10)

Sun never rests. He goes on moving day and night. He could not remain steady. He could not stop for a while as he is a source of life and light for all the livings. Arjun is not able to look at Paramatma's Virat Swaroop as it shines as if billions of Sun shines at the same time. Further light of the Sun is seen through our physical eyes. We can see bright twinkling stars at night. We can see the light of the moon too. But, Just as thousands of stars cannot shine like a moon, thousands of moon cannot give light and heat as Sun, thousands of Sun cannot give light as Virat Swaroop of Paramatma. When Sanjay describes the brightness of Paramatma's Virat Swaroop to Dhritarashtra, he could not compare it with thousands of Sun because the light of Sun is visible and physical, while bright light of Paramatma makes everything invisible except light you cannot see anything and it is not physical it is Divya ALAUKIK PRAKASH अलौकिक प्रकाश and see the miracle. Arjun is blessed to see the entire universe in an ANSH अंश of Paramatma's Shri VIGRAH विग्रह.

Arjun saw rivers, mountains, oceans, sky, and constellations, galaxies, livings, and non-living things of the entire universe. Shri Krishna has previously shown this VIRATविराट Swaroop to mother Yashoda when he was scolded by her for eating MITTI and he has to show his mouth open to his mother. Bal Krishna shows her unlimited universe, Bhu Mandal भूमंडल, Bharat Varsh भारतवर्ष, Mathur Mandal, Vraj Mandal, Nand Gaun and Bal Krishna and Yashoda too in his wide-open mouth in the tenth Skandh, eighth Adhyaya and twenty-nine verse of Bhagavatam khand.

Arjun is thrilled as mother Yashoda has fainted. He could not control his emotions. He bows down and offers prayers by joining his hands O God! I could see all the Devta in your Shri Vigrah .I could see Brahm Lok, Vaikunth, Nag ।ok, Dev Lok, and Kailash Dham too. I could see thousands of hands, faces, mouths, eyes, and I could not see the edge ...the beginning and the end of your Swaroop. Whatever Arjun sees, he sees it as an ANSH of Paramatma. Though the human body is perishable here Arjun sees the unlimited universe in the Shri VIGRAH of Shri Krishna's human Swaroop and it is not understood by Arjun, as Shrimad Bhagavatam describes;

क्केदृग्विधाविगणिताण्डपराणुचर्यावाताध्वरेमविवरस्य च ते महित्वम् ।।(श्रीमद्भागवतम्-10-14-11)

As if every ROMCHHIDR रोमछिद्र of pores of skin absorbs uncountable universe and they emerge and destroys. Just as we see Sunlight passing through the leaves of trees and branches and fill the land.

Then how to see Sakar Swaroop of Paramatma in Nirakar Brahma? For us, it is a great puzzle...

Let us surrender to Jagat Guru Shri Krishna and quench our thirst for knowledge... accompany me until we reach our destination...

Sharing Sanjivani -Part 4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora