Chapter-(550) How to recognize the Saint who attains Param Pad?

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(550) How to recognize the real Saint who attains Param Pad?

त्यज चिन्तां महाराज स्वधर्ममनुपालय।प्रेतवद् वर्जनीयो हि नरः सत्यबहिष्कृतः।।

नातः परतरं धर्मं वदन्ति पुरुषस्य च। याद्दशं पुरुषव्याध्र स्वसत्यस्यानुपालनम्।।

अग्निहोत्रमधीतं च दानाद्याः सकलाः क्रियाः। भवन्ति तस्य वैफल्यं वाक्यं यास्यानृतं भवेत्।।

सत्यमत्यन्तमुदितं धर्मशास्त्रेषु धीमताम्। तारणायानृतं तद्वत् पातनायाकृतात्मनाम्।। (देवी भागवतम्)

We know King Harish Chandra as an icon of truth. Once when God thought to test his truthfulness he asked Rishi Valmiki to test his dedication to his vow of truth. King Harishchandra lost his way in the jungle while hunting Rishi Vishwamitraji helped him to go back to his kingdom Ayodhya. As a reward king offered him charity and Rishi demanded the entire kingdom of Ayodhya. King was ready to give him his kingdom and when he was about to abandon Ayodhya Rishi demanded Dakshina on his charity as we offer Tip. The king was helpless as he had nothing except his wife and son with him. So he requested Rishi to give him one month's time to repay his debt .But Harishchandra could not manage gold for Dakshina in Kashi Nagri. At that time his wife said to him that you don't worry about me and our son because a man without truth is like a ghost. A king has to fulfill his promise truthfully at any cost.If he does not fulfill his promise ,he would be considered a liar, and all his good deeds done previously like AGNIHOTRA-Worshipping fire God ,VEDADHYAYAN –studies of Vedas and all the charity would be fruitless and he ,his wife and son would be responsible fo the unpaid debt. There are hundreds of stories of devotee who had sacrificed their lives for the sake of their promise truthfully in most of all the religions. Devotees and Saints follow truth, non-violence and forgiveness to all naturally. According to Vedas a person who sticks honestly to any of virtue and vows for lifelong like Bhishma Pitamah ,he would  surely be illegible for Param Pad.

When a Sadhak is detached from Sansar, he would be free from all the desires, but the desire of acquiring love of Paramatma remains forever.


Upanishad declares that Paramatma is the foundation of trio-world. He is the one and only ultimate source of this universe. We know as heaven, earth and hell, the gap between as sky .Mind of every Jivatma is controlled by him and this is the only bridge through which you can see Paramatma's real Swaroop .Here, Upanishad talks about one and only Purush-Paramatma as the creator, the only seed. A Sadhak who wants to be free himself should try to worship only this Paramatma. Mundakopanishad says that as rivers rush into the water of ocean abandons their different name and Swaroop, a Sadhak abandons all his identity ,pride and ego and surrenders to Paramatma.

यथा नद्यः स्यन्दमानाः समुद्रेङस्तं गच्छन्ति नामरुपे विहाय।

तथा विद्वान्नामरुपाद्विमुक्तः परात्परं पुरुषमुपैति दिव्यम्।।(मुण्डकोपनिषद)

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