Chapter-(545) What are the different stages that a Sadhak should ...?

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What are the different stages that a Sadhak should pass through to become free from Sansar?

ऊर्ध्वमूलमधः शाखमश्र्वत्थं प्राहुरव्ययम्।

छन्दांसि यस्य पर्णानि यस्तं वेद स वेदवित्।।

Lord Shri Krishna describes Sansar's illusion and Paramatma's creation with the tree which has roots upwards and branches, leaves, and fruits downwards, we see trees with roots inside the land and spreading branches of trees going upwards with lots of leaves and fruits. We have seen some kinds of water plants with upward growth, and we have seen an inverse mirror effect of trees on the banks of rivers with roots going upwards in the same way but generally, roots are inside the land. This Sansar is illusive like a shadow just as shadows cannot exist without a physical body, Sansar cannot exist without Paramatma. According to Sankhya Darshan –philosophy Brahma is the root cause of this physical world which we see with our eyes. Everything including nature and Paramatma –Purush and Prakruti with its trio virtues, five Mahabhoot, five karmendriyas, five Gyanendriya, and mind emerged from Brahma which is divided into twenty-four elements. It means that half of the universe is physical and half of the portion of globe is spiritual. What we see is a physical world but it is like a shadow or mirror effect of what is really existed and that is Paramatma. Since all the visible external products or results are subject to change, the wise man should look upon unseen happiness which is never exhausted. Even in the half of the sphere of Brahm misery and transient are like happiness we experience here on this planet

कर्मणां परिणामित्वादाविरिञ्चादमङ्गलम्।

विपश्र्चिन्नश्र्वरं पश्येदद्द्ष्टमपि द्दष्टवत्।।

No one can remain detached from the spell of Sansar but every Sadhak can make efforts consciously to remain detached from this web of Prakruti. Initially, every Jivatma is a part of Paramatma and he has no relation with Prakruti, The moment Paramatma desires to multiply his Swaroop in trillions of bodies, he enters into all the bodies. The process of life begins with the entry of Paramatma in four ways; from land like plants, from the womb like a human baby, from shell or eggs like a hen, and sweat like lice. The creation of the world starts at the same moment . When Jivatma takes birth as a human being, he forgets his own Swaroop as a part of Paramatma-Purush and is enveloped by the illusion of The attachment to Prakruti-nature. Hence, according to the knowledge of our Rishi Munis and Shastra, if a wise man tries to follow some principles of detachment through Bhakti yoga –devotion and dedication to Paramatma, remain busy listening to Shastras and reading holy scriptures, telling stories of Paramatma's Lila and inspires others for Nam Jap Kirtan, singing songs of praise from Vedic literature, reciting Nam, performing Yagna and offering homage, worship Paramatma in various forms in different ways.

श्रद्धाङमृतकथायां मे शश्वन्मदनुकीर्तनम्।

परिनिष्ठा चपूजायां स्तुतिभिः स्तवनं मम।।

He could serve any Jivatma through his body, speech, and mind with love and care, he sees Paramatma in everybody and everywhere in every particle of the universe and desires nothing as a fruit of his good Karma in return. He would abandon all the worldly pleasure, luxuries of life, enjoyment of senses, and happiness from the materialist things. He would be practicing yoga and performing Yagna, Homa and Hawan, sacrificing everything whatever he has, offering oblations in the sacred fire and everything is done for the sake of Paramatma's pleasure

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