Chapter (528) How could Paramatma exist with Prakruti remaining detached?

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Chapter (528)

How could Purush-Paramatma existing with Prakruti remain detach to all the Vikars of Sansar?


शरीरस्थोङपि कौन्तेय न करोति न लिप्यते।।

Lord Shri Krishna explains to Arjun the way how this Purush-Paramatma could remain detached from Sansar. This One and only Purush in the universe -Paramatma has neither beginning nor end. HE is free from all the kinds of Vikars. He is not a perishable element. He is not made by five elements as all the living are created. He is the ultimate-light house and he lives within the human body as Lotus lives in ponds or lakes and remains detached from water.

The main difference is that Purush is ANADI-has no beginning no end अनादि but various bodies are perishable. All the living pass through stages such as birth growth –youth, old age and diseases, and death. Purush is steady. Our body is made by five elements and Prakruti helps movements with the help of Purush-the Soul. Purush is Paramatma.Our body is ANATMA अनात्मा .Purush is AVYAYA अव्यय–nothing decreases nothing increases in HIM

पूर्णमदःपूर्णमिदं पूर्णत्पूर्णमुदच्यते।

पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते।।

This Paramatma is the whole. This is the whole universe. From this wholeness emerges wholeness. Wholeness comes from wholeness and Wholeness remains. While all the bodies of living creatures are bound to grow get old and perish after a certain period. An ignorant person thinks his body is active but his body is made of five elements: active and जड-JAD. His body does various functions automatically as the system of blood circulation, respiration, and growth every part-organs with inhaling and exhaling of breathing which shows visible growth outside and inside of our physical body, by increasing sensation inside our body. But when सत-truth- Purush Paramatma abandons our body, it is burnt or buried or thrown back to water or nature to see destruction automatically. But the soul is absorbed through light in the Virat Swaroop of Paramatma. The soul becomes the witness of all the kriya done by a person depending on trio virtues with the help of three kinds of Sharir Sthula Sukshma and Karan Sharir स्थूल शरीर,सुक्ष्म शरीर एवम् कारण शरीर with the instruments of mind, speech, and karma of head, hands, and heart. But the soul never gets involved in any activities as Karta. Hence the consequences of all the karma depending on Satva Rajas and Tamas सत्व,रजस,तमस virtues in different proportions are subject to feeling joy and sorrow as consequences affecting the body not to soul. As the Soul is not doing anything, it never has to suffer from the result of any karma.

Paramatma lives in different bodies in the form of a soul. An ignorant person thinks that the soul is under the bondage of karma. All the relations of the body with family and friends, all the causes of affection and attachments to wealth and properties are seen as real and a person falls in the bondage of good and bad karma. He enjoys and becomes happy when he gets whatever, he desires and he suffers from losing his possessions and people as his soul mate, friend or relative because he thinks this bondage is real. Through his bondage is natural for the body if and until a person tries to free himself from this illusionary cage, he cannot see liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

Our body is an instrument and ten senses, five karmendriyas, and five Gyanendriya inspired by our mind and Buddhi, Pride, and ego make a person a slave of senses. His Pride and ego make him Karta and his greed and passion make him Bhokta through various senses. Further, no person can sit idle even for a moment without doing any karma but when he understands that he is not a body but a soul; he longs to see Paramatma-His ultimate father. He sees Paramatma everywhere, in everybody and when he does his family duty, he surrenders himself in the feet of Paramatma and offers all his karma to Paramatma as

कायेन वाचा मनसेन्द्रिया बुद्ध्यात्मना वा प्रकृते स्वभावात्।

करोमि यद् यद् सकलं परस्मै नारायणा इति समर्पयामि।। श्री कृष्णार्पणमस्तु।।

The question is when the soul is not a karta or Bhokta, who is the real Karta and Bhokta? As we see that our body is non-living it does kriya in the presence of Paramatma, so our body is also not a karta. Our bodies and senses are guided by the mind, Buddhi, Chitta, and Ahamkar in our ANTAHKARAN- अंतःकरण, we can say KARTA to a person who is independent in the sense that it takes all the decision on his own. In that sense, ANTAHKARAN is also not KARTA, just as a pen, pencil or paper cannot write anything without the help of a hand and fingers and all these are known as instruments. Again instruments are non-living things but the writer is a Karta. Here who is the writer? The writer of our destiny, the seed of thought emerges in our mind. The mind thinks about anything as good or bad then it decides on an action plan with its knowledge and skill. His Chitta is inspired by his past births experience and past deeds following trio virtues such as Satva-Rajas and Tamas and pride and ego inspire him to do good and welfare karma or bad and destructive karma, hence the Swaroop of soul in anybody in any yoni is not karta. Truth is present everywhere and Paramatma is the ultimate truth . Hence there is no place where Paramatma's presence is not felt. नाभवो विद्यते सतः NABHAVO VIDHYATE SAT but Paramatma never gets involved in any kriya in any body hence soul is not involved in any kind of kriya by trio bodies.न करोति न लिप्यते NA KAROTI NA LIPYATE but person filled with pride and ego feels KARTAHAMITI MANYATE कर्ताहमति मन्यते and thinks himself as a doer. This Pride and ego make him suffer from the consequences of his karma.

To explain the truth that Paramatma is not involved in any kind of kriya and hence Paramatma in the form of the soul –a part of Param Tatva is not responsible for the consequences of any PAP and PUNYA. Shri Krishna gives an example of the sky just as a sky is ANANT Paramatma is ANANYA from moth to mountain living and non-living just as the sky helps in the creation of air, light, water, and earth on be a supporter but we cannot say the sky is involved in creation of Tsunami or rivers ponds lakes or light of Sun and moon and night or in growing fruits and grains on the earth or plants of various kinds for the survival of all the living animals. Further, we cannot say that without the sky we can see Sun and moon and stars as sources of Tej- light during day and night without the karma of the sky no clouds would be there and no rain is possible without rain there would be no grain, no fruits nor plants or vegetable for our survival. Hence Paramatma is compared to the sky. He is everywhere above and beyond our reach and imagination – the ultimate truth, itself steady, non-moving, ever-existing, never seen on thought by any scholars as Rishi, Munis says NETI NETI Just as sky seems changes with moving of black and white clouds but nothing can affect it. The only authority of the sky is above all the living and non-living Paramatma is Omnipresent and Omniscient.HE has nothing to lose or nothing to gain. HE is not a Bhokta as well He is not a Karta. Then who is the real karta of all the activities of JIVATMA?

Let us surrender to Lord Shri Krishna and try to understand through HIS SPEECH in BHAGAVAD GITA...Om tat Sat ...Shri Krishnajpanmastu...

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