chapter-(507) What are the reactions of a saint to good and bad people?

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What are the reactions of a saint to good and pious people and to the persons full of sins and wrong doers?

The greed of accumulation is the root cause of all our activities and to know that nothing would remain with us birth after birth is a pure knowledge .A person could get knowledge of eternity with either the grace of god or Guru Krupa. It is said in Shrimad Bhagavatam for a contended man that a contended man sees joy and spreads happiness everywhere, he never feels pain or sorrow as he sees Paramatma everywhere.

सदा संतुष्टमनसः सर्वाः सुखमया दिशः।

शर्कराकण्टकादिभ्यो यथोपानत्पदः शिवम् ।।(श्रीमद् भागवत ७-१५-१७)

Just as a person who wears shoes can keep himself safe from all the pebbles and stones, thrones and insects and becomes fearless, a contended person desires nothing and hence he is a happy person forever.

How could we know that a person is contended or a Siddha yogi? Shri Krishna says that my devotee is beyond all the negative feelings for anybody .My devotee feels compassion to all the livings may be a bird which has cut his wings under the string of a flying kite or in the house by a moving fan. He is helpful to a handicapped person in crossing the road. He helps a blind person to earn his bread. He is ready to serve patients suffering free from deadly diseases. He has no feeling of hatred in serving wrong doers also. He hates his karma wrong deeds not a person who does it. He would try to show him the right path. Shrimad Bhagavatam says that a saint behaves friendly with all the livings. Ants may make home on his body when he is in Samadhi. A lion and a tiger sit near him and snakes and serpents move around him, no living is afraid of his anger because he has feeling of compassion for all. Ram Charit Manas says

हेतु रहित जग जुग उपकारी।

तुम्ह तुम्हार सेवक असुरारी ।।

A devotee behaves nicely with his enemies also as he thinks that a person who is misbehaving with me or tries to hurt my feelings or harm me physically or financially or any other way is sent by Paramatma .It might have happened because I injured him in my past birth and now God wants to clear my account with him so that I could settle in God's abode peacefully. A bad person in the swaroop of my enemy tries to wash out my sins and helps me to become pure and clean. Hence he never looks at them as enemies but treat them as well as he treats his friends. Patanjali Yoga Darshan talks about four ways to clean our chit.

मैत्रीकरुणामुदितोपेक्षणां सुखदुःखपुण्यापुण्यविषयाणां भावनातश्र्चित्तप्रसादनम्।। (१-३३)

They are; Friendliness to those who are happy, compassion to those who suffers cheerfulness in behavior with those who are saintly figures and avoiding those who are sinful. When Sadhak avoid paying attention to the wrong doers, he would never get disturbed by their words, actions or deeds.

It is observed that a person who hurts anybody or harms anybody in different ways is a pitiable person. We should not hate him because he is accumulating sins through his karma and he has to suffer from pain afterwards. When he realizes his sins, he would repent but now at this moment he is a subject of getting pity not hatred because if we hate or say something about his karma, we are doing the same karma as he does by accumulating bundles of sins.

When a person thinks that this universe is Brahm and every particle is a swaroop of Brahm how could he hate anybody? Nobody can recite songs of light without experiencing horrors of dark night. Nobody could enjoy breeze without facing scorching heat of Sun. Nobody could understand the value of happiness if he has not seen pain and sorrow, failure and revenge, in his life journey. A devotee either tries to remain aloof or becomes detached from favorable and unfavorable situations; good and bad people. He has no friend no enemy. SANG VARJIT सङ्ग वर्जितः।

He tries to remain far from all the attachments. He tries to remain detached from people who are enemy of Shri Krishna .He tries to avoid false arguments with people who has no faith. A pure devotee's character is described in Bhakti Rasamrtutam Sindhu as

अन्याभिलाषिता शून्यं ज्ञानकर्माद्य् अनावृतम्।

अनुकूल्येन कृष्णानुशीलनं भक्तिर् उत्तमा।। (१.१.११)

A devotee would be NIRVAIR: निर्वैरः NIRLEP: निर्लेपः and ASANG: असंङ्गः from all the materialist people and forgive their misdeeds as every devotee forgives the people who try to hurt; they may be Narshinh Mehta or Ishu, Mira or Kabir.

When a devotee does not need anything for himself, he becomes Yogi .As it is said सर्पाः पिबल्ति पवनं न च दुर्बलास्ते शुष्कैस्तृष्णैः वनगजा बलिनो भवन्ति।

रुक्षाशनेन मुनयः क्षपयन्ति कालम् सन्तोष एव पुरुषस्य परं निधानम्।।

Serpents live on air but they are not weak. Wild elephants live on dry grass but they are the strongest animals. Munis lives on dry food whatever they get but they are contended hence it is said that a person who remains free from accumulation of things can be free from insult and disgrace, Who does not need anything lives like Emperor or a FAKIR फकीर .A person should have faith in Paramatma and he should not worry too much about his bread and butter as Paramatma has made arrangements for a baby before his birth in the form of milk in mother's breast. A greedy person has to face disgraceful behavior of others to him, he may be insulted by others but a contended person remains always happy and he found all the ten directions of this universe welcoming his control over senses. Further, as he has no jealousy or envy for anybody, he could forgive people and relatives who misbehaved with him. When a person forgives his friends and foes equally with open heart, his chit would be free from envy and fear as he has no enemy on the planet. In addition to it all his Sanchit karma of past birth would be powerless and fruitless as it is said that who could forgive others, Paramatma would forgive him. And they could live peacefully on this earth and they could have liberation after death as

क्षमया क्षीयते कर्म दुःखदं पूर्वसञ्चितम् ।

चित्तं च जायते शुद्धं विद्वेशभयवर्जितम् ।।

Then, who is the person known as YATATMA यतात्मा by Shri Krishna?

Let us understand from our great God and Jagat Guru Shri Krishna..

Sharing Sanjivani -Part 4जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें