Chapter-(538)Why are the fruits of trio virtues different?

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(538) Why are the fruits of trio virtues different?

सत्त्वात्सञ्जायते ज्ञानं रजसो लोभ एव च।

प्रमादमोहौ तमसो भवतोङज्ञानमेव च।।

Satva virtues help in developing knowledge and Rajas increase greed while Tamas become the cause of increasing idleness and illusion because of ignorance. So when a person does any kriya, Kriya itself remains kriya as routine but if the person does something with his different virtues of Tamas, Rajas, or Satva, it makes kriya –Rajasik, Satvik, or Tamsik karma. Satva virtue develops the cleanliness of kriya through the body, purity of heart, and detachment to Sansar. While Rajas' virtue shows attachment to persons, places, name and fame, and prosperity. When a person works under the mindset of earning money or appreciation, praise, or power it becomes Rajsik. A kriya becomes karma when a person does it with a Satvik, Rajsik, or Tamasik mindset.If a Sadhak does not desire the fruits of his karma, his karma would be free from trio virtues and he would be free from trio virtues. The desire to earn happiness and comforts, name and fame, and earn heaven even after death makes his Karma Satvik Rajsik or Tamsik. These influences of virtues become the cause of unhappiness and so the fruit of Rajas virtue is always pain as it is the seed of never-ending desires. Lord Shri Krishna says all the Bhog was created to entertain the senses and perishable things have a fixed date of manufacturing and expiry dates hence a wise never roam in the world of desires to entertain senses.

ये हि संस्पर्शजाभोगा दुःखयोनय एव ते।

आद्यन्तवन्तः कौन्तेय न तेषुरमते बुधः ।।

Desire makes a person greedy and greed makes a person sinful and a sinful act results in sorrow in the end. A person does all these undesired karma under the influence of ignorance created by Tamas. When a person cannot achieve his goals he becomes furious. In this state of mind, he would turn to Tamas virtue which leads him to violence, loss, and insufficient capabilities to achieve his good goals. Again this ignorance leads him either to idleness, laziness, or sleeping mood or he would turn on the path of undesirable negative activities like violence which ends in the seed of his rebirth in the yonis of birds, animals, creatures, mountains, trees, plants and creepers.

श्रमेण लभ्यं सकलं न श्रमेण विना क्वचित्।

सरलाङ्गुलि संधर्षात् न निर्याति धनं धृतम् ।।

Do we know we can change our mindset and acquire everything with persistence, toiling labor with honest efforts to be a Satvik person? A serpent drinks only VAYU but they do not lose their strength. An elephant eats only dry grass but he is the strongest animal in the jungle only a human being is greedy as he is not satisfied with all the luxuries of earth and wants to accumulate more and more wealth even for the next generation to enjoy after his death.

सर्पाः पिबन्ति पवनं न च दुर्बलास्ते शुष्कैस्तृष्णैः वनगजा बलिनो भवन्ति।

रुक्षाशनेन मुनयः क्षपयन्ति कालम् सन्तोष एव पुरुषस्य परं निधानम्।।

Satva virtue leads a person to contentment in whatever he has but Rajas virtue makes him unhappy because of greed and he would not feel contentment even after enjoying a kingly life. When Tamas envelops a human mind, he loses his consciousness and behaves like an animal roaming only in physical activities as animals and forgets that he is a human being and this is the only body, he is blessed to do efforts for salvation.

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