Chapter-(555)What should a Sadhak do to feel unification with Paramatma?

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(555)what should a Sadhak do to feel unification with Paramatma?

ये तु सर्वाणि कर्माणि मयि संन्यस्य मत्पराः।अनन्येनैव योगेन मां ध्यायन्त उपासते।।

तेषांमहं समुद्धर्ता मृत्युसंसारसागरात्। भवामि न चिरात् पार्थ मय्यावेशितचेतसाम्।.

Lord Shri Krishna says that a Sadhak, who offers all his karma to me, becomes steadily surrenders completely to me and remain busy in Bhajan, Kirtan, Nam jap showing his devotion and dedication to me or serving me and worshiping me by serving others, seeing me in all and all in me, I become his savior, surely I will be with him in his will and woes, help him to cross over the ocean of birth and death. Even in Varah Puran Paramatma has assured his devotees of liberation who surrenders to Paramatma as a child in the lap of a mother or cling to father's chest for protection.

नयामि परमं स्थानम् अर्चिर् आदिगतिं विना।

गरुड स्कन्झम् आरोप्य यथेच्छम् अनिवारितः।।

Paramatma says my devotee should not worry about his Salvation but I would take his responsibility and he would be with me in my Param Dham Vaikunth and attain Param Pad.

When Sadhakas rest on Karma yoga or Gyan yoga as an instrument to attain liberation, both paths do not help each other because karma yogi does various activities all day and night and Gyanyogi depends on holy scriptures, remains busy in studying, reading, teaching, or listening to Shastras. So the instruments of Karma Yogi are not useful to Gyanyogi and in the same way on the path of Gyan Yoga, karma Yagna is not a supportive activity. Further, the highest level of knowledge helps in the attainment of Brahm. At the same time, more and more Karma drags a person into leveled yonis because he desires to get various fruits of his efforts and becomes full of Vikars when he is not able to achieve those goals so it is said karma and Gyan cannot exist together, Both are opposites to each other.

कोटीन्धनाद्रिज्वलितोङपि वह्निरर्कस्य नार्हत्युपकर्तुमीषत्।

यथा तथा कर्मसहस्त्रकोटिर्ज्ञानस्य किं नु स्वयमेव लीयते।।

Just like a fire cannot support hay grass.  Just like millions of logs of wood put on fire cannot compete with the light and heat of the Sun, crores of karma cannot compete with knowledge but it would have vanished as hay grass is being destroyed by the fire. All the karma would be destroyed in the fire of true knowledge. Ignorance is described in the Swaroop of attachment to Prakruti and knowledge is the enlightenment of own Swaroop as a part of Paramatma.

तत्कारणं यद्ज्ञानं सकार्यं सद्विलक्षणम् ।

अवरस्त्वित्युच्यते सद्भिर्यस्य दाधा प्रद्दश्यते।।

Just like we see a pearl in the shell but it is not always a truth or you cannot say that it is untruth because rarely a shell envelops the real pearl but it is not true about every shell that it has a pearl . We are a part of Paramatma as the flame of the lamp is not separated from the string of cotton Brahm –Shiv and Jiv are one.

It does not mean that a person should not do any karma but he should do karma not for the satisfaction of his senses or pride and ego but for the welfare of other living to please Paramatma in various forms So it is advised in Narayaniya not to get involved in various activities and not too involved in various sects of so-called religions but a devotee should worship Paramatma to attain four objectives of life as DHARMA, KARMA, KAM AND MOKSHA simply by surrendering HIM.

या वै साधन संपत्तिः पुरुषार्थ चतुष्टये।

तया विना तदप्नोति नरो नारायणाश्रयः।

And for that, he should remain busy in Bhajan kirtan, Nam Jap, and performs worldly duties as if he is doing everything for Paramatma only. He should surrender to Paramatma and Paramatma will fulfill his promise as he said to Arjun, to abandon all duties towards so-called religion and surrender to him only and he promised him that I would be your savior and I would free you from all your sinful acts.

सर्व धर्मान् परितज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज।

अहंत्वां सर्व पापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुचः।।

Our non–living body is a minor part of this Sansar and it is a part of Paramatma - a living CHAITANY as Paramatma lives within us. But what do we think about Paramatma being separated from us? We want to rule over the Sansar, we want to make ourselves comfortable and desire that Sansar and Paramatma both should be conditioned according to my comforts; a Sadhak does not try to make Sansar and Paramatma favorable to him but he tries to control his body and mind-his body comfortable in sansar in whichever situation he has to live and he tries to become eligible according to the desire of Paramatma with the help of Guru and Gyan of Vedas, Shastras and by obeying his parents. He accepts joy and sorrow equally. He remains detached from gain and pain, even if he is punished by loss of beloveds or property, he thinks that he might have done bad karma in his previous life and he is being punished by God now. If he is blessed with a good wife, riches, and good health; he thanks Paramatma for forgetting his sins and bless him. He surrenders himself totally through his mind, body, and speech to Paramatma.

Generally, our desires are classified into three categories. First of all our desires are inclined to the satisfaction of our senses and this is considered as KAMANA –wishes, Secondly, we think about the Swaroop of self and Paramatma- this is known as curiosity-MUMUKSHUTA and thirdly we want to be blessed by the love of Paramatma PIPASA . A Sadhak's desire to satisfy his senses is related to the entertainment of the body while his desire to know Paramatma's swaroop is related to his mind to acquire knowledge of Brahm and his desire to be eligible for the love of Paramatma is connected with longing of his heart to feel unification with the eternal Brahm. Our body is a part of Prakruti and the body is a perishable nonliving thing so the desire to satisfy senses is never fulfilled because Sansar is illusive and full of untruth but the desire to be eligible for the love of Paramatma and to acquire knowledge of his Swaroop is not a mistake because, with the knowledge of Paramatma, a person can help society while a desire to satisfy own senses is related to self-satisfaction through Bhoga only. When a Sadhak understands that he should not try to entertain his mind and never be a slave of a monkey mind, he would not try to satisfy all the demands of his mind and then he would try to acquire knowledge about how to see Paramatma's Swaroop in the every particle of universe and by loving others, created by Paramatma in this universe and how to be a favorite son for Paramatma's love.

But our soul is a part of Paramatma enveloped by Prakruti so Brahm is hidden from our mind which is enveloped by trio virtues of Prakruti.

मैयोपहितचैतन्यं साभासं सत्वबृंहिम्।

सर्वज्ञत्वादिगुणकं सृष्टिस्थित्यंतकारणम्।।

This soul is a witness of Satva Rajas and Tamas in various bodies. When a Chaitanya Brahm -our subconscious mind seems enveloped by Satva virtue and having complete knowledge of Brahma as Paramatma is omniscient, it becomes the basic knowledge of the creation, stable maintenance, and destruction of this world by one and only Paramatma. A Sadhak understands that Paramatma is the only ruler and controller of this universe and he multiplies his Swaroop himself in millions of Jivatma, makes a grand show on the earth, air, and water with them known as Sansar Lila, and absorbs in his Swaroop through PRALAY LILA. When he desires to close the drama but how long a Jivatma roams in the cycle of various yonis with his six senses is unpredictable. So, Let us surrender to our great god and Jagat Guru Lord Shri Krishna Paramatma and follow what he says in Bhagavad Geeta. Om Tat Sat...Shri Krishnajpanmastu...

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