Chapter (489) How to be free from attachment as karta?

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 How to be free from attachment as Karta?

Goswami Tulsidasji says;

मोर मोर सब कहसि, तू तो कह निज नाम ।

कै चुप साधहि सुनि समुझि, कै तुलसी जपुराम।। (तुलसी दोहावली)

O human being! You say everything is yours but do you know who are you? What is your real name identity? If not, then listen to the voice of Paramatma and try to surrender yourself to his mercy and recites holy hymns.

A nice incident of Bhagavatam should be recalled here. When Indra becomes furious as the people of Gokul worshipped Govardhan Ray instead of worshipping him, He poured rain with all his might on Gokul to drown everything. When the animals and houses of people were about to be drowned in the rainwater, Shri Krishna told them to take shelter under Govardhan Ray in the Swaroop of the mountain. Shri Krishna carried Govardhan on the nail of his little finger's tip. All the innocent cowboys thought that they should help Shri Krishna and they supported Krishna with their sticks to hold the mountain upward. Actually, Govardhan remains steady upward because of Shri Krishna's desire but the cowboys thought that they are carrying the mountain. When Krishna saw that the pride of Karta is now entering the innocent mind of cowboys, he moved his finger a little bit and there was a roar of screams and shouts; help, help Krishna. We are going to be crushed . The same thing happens with us . The moment we win the race in any field, beat the rivals, or accomplish some success; we think that I am the great expert in so and so field. Paramatma makes us realize every now and then through warnings as pandemic covid-19 and natural disasters that you are not the doer you are the only reflection of my desire.

It does not mean that a person should give up doing karma. If he gets heaven without effort or depending on others' power and strength, his position would be like TRISHANKU त्रिशंकु who could neither reach heaven with his human body nor come back to earth. But a person should do an effort with all his might, intelligence, skills, consistent and persistence of trials and errors to attain his goal and to perform better and better on the stage of Sansar. But his success or failure depends only on BHAGAVAD KRUPA भगवद् कृपा the mercy of God.

Paramatma says; मत्प्रसादवाप्नोति शाश्र्वतं पदमव्ययम् A person could get an eternal place under my surrendering  मत्च्चितः सर्वदुर्गाणि मत्प्रसादात्तरिष्यसि and he would be able to overcome all the obstacles. It means that a devotee should act as king Janak in the Sansar, like an actor performing his allotted role on the stage of Sansar; sometimes as a king and sometimes as a beggar. A person also has to play various roles as a son, husband, father, friend, and breadwinner and as a guardian of the family members and dependents in one single life. But his success in any area should not make him feel proud nor his failure should depress him. He should be steady in every situation of pain and gain, profit and loss, success and failure; as everything is pre-destined by his previous birth's karma. He should just heartily play his role as the best performer.

तद्विद्याविषयं ब्रह्म सत्यज्ञानसुखात्मकम्।

शान्तं च तदतीतं च परं ब्रह्म तदुच्यते ।।

This is a subject of Brahma. It is in the Swaroop as truth, Knowledge, and eternal happiness. It is also beyond Par Brahm as it gives eternal peace of mind. Hence a wise should try to remain aloof from everything that is visible and perishable too. The first principle of the spiritual path is to remain detached . You should never show that you are ignorant and you could remain totally detached from the illusion of Sansar, Maya but it implies that you are doing an effort to attain eternal peace of mind by surrendering to the wish of God. If we can abandon everything, the rest would remain is only Paramatma. Hence, there would be a separation of Karta, the doer, and Bhokta; Paramatma, and Jivatma. If a person can abandon whatever attracts him in this Sansar and never decides anything on his own to do any karma, through his body, mind, and speech but performs his duty as destined by his previous birth's karma and surrender to the desire of Paramatma he could be eligible to liberation as it is said;

यद्यत्स्वाभिमतं वस्तु तत्त्यजन्मोक्षमश्नुते ।

असंकल्पेल शस्त्रेण छिन्नं चित्तमिदं यदा।।

All the feelings positive or negative as pride and self-respect, envy and compassion, jealousy and kindness, revenge and respect are created by our BUDDHI बुद्धि . It is apparent that these virtues and vices do not belong to the soul because when we sleep we forget about everything. We even do not know whether we are existing or not? Where we are lying or who am I? Hence, it is clear that the soul is omnipresent but it is not visible. He is the only witness of our body, senses, mind, Buddhi, and our intentions VRUTI वृत्ति and he never ever involved in our karma. The nature of Soul is truthful, Chaitanya Swaroop, and a shower of eternal ecstasy.

प्रकाशोङर्कस्य तोयस्य, शैत्यमग्नेर्यथोष्णता ।

स्वभावः सच्चिदानन्दनित्यनिर्मलताङङस्मनः।। (आत्मबोध-२४)

But it is associated with various bodies and hence we think that it feels joy and sorrow. But just as the light of the Sun, the coolness of the water, and heating temperature of fire are considered as their nature, the soul is forever pure and it reflects SACCHIDANAND SWAROOPसच्चिदानन्द स्वरुप of Paramatma. Soul has no vices and Buddhi, it has no knowledge and logic. All kinds of knowledge, intelligence, and smartness of a human being cannot understand Paramatma hence he thinks of himself as a doer and forgets that he is only a shadow of Paramatma's manifestation. No one can describe Swaroop of Paramatma

असितगिरिसमंस्यात् कज्ज्लं सिन्धुपात्रे,सुरतरुवरशाखा लेखनींपत्रमुर्वीं।

लिखति यदि गृहित्वा शारदा सर्वकालं , तदपि तव गुणानाम् पारं न याति।।

Even Goddesses Saraswati with the ink of the entire ocean writes day and night with her uncountable hands carrying pen made from all the forests for Sarga after Sarga, the virtues of Paramatma cannot be described. Hence a wise devotee should accept NETI NETI and feel unification with Paramatma . When a Sadhak accepts that; though I am separated from Bram, I am not a perishable body, mind, Chitta, pride of being human or my existence on the earth and all the vices and virtues never belongs to me. As,I am a part of Paramatma and I have no senses, no Kendriya or Gyanendriya.I am different from this perishable body.

देहान्यत्वान्न मे जन्मजराकार्श्यलयादयः।

शब्दादिविषयैः सङ्गो, निरिन्द्रियतया न च।।

I am different from this non-living body and hence birth, death, diseases, and old age with all the weakness do not belong to me. Then, who am I? ...I am

निर्गुणो निष्क्रियो नित्यो, निर्विकल्पो निरञ्जनः।

निर्विकारो निराकारो, नित्यमुक्तोङस्मि निर्मलः।।

I am not enveloped by trio-virtues, I am not a doer, I exist forever... I am an ANSH अंश of Paramatma, I am changing body-forms according to my Karma, I emerge from shapeless Brahm, I am not bounded by any attachment to Sansar as I know I have to pass through this road once and I am given chance to liberate myself from the cycle of birth and death by human birth.

When a Sadhak accepts that he could be free from the burden of fruits of his karma by surrendering himself to Paramatma and offering his deeds to HIM, why should he worry about the quality of his karma when everything is predestined?

Let us surrender to Shri Krishna and quench our thirst...

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