Chapter-(535) What would be the result when Rajas and Tamas develop...?

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what would be the result when Rajas and Tamas develop within a person?

विद्याविद्ये मम तनू विद्वयुद्धव शरीरिणाम्।

मोक्षबन्धकरी आद्ये मायया मे विनिर्मते।।

We should know that knowledge and ignorance are the power of Paramatma as Shri Krishna tells Uddhavji and they both are respectively causes of liberation and bondage of living beings. They are primordial functions of Maya Paramatma 's eternal inscrutable power and they are also without beginnings and for the Jivatma who is a part of Paramatma ,there is bondage without beginning owing to ignorance and liberation through knowledge. so let us try to recognize the signs that show RAJAS virtue is developing in our nature.

लोभः प्रवृत्तिरारम्भःकर्मणामशमःस्पृहा।

रजस्येतानि जायन्ते विवृद्धे भरतर्षभ।।(भ.गी.अ-१४-१२)

Lord Shri Krishna says that when a person becomes greedy and tries to acquire more and more sources of entertaining senses without necessity and store them, he is considered greedy. शरीरं आद्य खलु धर्म साधनम्। Though our body is an instrument to fulfill our motives of धर्म अर्थ काम मोक्ष But when a person accumulates things to entertain his selfish motives or for unknown future of his next generation and becomes selfish, restless and starts new activities now and then and takes care of more and more of his possessions and people is a sign of developing Rajas virtue in him.

When a person does any activity without desiring name and fame, without desiring enjoyment of senses, for more and more comfort and luxuries for others or earns for others, he is not full of Rajas virtue. But when a person does too many tasks, gets involved in too many activities to be happy, to enjoy luxuries, to acquire post, power, and position in the society, to earn bubbles like name and fame, for praise and respect, honor and appreciation from others, he would try to open too many factories, schools, companies, rest houses, shops or does various kinds of business. A person has to work for self and family, he could work for the society and country too being a workaholic is not mirroring his Rajasik nature but when he does too many activities for his pleasures and luxuries to entertain his senses, he would be RAJASIK . Hence Lord Shri Krishna advises Arjun to do his karma selflessly and not to start more and more activities, to avoid starting new projects now and then सर्वारम्भपरित्यागी and to give up the thought of beginning new ventures all the time and to do selfless activities for the welfare of people and country becomes an obstacle to be योगारुढ for him on the path of Gyan and Bhakti Marg. In Karma Yoga a karta starts his karma without the desire to get returns from it and determination to attain his goal is essential. Because he could not attain his goal without firm determination or without doing his Karma but when he could not remain detached from the result of his karma, feels an attachment to the sources or instruments of attaining his goals including his body and the rest of PADARTHA of Sansar, they would be the cause of developing Rajas virtue in him and now he becomes restless to attain it for twenty-four hours day and night. If he could attain his goal, he would feel proud of his success and think of himself as कर्ता of activities and the controller of nature as नियन्ता and hence consider himself as भोक्ता of pain and gain too.

Hence when a person wants to become a Sadhak, does meditation and when he wants to follow Gyan or Bhakti Marg, he should try to free him from the illusion and attachment to Sansar. When Rajas develops on the top of the pyramid of his mind Satva's virtue subsides with his pure knowledge and enlightenment and it would be under the clouds of RAG and MOHA. A Sadhak could not be योगारुढ- Master the yoga and control his mind, restlessness and attachment to Sansar. He could attain Yoga perfectly only when he could remain detached from the result of his karma and all the worldly sources and instruments used on the path of Karma Yoga.

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