Chapter-(556) How long does a Jivatma roam in the cycle with his six senses?

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(556) how long a Jivatma roams in the cycle of various yonis with his six senses?

शिवप्रसादेन विना न सिद्धिः।

शिवप्रसादेन विना न बुद्धिः।

शिवप्रसादेन विना न युक्तिः।

शिवप्रसादेन विना न मुक्तिः।

Vedant says that a Sadhak could attain Siddhi-achievement only with the blessing of Lord Shiv. No pupil can be blessed with true knowledge of Brahm no person who thinks himself a Smart guy could tackle every problem with his intellect without the blessing of Lord Shiv and no Sadhak could attain Salvation without the blessings ofShiv because it is difficult to cross over the ocean of ignorance named Sansar because a person roams in the pain of the cycle of birth, death and disease as if they are big crocodiles ready to attack when he is not alert. Further, his own previous birth's karma becomes the cause of suffering just like a person has to face waves and tides in the ocean while crossing it.

दुष्पारे भवसागरे जनिमृतिव्याध्यादिदुःखोत्कटे

घोरे पुत्रकलत्रमित्रबहुलग्राहाकरे भीकरे।

कर्मोत्तुंगतरंगभंगनिकरैराकृष्यमाणो मुहुः

यातायातगतिभ्रमेण शरणं किंचिन्न पश्याम्यहम्।।

So I am pushed away with the tides and wander in different yonis. I could not find any savior in this Sansar so O Guru! Please help me to come out from the Sansar Ocean and help me to cross over all the obstacles on the path of liberation. When a Sadhak is blessed by God or Guru, he would be consoled not to be afraid of anything. Guru is full of knowledge Sadhak is still in the bondage of five senses and sixth is the mind. So when he is afraid, Guru helps him to wake up from the illusion of Sansar's dream and assures him that he will be free from the control of his six senses. When a person is offered a human body, he remains under the spell of Sansar and follows his senses and monkey mind like a dog, a pig, or a donkey as there is no difference in a human being and these animals.

खादते मोदते नित्यं शुनकः सूकरः खरः।

तेषांमेषां विशेषः को वृत्तिर्येषां तु तेः समा।।

Because he behaves as if he were having no sense at all. All the yonis are Bhog yonis even Dev yoni is considered as a Bhog Yoni because, with the loss of stock of Punya, they have to fall into lower yoni. Devta can enjoy heaven as a fruit of their pious karma before they are exhausted. Only with a human body, a person is given a chance to correct his Karma and make efforts for Salvation from the cycle of Sansar. There are lots of human beings who do good karma and fulfill all the obligations of Dev, Rishi, and Pitru suggested by our Shastras as described in previous chapters and become free from their debt but there are rare Sadhak who can be free from the cycle of birth and death and see Salvation. But Guru can ensure a Sadhak liberation and not be afraid of death.

विद्वन्मृत्युभयं जहीहि भवतो नास्त्येव मृत्युः

क्वचिन्नित्यस्य द्वयवर्जितस्य परमानंदात्मनो ब्रह्मणः।

भ्रांत्या किंचिदवेक्ष्य भीतमनसा मिथ्या त्वया कथ्यते

मां त्राहीति हि सुप्तवत्प्रलपनं शून्यात्मकंते मृषा।।

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