Chapter -(553) Why is every Jivatma not able to see the Param Dham ?

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(553) Why is every Jivatma not able to see the Param Dham of Paramatma?

Vivek Chudamani repeats what Shruti says about a Sadhak who could be detached from Sansar and sees Param Dham of Paramatma only when he accepts his soul as steady, invincible, and in the pure devotional welfare Swaroop of Paramatma.

शवाकारं यावद्भवति मनुजस्तावदशुचिः परेभ्यः स्यात् क्लेशो जननमरणव्याधिनिलयः।

यदाङङत्मानं शुद्धं कलयति शिवाकारमचलं तदा तेभ्यो मुक्तो भवति हि जदाद श्रुतिरपि।।

But as long as he thinks his non –living deadly and impure body as if it were a soul , he would remain in the bog-house of birth, death and diseases.

However, it seems controversial when a Sadhak having full faith in Paramatma remains busy in his meditation and tries to focus on Paramatma. On the other hand, he tries to get rid of his weaknesses, he cannot concentrate on Paramatma because he is not detached from Sansar completely. When he tries to supervise and correct his weaknesses, to control his emotions and attachment, behavior with others, speech, and deeds, he remains busy watching his good and bad karma, justifying them and thinking continuously on what to do and what to avoid. It means that he would not be able to meditate steadily. When we say a Sadhak has authority over doing karma only and he should not think about the fruit of his karma then how could he remain detached from his karma and thoughts of its fruits because he is going to think about its validity? This confusion and dilemma would not allow him a total surrender to Paramatma.

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।

मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भिर्मा तेसंगोङस्त्वकर्मणि।।

A Sadhak has to do his karma only, he has no right to think about the fruits of his karma or to be attached to its fruits . He has no right to avoid his Karma

A Sadhak would think that he is full of weaknesses and vices . He would try to control his body and senses, desires, and expectations from others but it is difficult to abandon pride and attachment completely. When he thinks about others, his attachment to them would increase and he would think about pleasing them; not to please Paramatma with meditation or prayers. When his intentions are diverted to peace with his own family, society, or nation he would not remain detached from Sansar; instead, he would engage him more and more in various activities. He could not abandon the company of other family, friends, or relatives. Then how come he is free from attachment but when a Sadhak remainsattached to Sansar and he has intentions of pleasing worldly relatives, he could be steady within his soul? He would remain free from Vikars. He sees only God within him as Sat Chit and Anand Swaroop,

He knows that a person's body changes and soul remains the same. There are changes in the body, intentions, actions, and activities of a person, changes in his age, his situation, mental, physical, and financial, and lots of events in life change his mood now and then, how come it is possible that there would be no change in him and he could remain steady. When a Sadhak remains detached and fully awakened with enlightenment, he sees all the Karma of Prakruti as a witness and never gets involved in them. He could do his karma but he would neither desire nor worry about its fruits.

पुरुषः प्रकृतिस्थो हि भुङ्क्ते प्रकृतिजान्गुणान्।

कारणं गुणसङ्गोङस्य सदसद्योनिजन्मसु।।

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