Chapter-(519)How to be free from BHOG and PRABHAV of joys and sorrows?

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(519) How to be free from BHOG and PRABHAV of joys and Sorrow?

Our Sanskrit Subhasit says that a person whose face is like a leaf of lotus, whose speech is cool as a touch of sandalwood but whose heart is full of anger and envy is a cunning person. The personality of a saint is calm and cool inside and outside but a cunning person has a dual personality. He seems cool in outer appearance but he is cunning inside. His heart is full of negative vices and he is cruel.

मुखं पद्मदलाकारं वाणी चंदनशीतला।

ह्रदयं क्रोधसंयुक्तम् त्रिविधं धूर्तलक्षणम् ।।

This kind of person becomes a source of harassment to other people, while persons with a saintly nature become a source of peace for others.

But the sense of joy and sorrow comes from the feelings of possession. We read every day lots of news of death and disasters but we never feel any disturbances in over routine life. Life goes on as simply as every day but when someone near to our heart faces death or longing for life on a ventilator, someone whom we love suffers from any kind of physical pain, we feel that pain within our body and mind too, and we cannot stay apart from the sorrow of a family member or a close friend. It means that the feelings of ownership for relationships and things, and the fear of losing them make us sad. When we achieve success or gain, profit in the share market, we are blessed with grandchildren we feel happiness in our hearts. On the contrary, financial loss, failure in the examination, and loss of a loved one make us sad. Hence it is clear that the feeling of my and mine is the root cause of joy or sorrow.

We consider wealth as a source of happiness but riches seldom bring happiness. A source of all luxuries only causes the mortification of the human body While he is alive and it paves the way for hell when he is dead because of the misuse of wealth after death. Wealth cannot be a source of happiness. When we do not have it, we want to earn it. When we acquire it or after the acquisition of it, we feel that we should add and increase it, we maintain it, spend it for our so-called enjoyment or when we lose it, the entire situation creates fear, anxiety, and delusion.

स्तेयं हिंसाङनृतं दम्भः कामःक्रोधः स्मयो मदः।

भेदो वैरमविश्र्वासः संस्पर्धा व्यसनानि च।। (ऊ.गीता)

Wealth is related to theft, used for injury to others, falsehood, ostentation, lust, and anger. ego, pride, haughtiness, dissension, enmity, distrust, competition, and three kinds of evils related to sex, wine, and gambling pertaining to men. Therefore if we desire our well-being we should shun from a distance the evil known as wealth. All those whom we think are our beloved brothers, sisters, wife, children, parents, and friends whoever is near and dear to our heart becomes foes by even an insignificant sum of money. Then why a mortal man should remain attached to money which is the abode of all the evils? When we get a human body that is the gateway to heaven, if we could live a pious and spiritual life and long for liberation, try to be free from the vicious cycle of birth and death, it becomes heaven and when we long for BHOG instead of YOGA, we misuse our human birth and live life as animals which is considered as a hell.

Our happiness depends on luxuries but it becomes a source of pain because wealth is not permanent. When a person gets wealth he turns to BHOGA and when a person loses wealth, he turns to Paramatma. He would repent a lot because a man with wealth is worshipped by family and friends but without wealth, he is insulted and degraded by them. Then he would feel sorry as, Oh! Why did I spend my entire life in search of false happiness through wealth which has now gone along with my age and strength? Now how can I attain my goal of liberation?

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