Chapter-(479) Why should a person be alert for 24*7 abandoning...?

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Why should a person be alert 24*7 leaving laziness?

Vidurji says:

योङभ्यर्चितः सद्भिरसज्जमानः करोत्यर्थं शक्तिमहापयित्वा।

क्षिप्रं यशस्तं समुपैति सन्तमलं प्रसन्ना हि सुखाय सन्तः।। (विदुर नीति-8-1)

A person who does his karma and does efforts to earn his livings accumulates sources for the same. He could earn name and fame soon because he could get blessings of saints and Paramatma and he remains happy forever. Paramatma has given us a human body to think before doing any karma. Only a human being can try to get liberation. No other Jivatma in any yoni could get liberation easily. Though there are examples of monkeys, bears as Jatayu in Ramayan, the elephant Gajendra in Bhagavatam who are blessed by Paramatma.

A person who can abandon any kind of income from impure sources and can remain detached from greed and envy could sleep at night peacefully. Whatever Paramatma has created on this planet is not meant for an Emperor a king or any devotee to enjoy only for himself. Vidurji says to Dhritarashtra; Paramatma has created all the sources for all the livings equally. Hence, if a single person wants to enjoy all the sources of earth, stores it for his future generation and be the cause of hunger and thirst of other livings is surely punished by nature.

यत्पृथिव्यां ब्रीहियवं हिरण्यं पशवः स्त्रियः।

नालमेकस्य तत्सर्वमिति पश्यन्न मुह्यति ।। (विदुर नीति -7-84)

On this earth, Paramatma has created various kinds of grains, food plantations, gold, animals, and beautiful women. If a single person wants to accumulate everything and wants to entertain his own senses only, he is an enemy of nature and other livings. This kind of greed becomes the cause of war since the beginning of human life.

જર,જમીન અને જોરુ,

એ ત્રણે કજીયાનાં છોરું

Acquiring more and more land accumulating more and more gold, silver, diamonds, jewelry, or desiring company of all the beautiful women's company as his wives drags kings and emperors into war. Documents of history proved it, but a person who could not be bound by greed could remain detached to possession of all the beauties and wealth of Sansar with the blessings of Paramatma.

But who could accumulate all these things? If he is a lazy bone, he could neither earn name and fame in the field of spirituality nor earn money nor accumulate wealth in the materialist world because laziness is a great obstacle on the path of Spirituality as well as for materialist gain.

Discipline should be maintained whether you have to earn materialist gain or achievement of your goal or you long for spiritual awakening. To learn any kind of skill or to acquire knowledge a person does put his efforts with consistency. Nothing could be achieved only by desiring or dreaming for everything. A person who knows what to do and when he should do, to whom he should support, has to make the right choice as Tulsidasji in Gitanjali says that;

जीवन जग जानकी –लषनको,मरन महीप सँवारो।

तुलसी और प्रीतिकी चरचा करत,कहा कछु चारो।।(गीतावली –अयोध्याकाण्ड-66-6

Only Sitaji and Laxmanji had made the right choice and selected their path to follow Ram's footprint in the jungle for fourteen years and to serve him know how to live. The rest of the people who shows that they love Ram are just a Show because it is not easy to abandon the luxuries of the palace and accept the pains and hunger of the jungle by following her husband Ram while for Laxmanji it was more difficult to sacrifice even his wife Urmila's company and accompanying elder brother and order her wife to stay at Ayodhya to serve three mothers –in-laws in his absence. They live life ideally and are exemplary icons.

Ram blessed salvation to many Rakshasas by killing them and freeing them from their unjust ruler the king Rawan, Vali, and the others during his exile of fourteen years. When Paramatma is pleased with a devotee, he blesses him with what he never expected or dreamt for.

Here Shri Krishna blesses Arjun to see the entire universe, all the livings, and non-livings in an ANSH अंश of his body. Arjun is blessed as Paramatma has taken reign of his senses like galloping horses and controls them being a chariot-driver. When a devotee surrenders to Paramatma, he is bound to take care of his

योगक्षेम वहामि अहम्।

As he promised before Paramatma says; O Parth, wherever you see, you would see an endless universe. You could see human beings, Devta, Yaksha, Rakshasas, Bhut, Pashu, Birds, non-moving and living beings as plants, herbs, shrubs grass along with non-living mountains, rivers, sand dunes, the landscape of various kinds, seas, and oceans. Arjun could see all the livings and nonliving of past Yug in an ANSH अंश of Shri Krishna's VIGRAH विग्रह - Swaroop and he could see all the livings and non-livings of the future too. Arjun wants to see whether they would win or defeat in the war of Mahabharat. Hence, Paramatma shows him an endless universe in his ANSH अंश of a human body in Krishna Avtar.

When Arjun prays to see Divine Swaroop of Paramatma, Paramatma shows him VIRAT विराट Swaroop but we are praying for various kinds of materialist gains, perishable pleasures and then ask for liberation.

यं यं चिन्तयत् कामम् ,तं तं प्राप्नोति निश्चतम् ।

We are accumulating instruments to entertain our senses and increase the burden of desires of then longs for liberation too. We are greedy to entertain our senses and we cannot give up any luxuries or comforts, how we could control our senses. Further, we are not doing any sincere efforts to get what we want in materialist achievement also and the path of Spiritual awakening is very hard. It demands discipline in life, persisting efforts to follow Paramatma by not only understanding his LILA लीला but even if we cannot understand anything we have to maintain faith and have the patience that he would listen to my prayer surely and follow his path. When Shri Krishna shows the endless universe only in a part of His Vigrah- body, he declares that nothing is beyond his control. Ram Charit Manas- Balkand says;

रोम रोम प्रति लागे कोटि कोटि ब्रह्मंड ( राम चरित मानस-बालकाणड-201)

Paramatma shows here that everything is under my control. I can give you everything that you desire, nobody else could give you except me, when everything is under his possession and control, whoever else could give you anything but you should give up your laziness and PASHYA See me everywhere in everything. Further, without my wish, you cannot see me hence. I am blessing you with Divya Drishti; Gyan Chakshu to see my divine power and strength. We cannot face Paramatma's little bit of fury in the form of disasters and pandemics, how could we be eligible to see his power. Our eyes are made to see the outward world. We can see HIM inwardly only if we are blessed by Guru or Paramatma who awakens our consciousness-Gyan Chakshu...

Then how to see incredible ALAUKIK Swaroop of Paramatma with this human eyes and limited power and vision?

Let us surrender to our great God and Jagat Guru Shri Krishna to quench our thirst of knowledge...


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