Chapter-( 499 ) How to live life as if every activity is a meditation?

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499 )

How to serve Paramatma and live life as if every activity is a meditation?

मन्मनाः, मत्परायणः मद्भक्तः

Paramatma tells Arjun to be his devotee and concentrate his mind in him. Worship him through serving him variously and bow down to him and try to feel unification with Paramatma as AHAMBRAHMASMI अहम् ब्रह्मास्मि ,part of HIM and then you can be eligible to attain ME. .

We accept blessings from Paramatma in the form of a beautiful wife, obedient son, prosperity, good friends and honest servants but we cannot accept death of loved ones, diseases, loss of prosperity. Hence, when we have to face any kind of man-made calamities or natural calamities, we curse our friends , relatives , servants, dependents or anybody else except our own karma. When without the desire of Paramatma ,Not a single leaf of a tree can move ના ઇશની આજ્ઞા વિનાં ,પત્ર એકે ય હાલે વૃક્ષનું then how can we blame anybody for anything?

राम कीन्ह चाहहिं सोइ होइ।

करै अन्यथा अस नहिं कोई।। (मानस १। १२८।१)

We should not feel sorrow or worry about any kind of incident in our life but accept it as the desire of God. Whatever Paramatma does, he does for our welfare is the Mantra to be happy. We have to accept it heartily. Only a devotee can accept it as he has given reign in the hands of Paramatma .When a devotee surrenders his mind, body and karma to Paramatma he becomes true devotee and Paramatma accept him as hid devotee MADBHAKT मद्भक्त. When he offers all his worships and karma to Paramatma, he becomes MANMANA मन्मना when he gives his body and mind, his reign of life in the hands of Paramatma, he is said to be a pure devotees like Tulsidasji and Mirabai, Surdas and Narsinh.

But it is not easy for a person to have control over five karmendriyas and five Gyanendriya. We talk a lot about spirituality, do Bhajan –kirtan, visit temples and holy places but the consciousness remains awake only up to that moment only. The very moment we get, what we want or our desire is fulfilled for which we worship Paramatma, we get involved in sansar and forget Paramatma. Even after a death of beloved and loss of prosperity, we want to live and enjoy materialist sansar. We see death and disaster, epidemic and pandemic, calamities every now and then but the illusion of sansar remains as it is. Even a person suffering from deadly diseases does not want to die. He spent all his hard earned money, savings and property to survive. Hence to talk about abandoning sansar is like talking about gifts on pothi as Pandit tells others no to eat Brinjal in CHATURMAS but if somebody gifts him, he would consume them.

वचसि भवति सङ्गत्यागमुदिश्य वार्ता श्रुतिमुखरमुखानां केवलं पण्डितानां

जघनमरुणरत्नग्रन्थिकाञ्चीकलापं कुवलयनयनानां को विहातुं समर्थः।।

( शृंगारशतक-७१)

A scholar talks about spiritual enlightenment but abandoning entertainment of senses is beyond his power .His wisdom stays only in his speech .When he is tested or passes through trial, he would fail as it is difficult to control our senses. When a beautiful lady having sea blue eyes with decorated body comes in front of him, he lost his senses and behaves as if he were a mad man. A nice story of Raj Nartki Aamrapali of Vaishali Nagari is recalled here to know the power of attraction of a beautiful lady. When she realizes that her beauty is going to vanish one day after seeing grey hair she decided to go for Tapscharya in his Guru's Ashram who once came to her palace to advice her to abandon sansar, giving up fascinating and pleasing kings and ministers; and worship only Paramatma , when she was quite young. Now, she wanted to abandon all worldly pleasures and surrender herself to Guru and God. On the other side, Guru who had performed Brahmacharya for the whole life was now attracted to the beauty of his pupil and distracted from his spiritual path .Though history says that Ma Ganga saved him and blessed him liberation. It proves that even Rishi Munis like Vishwamitraji and Parashar who were performing strict Brahmacharya and lives only on air and water could not control themselves from the beauty of a woman then how could a person who entertain all his senses and eat all kinds of food that creates VIKAR; can control his senses?

Everybody knows that lady love opens the gates of hell for a devotee and he could not control himself. Now, if he remains detached to the beauty of woman

What happens? Bhartuhari says ;

स्त्रीमुद्रां कुसुमायुधस्य जयिनीं सर्वार्थं संपत्करीं

ये मूढाः प्रविहाय यान्ति कुधियो मिथ्याफलान्वेषिणः।

ते तेनैव निहत्य निर्दयतरं नग्नीकृताः मुण्डिताः

केचित्पञ्चशिखीकृताञ्च जटिलाः कापालिकाश्र्वापरे ।।(७९)

Attraction at the beauty of a woman makes a wise man idiot. A person lost his senses and behaves like idiots and lost control of his body and mind. He runs after woman as the deer runs after the fragrance KASTURI MRUG कस्तुरी मृग and wanders here and there in search of that fragrance hidden in his own navel. Every devotee should remember well that Kamdev is cruel and he punishes all who runs after the beauty of a woman .Sometimes he beats them as we heard about love stories of Hir-Ranza and Shiri FARHAD.Sometimes he snatched away all the land and prosperity ,wealth and health of a person and make them slave as if he were a thing to be sold in the market .He makes a lustful man a bald person who lost all his riches and home and has to go for begging .Sometimes a lover with broken heart turns to spirituality as Tulsidasji and he lives with five types of fire and do penance. Some turns to VAIRAGYA वैराग्य and becomes Sadhu Bawa बावा with long hair and bun on the head and some turns to Tantra Vidhya or becomes Rakshas in their intentions and moves with Khapper खप्पर –a bowl to drink blood of others as Rawan invited disaster for the entire dynasty of Rakshas.. Hence it is said that to abandon sansar is not impossible but very difficult.

Every person has two kinds of power and strength .The power of mind to think and strength of eyes to see When Paramatma says that you have to surrender all your senses to me. It means that a person should offer all his mental power, ability and skills ,capabilities and his unique talent to serve Paramatma only and utilize it for the welfare of others. When MAN BUDDHI CHITTA AHANKAR मन,बुद्धि,चित्त ,अहंकार surrenders to Paramatma whatever he does in his life following his destined karma , it would becomes Yoga. Further the power of seeing and looking at things , observing them and comprehend the meaning of what he sees in this universe around him in various figures , sizes of all the creatures and nature, events and happenings as a Lila of Paramatma. He could see Virat Swaroop in the beauty of Nature .He should see Paramatma on the panorama of world's scene, in various colors of flowers, trees , leaves , plants, sky and reflection on water as swaroop of Paramatma.

Arjun has requested first to know about how he could meditate and concentrate his mind and Buddhi, chitta and pride in to the swaroop of Paramatma thinking only about Paramatma as the owner of universe as Bhajan says साँवरियो है सेठ ,म्हारी राधाजी शेठानी है।There is no other boss in this world except Shri Krishna and Radhaji. Further, he prayed Shri Krishna to let him know how he could see HIS VIRAT SWAROOP विराट स्वरुप and he was blessed with Divya Drishti. It means that a devotee should use both his power in the service of Paramatma.

After all a devotee accepts that he is a part of Paramatma , he lives with him 24* 7 day and night he feels HIS PRESENCE with inhalation and exhalation of his breathe every moment .

Again, nothing can be achieved without hard work and persistence; if everything can be gained with persistence and efforts why could we not attain Paramatma with स्वाध्याय practice of meditation ,yoga or Bhakti ?

अभ्यासेन क्रियाः सर्वाः अभ्यासात् सकलाः कलाः ।

अभ्यासात् ध्यानमौनादिः किमभ्यासस्य दुष्करम् ।।

A person can achieve all his goals with practice. He could learn all his skills, meditation and he could practice power of silence too. What is unattainable for a person who determines and tries through persistence?

If a person can attain his goal , what is the fruit of service to Paramatma in any form or as it is said when you serve humanity you serve HIM , what would he get?

Let us surrender to Shri Krishna and know the way to attain HIM? 

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