Chapter- (490) Why should we worry, when everything is predestined?

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Why should we worry about qualities of Karma when all are predestined?

तेजोङबन्नमयैर्भावैर्मेधाद्यै र्वायुनेरितैः ।

न स्पृश्यते नभस्तद्वत् कालसृर्गुणैः पुमान्।। (UDDHAV GITA 2- 43)

Just as the sky is not touched by the things which are products of fire, water, and earth, clouds or winds in the same way a Sadhak should not be touched by things which are the creation of Kal-time. All the five elements are forms of Mahabhutas in their initial process of creation. They are manifestations of Paramatma and provide us heat, warmth, liquid, and food. When a person realizes his identity with Paramatma and understands that he is an Ansh of HIM. He thinks that why should he do anything . Why can't he live happily without doing any karma, good or bad?

Here, Arjun was worrying about killing his all relatives, elders, Gurus, and brothers, and hence he did not want to earn sin. Now, when Paramatma says that you should do as destined by your fate previously, he thinks that when everything is pre-destined, why should he be an instrument to earn a bad name by killing his own people? The love and respect for the elders of the family, friends, elders, and Gurus create attachment, and hence Arjun felt sorry about killing them. Paramatma says that he should not worry about the consequences of his karma when he is following the instructions of Paramatma in Dharma Yuddha. He should play his role as Kshatriya king- and consoled him that they would win the war.

In the beginning, Arjun was full of doubt; whether they would win or have to face defeat. But Paramatma shows him in his Virat Swaroop that they are going to win and Bhishma, Karna, and Drona all are going to die. When a Sadhak abandons all his senses to Paramatma, Paramatma takes responsibility for his welfare. YOGKSHEMVAHAMYAHAM योगक्षेमवहाम्यअहम् Paramatma dwells in every Jivatma as a

निष्क्रियोङस्म्यविकारोङस्मि निष्कलोङस्मि निराकृतिः।

निर्विकल्पोङस्मि नित्योङस्मि निरालम्बोङस्मि निर्द्वयः।। (विवेक चुडामणि-516)

But he is passive he does not do any kriya, he does not get spoilt by any changes in Prakruti, he has no organs to act. He has no shape. He is unique and there is nobody like him. He exits forever and he does not have to depend on anything . There is no alternatives or option for him because Paramatma dwells in every living, he is omnipresent beyond everything and he is in the SACHCHIDANAND SWAROOP सच्चिदान्द स्वरुप FOREVER. When Arjun has given his reign in his hands why should he worry about sin and no sin? Paramatma advised him to go for karma as a king and save all his subjects and kingdom from the AATATAYI आततायी rulers of Hastinapur. When Paramatma is ordering him to kill all the AATATAYI why should he worry about the consequences?

A person is worrying about his karma and its consequences when he has doubt about his karma as fair or unfair but when Paramatma says that even if you don't kill them, they would be killed by me previously due to their karma. Hence, you should only follow my desire, be steady, and think that Brahma is the only truth, and go for your destined karma.

ब्रह्मप्रत्ययसन्ततिर्जगदतो ब्रह्मैव सत् सर्वतः

पश्याध्यात्मदृशा प्रशान्तमनसा सर्वास्ववस्थास्वपि ।

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