Chapter-(510) How does Siddha Bhakt loved by Paramatma?

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How does Siddha Bhakt love by Paramatma?

Shrimad Bhagavatam says;

आत्मारामश्र्च मुनयो निर्ग्रन्था अप्युरुक्रमे ।

कुर्वन्त्यहैतुकीं भक्तिमित्थम्भूतगणो हरिः।। (१-७-१०)

A Siddha Bhakt whose roots of ignorance is cut by the knowledge of Paramatma and who worships Paramatma selflessly; is automatically attracted by Paramatma towards HIM as every soul is a part of Paramatma and he has to go back to HIM after performing his roles according to his karma, hence a wise person thinks always that

का तव कान्ता कस्ते पुत्रः संसारोङयमतीव विचित्रः।

कस्य त्वं वा कुत आयातः तत्वं चिन्तय तदिदं भ्रातः।।

Who is my wife or who is my husband? Who is my son or daughter? This Sansar is full of complexity. Every Jivatma roams among eighty lakhs yonis hence who is your brother and who is your sister? Think about you as you are not a brother or friend of anybody, neither you are an enemy or parent of anybody. Hence a devotee remains always sad SADA UDASIN सदा उदासीन in the Sansar that he does not think about getting favor or in favor of anybody and remains fair and just to all. He never tries to accumulate things for his own accumulation nor for his next generation. Hence all his work is inclined to the service of others. Ram Charit Manas says that;

अनारंभ अनिकेत अमानी ।

अनघ अरोष दच्छ बिग्यानी ।। ( ७-४६-३)

Whatever he does, he does for LOKSANGRAH लोकसंग्रह only. He wants to serve Paramatma by all means and resources including his body and mind, senses, and sources. A Sadhak Bhakt is free from all the bondage of Sansar as he thinks I am different and unique from all the three kinds of body STHULAस्थुल, SUKSHMAसूक्ष्म and KARAN कारण SHARIR शरीर।

देहत्रयातिरिक्तोङहं शुद्दचैतन्यमस्म्यहम्।

ब्रह्माहमिति यस्यान्तः स जीवन्मुक्त उच्यते ।।

I am pure Chaitanya and I am Brahma, a devotee who thinks all the time in that sense; is free from the bondage of life and death. A Siddha Bhakt remains free from dealing with Jivatma and Paramatma and remains free from all kinds of worries. He remains free from all kinds of SANKALP संकल्प for selfish worldly accomplishments as he is considered as free from the bondage of life and death.

Siddha Bhakt is like a son and a daughter of Paramatma. Paramatma blesses him with HIS Darshanam but he remains involved in devotion. He does not want to give trouble to his God even for the desire of Darshan. Paramatma says that when Siddha devotee thinks that everything is nothing but Paramatma only, he would do every kriya for HIS existence, karma for the well being of others through his mind, body, speech, and all the sources of wealth and intelligence as well as skill and art, senses and intensions and this devotee would be free from all the bondage as Shrimad Bhagavatam says that;

सर्वंब्रह्मात्मकं तस्य विधयाङङत्ममनीषा।

परिपश्यन्नुपरमेत् सर्वतो मुक्तसंशयः ।।( ११-२९-१८)

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