Chapter- (506) What should a Sadhak or a devotee choose to do as his karma?

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What should a Sadhak or a devotee choose to do as his karma?

Vivek Chudamani says;

ब्रह्माद्स्तम्बपर्यन्ता मृषामात्रा उपाधयः।

ततः पूर्णं स्वमात्मानं पश्येदेकात्मना स्थितम् ।।

Every creation of Brahma from a stick of hay grass to giant elephants; is perishable. The only soul that dwells in every object is a part of the complete form of Paramatma and hence a devotee should consider this Sansar as an illusion as we think of a rope in the dark night as a serpent and when in the morning we see the rope in its original Swaroop, all our doubts and fear get vanished. In the same way, the entire universe is a soul of Paramatma's endless Vibhutis. When a devotee following karma yoga or Gyan yoga and a Sadhak who abandons Sansar and following Ashtang yoga living in jungles or mountains or caves or on a riverside in a solitary state, ponders about his original form and accept that he is a part of the eternity, he becomes a witness of everything that is going on outside him as events, happenings and inside his body that constantly dwells in the process of growth, maintenance and decay. When he considers his body, senses, Pran, his mind, and ego as perishable, and knows Paramatma dwelling within him. He sees HIM everywhere and within him too. As soon as the curtain of illusion is raised his consciousness awakens and he could see himself as a part of Paramatma.

स्वयं ब्रह्मा स्वयं विष्णुः स्वयमिन्द्रः स्वयं शिवः।

स्वयं विश्र्वमिदं सर्वं स्वस्मादन्यन्न किञ्चन।।

I am Brahm. I am Vishnu. I am Indra. I am Shiv. I am the universe. Everything is made outside and inside my body, with five elements only hence everything is a part of five MAHABHUT. As we see clouds, waves, water bubbles, steam differently but all are forms of water elements. The entire universe is a part of SAT CHIT ANAND सत् चित् आनंद स्वरुप Swaroop CHAITANYA चैतन्य –Soul Paramatma.

It is difficult to worship Nirakar Brahma but a devotee who surrenders himself to Paramatma under any of Ashtang Yoga and offers all his karma to Paramatma without desiring any fruit of his karma and without the burden of Karta, a doer could attain guidance of Paramatma every now and then from within in the state of Dhyan Yoga and meditation for those who worship either Sakar and Nirakar Brahm and for those who worship Sagun Sakar Swaroop and serves Paramatma during dreams or through any signs that could be understood by him as words of Guru or symbolic signs of a message. They never feel any shortage of sources or scarcity of instruments as whatever he wants, whenever he desires to serve Paramatma with them and in whichever forms he gets, he offers them to Paramatma with his selfless karma and devotion.His detachments to things and usages of sources for his selfless purposes and his detachment to Sansar and his sense of serving all, make him dependent only on Paramatma's desire to make or mar. Paramatma says that

तेषामहं समुद्धर्ता मृत् संसारसागरात्।

भवामि नचिरात्पार्थ मय्यावेशिचेतसाम्।। (१२-७)

A devotee who has his chit - total attention in ME would be blessed by me and I would look after his YOGKSHEM योगक्षेम and would show him the path of salvation

.When a devotee has surrendered himself to Paramatma and offers his senses and mind, Buddhi and Chit's reigns in the hands of Paramatma, he would be blessed by Paramatma. When a Sadhak does not know how to serve others without any pride and ego and with the intentions of welfare of all the livings shares this planet with them, all his creative work will become Yoga and worship of Lord. Paramatma says it is better to acquire knowledge of Shastras than study various scriptures. It is better to meditate than to acquire knowledge of Shastras. It is better to abandon desires of getting anything as a result of karma than to meditate because by abandoning desires of Karma, one could get peace of mind Immediately. The moment one abandons desires, he becomes detached from Sansar and becomes a part of complete Brahma. How could there be separation among whatever is seen outside and felt inside? Whatever a scene is and whoever is seeing as everything and every living is nothing but NIRVIKAR निर्विकार – not changeable, NIRAKAR-निराकार without any shape and NIRVISHESH –निर्विशेष nothing except HE and HIM in the universe i.e. Brahm. To look at JIV जीव and SHIV शिव as separated; is an illusion. As Shruti says everything is a complete form of Paramatma's creation, unique within itself and we can experience it as a part of Paramatma only when we are asleep and Yogi can experience it in Samadhi.

When does a person see Paramatma in everybody whom could he abandon? MANAS says

निज प्रभुमय देखहिं जगत केहि सन करहिं बिरोध ।।

When the entire world is Brahm, whom could I avoid or oppose? To whom could I nurture feelings of envy, jealousy, revenge, or hatred? Hence a person should try to be a pure devotee. A person who does not have feelings of envy, jealousy or revenge, hatred and he has the feeling of love, compassion, kindness to all the livings, who is free from pride and ego, who remains steady in happiness and sorrow, who is contended and who has control over all his senses could be a devotee as his Buddhi could be steady, His mind has unshakable faith in Paramatma. Buddhi would be free from doubts and suspense is loved by Paramatma and he does not get disturbed by any changes and ups and downs in life.

When a devotee faces or suffers as mother Kunti suffers from pain for the whole life, he would think that it is because of the past deeds that follow me birth after birth, I am suffering from pain and loss, sorrow and diseases. So he neither complains nor blames anybody nor tries to oppose destiny but accepts every up and downs of destiny with a humble heart; is loved by Paramatma as he repented for his bad deeds and sins; old and unknown or forgotten wrong deeds by him. Shrimad Bhagavatam says that

तत् तेङनुकम्पयां सुसमीक्षमाणो भुंजान एवात्मकृतं विपाकम्।(१०-१४-८)

A devotee thinks that Paramatma has chosen me to suffer as he wants me to make pure and free from all the sins. Paramatma is not punishing me so hard but giving me a chance to regret and improve my karma. He has selected me to scold and punishes but he is so merciful that I am not getting severe punishment but a chance to correct my karma.

A person who never hurts anybody through his mind, body, and deeds and becomes desireless and detached to joy and sorrow and sees Paramatma in all the Vibhutis, does not get upset and never starts any karma for his selfish fulfillment but abandon every karma to my desire; is loved by me. A devotee never reacts adversely to friends or foes but behaves nicely in all the situations of respect and insult, cold and hot season, fame and defame and keep quiet and stay silent and contended. He, who is never worrying for his own self but stays involved in acquiring knowledge and devotion to his karma; is loved by me as he does everything to please me and serves me would get whatever is SHEYSKAR but when he follows his senses, do as his senses drag him would remain in the cycle of birth and death because nobody can be a devotee without good virtues. हरावभक्तस्य कुतो महदगुणाः। And who is not a devotee has no virtues. Hence a devotee develops good virtues as control over senses, fearlessness, caring nature, sharing things to all, compassion, good character, forgiveness, contentment, austerity, efforts to acquire knowledge, politeness non –violence, selflessness by following truth and honesty with all and feelings of unification with Paramatma.

Then who is the root cause of all the activities and what is the pure knowledge that a person must acquire and when should a person could be known as a pure knowledgeable person?

Let us understand from our great God and Jagat Guru Shri Krishna...

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