Chapter-(491) Why does Arjun feel sorry when he sees Virat Swaroop?

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Why does Arjun feel sorry when he sees Virat Swaroop?

Paramatma has shown Virat Swaroop to Arjun. He is confused and frightened. He feels nervousness and he is pleased to see Paramatma's Virat Swaroop . All the mixture of different feelings occupied his mind and he becomes sad . He feels that his mind is wandering and doubts are not dispelled. Uddhav Gita says;

स एष जीवो विवरप्रसूतिः प्राणेन धोषेण गुहां प्रविष्टः।

मनोमयं सूक्ष्ममुपेत्य रुपं मात्रा स्वरो वर्ण इति स्थ विष्ट्ठः।। ( उद्धव गीता-7-17)

This Virat Swaroop of Paramatma is neither identified by us nor by Devta; as we are not aware of HIM. Paramatma manifests himself through the organs of speech. HE is distributed along the SHUSUMNA CANALसुषुम्णा नाडी of the sixth LOTUSES कमल in the Yogi's parlance and then enters into MULADHARA मूलाधार the lower area or sacral plexus with PRANA, the source of entire energy and with Pran, the source of entire energy and which is microcosmic as well as Macroscopic with the subtle form of Para Prakruti which is also known as Nada Brahma. Para Pashyanti and Madhayama have their own place in the MANIPURA मणिपुर Chakra and ANAHAT CHAKRA-अनाहत चक्र center as they are in the region of the navel and the heart and the last one is VAIKHARI वैखरी or ARTICULATE speech . These three forms of sound are connected with Pran, Manas, and Buddhi. When Para passing through the subtle form to the mind is the ultimate manifestation in the form of syllables as short and long, various pitches as high and low pitch of the sound and then sound of alphabets with vowels and consonants as KA, KHA, GA ...क,ख,ग...

Every Jivatma appears on the world stage to work as an agent or messenger of Paramatma. Hence they must work for the purification of their mind and then they should try to purify the universe. The idea is that first, a person should be pure himself and then he should give up his working hard only for self-interest and pay attention to the society, state, nation, world, a planet with steady faith in Paramatma whatever energy, skill, power and strength he has been blessed by Paramatma until he could be blessed with the realization-his ultimate goal because no creation of Paramatma is a waste and a human being is the best creation of among all by Paramatma hence he should work for peace and harmony among all the livings on this planet to live happily in harmony, keeping the environment pure and safe for all to live in peace as ever it was given by Paramatma.

Hence Nad Brahamनाद ब्रह्म, Pranavaksharam or speech as we say is manifestation of Paramatma as it is described;

यथाङनलः खेङनिलबन्धुरूष्मा बलेन दारुण्यधिमथ्यमानः।

अणुः प्रजातो हविषा समिध्यते तथैव मे व्यक्तिरियं हि वाणी ।। (उ.गीता-7-18)

As a fire exists in the wood, as heat is hidden in the wood and it emerges when vigorous friction is added with the wind there would a spark which convert it into a tangible fire which in the end is set ablaze by adding ghee. Here the heat stands for Para Vani-speech, the Spark stands for the Pashyanti Swaroop of Vani, the tangible fire for the Madhayama Vani, and blazing fire for the Vaikhari Vani i.e. speech as different forms of sound. Our five organs of action- motion, knowledge, smelling, tasting, seeing, touching, and hearing are manifestations of Paramatma. It depends upon how a person uses themselves.

Here, Arjun talks about his speech as he felt sorry because he addressed Shri Krishna sometimes as a friend out of love and laziness to know about HIM as who he is? He did not try to study or go through the truth about HIM out of obstinate nature of JA PRAKRUTI प्रकृति of sense organs without thinking much about HIM, he spoke to Shri Krishna sometimes as he was joking, or teasing; while he was roaming and wandering with him or while he was awakening or sleeping, while he was standing or sitting or eating or drinking something with him; while he was alone or accompanying him or while they were in front of family members, friends and others. Sometimes he talks with Krishna with love, Sometimes with anger and hatred, sometimes he respects him or he insulted him. Hence, when now he realizes that he misbehaved and used his speech organs roughly and addressed Paramatma badly he repented a lot and felt sorry.

Shrimad Bhagavatam describes as

शय्यासनाटनविकत्थनभोजनादिष्वैक्याद् वयस्व ऋतवानिति विप्रलब्धः।

सख्युःसखेव पितृवत्तनयस्य सर्वं सेहे महान् महितयाकुमतेरधं मे ।।(श्रीमद्भ. 1-15-19)

Arjun felt sorry and recalled that he addressed Shri Krishna as a friend while they were moving around either sleeping, talking, sleeping, or enjoying lunch or dinner. He thinks of HIM as a friend and hence he addressed him as a friend and told him that you are speaking as if you are so much truthful in a taunting way which meant that HE is a liar about something but Paramatma knows everything and pardoned him just as a friend pardon the other friend or a father forgives his son misbehavior or husband forgives disrespectful humiliation of his wife even in front of other people. Arjun says

TVAM AHAM KSHAMAYE त्वाम अह्म् क्षामये।I want to beg pardon and want you to forgive my misbehavior.

Arjun calls Shri Krishna as you are APRAMEY अप्रमेय it means; though I have blessed by you Divya Drishti but you are not visible even with Divya Drishti दिव्य द्रष्टि till now and hence I called you as a friend.

Usually, when we talk with friends we did not take care of choosing words. We become conscious when we talk with elders, Guru, boss, or Paramatma. Speaking thoughtlessly is a sign of ignorance and lack of education, culture, and manners. When a person is not well–mannered, he has no respect for anybody. Generally, we did not call our elders, Guru, mentor, and God by their name but we call them as yours honor or God or Sir but thinking Shri Krishna as a friend Arjun called him as O Krishna, O Yadav! And hence he wants him to forgive him as whatever he did; he did it out of ignorance अजानता महिमानं तवेदम्

Hence it is said that a person should think twice before he speaks Subhasitani says;

नागो भाति मदेन कं जलरुहैः पूर्णैन्दुना शर्वरी

वाणी व्याकरणेन हंसमिथुनै र्नद्यः सभा पण्डितैः ।

शीलेन प्रमदा जवेन तुरगो नित्योत्सवै र्मन्दिरम्

सत्पुत्रेण कुलं नृपेण वसुधा लोत्रयं धार्मिकैः.।।

Just as an elephant is adorned by his proud –practices, water is adorned by lotus, the night is adorned by the beauty of the moon and in the same way speech of a person is adorned with correct usages of words and grammar. Rivers are adorned with swans, the assembly of a king is adorned by scholars, a beautiful lady with pious character, a horse is admired due to his swiftness, Temples are adorned with festivals, a dynasty with good son and earth is adorned with the king. Hence, the trio-world is adorned with spirituality, religion, honesty with humbleness, and polite speech of a person. When Arjun realizes that he has misbehaved with Paramatma he felt sorry for his misconduct and thoughtless addressing.

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