Chapter- (516) How could we learn to forgive others?

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How could we learn to forgive others?

क्षमा बलमशक्तानां शक्तानां भूषणं क्षमा।

क्षमा वशीकृति र्लोके क्षमया किं न साध्यते।। 

To forgive others is a virtue of the brave. To forgive others is a strength of the weak. In this world, forgiveness has a hypnotizing impact on others. Is there anything that a person cannot achieve by forgiveness? This verse shows the power of forgiveness, KSHAMA-KSHANTI means to forgive others for their mischief, misbehavior wrong deeds, torturing words or actions is the fourth instrument to be refraining from VIKRUTI or VIKARA of mind and body and speech.

When a person thinks about taking revenge the chemical equation within his body changes the anxiety and envy, anger and negative thoughts empowered his mind. It could be the reason for diseases. The thought of teaching a hard lesson to others by punishing and scolding others or taking revenge on others makes a person intolerable to everything. It spoils his mental health and speech. Anxiety in the mind becomes a source of diseases like blood pressure and diabetes and heart attack. When anger takes shelter in bad words to reply, they corrupt speech of a person, and when anger takes shelter in bad deeds in reply they corrupt action of a person and when anger turns to envy it becomes a cause of crime, a criminal mindful action turns to total disaster. Hence our Subhasitani says that forgive all and God will forgive you if you follow the only religion to forgive others, you can live happily.

एको धर्मः परं श्रेयः क्षमैका शान्तिरुत्तमा ।

विद्यैका परमा तृप्तिः अहिंसैका सुखावहा ।।

To forgive your enemy is the only religion, it gives you peace of mind Forgiveness stands as a synonym of peace just as knowledge gives us contentment and non–violence gives happiness forgiveness is known as a powerful instrument of the braves when a person is not capable of taking revenge, he would have to forgive others and console himself but when a person is capable of taking revenge or for giving punishment to his enemy when he forgives him, he could fascinate his enemy and his enemy could become his friend. It is like a father forgives his son, a loving husband forgives his wife or Guru forgives thousands of mistakes of his pupil by following KSHANTI.

A Sadhak would reach the height of a saint. A Sadhak should think that if he could not teach them a hard lesson or by forgiving others and deleting this thought of revenge or giving punishment to his opponent how could he reach his goal of liberation with loads of envy and jealousy occupying his existence 24 hours. The path of spirituality is a long journey from birth to death and rebirth. If a Sadhak would carry loads of negative sentiments for others, he could not attain his goal. A person should learn to forgive as Buddha and Mahavir forgive those who penetrate the iron rod in his ears thinking that this person is a conspirator of a thief who had stolen my goats and pretending meditation and not telling me the truth. Jesus forgives who prepares the cross for him and nailed him in open and gave a death full of tortures as he prayed to God. O, God! Forgive them because they don't know what they are doing. We are not punishing our teeth when they bite our finger in anxiety or by mistake or crush our tongue while eating Do we punish our teeth by breaking them with a hammer? No, because it would create more pain to our body in the same way a Saint sees Paramatma everywhere and in everything he thinks of everything as LILA OF Paramatma, an illusion to test his patience, he would not allow anger or envy, jealousy or feeling of revenge enter and corrupt his mind.

It is easy to be smart but it is difficult to be a simple person. Simplicity could not be taught, It comes from within, the nature of a person. Simple living and high thinking is our Indian tradition, we say ज्यादा की नहीं लालच हमको, थोडे में गुजारा होता है। ZYADA KI NAHI LALACH HAMKO THODE ME GUJARA HOTA HAI because our lifestyle is simple. Shri Krishna says that AARJAV आर्जव is an ornament of a saint. A Sadhak should try to follow simplicity in his living. He should be sweet and cool in his speech. His act and actions should not be a pompous show-off, of his ego and pride, status, and property. He should not behave in a way that he acts or does something and speaks something else. He should have the habit of tolerance. When a Sadhak simply accepts happiness and sorrow as given fate created by his own Karma, he should accept simply appreciation and hatred with the same spirit. When he accepts all the cheating jealousy envy of the enemy and forgives him, his simplicity would create his mind peacefully, his heart becomes pure and his speech becomes sweet If he does not reply to bad words from his opponent there would be no longer existence of envy or enmity.

आवत गारी एक है उलटत होय अनेक ।

कहे कबीर नहि उलटिये वही एक ही एक ।।

A Sadhak would prefer to be silent. He would not take part in NINDA CHUGALI VYANG AND this virtue shows his simplicity of mind. When a Sadhak avoids speaking bad or harsh words to anybody, When he avoids insulting any person, he could be simple and straightforward in his dealings. And in his behavior with others would be nice. To correct this negativity or Vikar and to learn to be simple in life through mind body and speech, a Sadhak should remain detached from everything. When a person does not think about anything as HIS or does not feel him as proprietor or owner superior or boss, he could behave humbly with others. When he thinks of himself as powerful and strong, intelligent and rich everything in his behavior becomes awkward. He talks rudely with others. His walking style reflects pride. When a person thinks of himself as handsome, he would spend more time decorating his body and applying makeup and when he becomes Sadhak he would take more care about inward cleanliness. A Saint is like a tree, a river, or the Sun who spreads shadow, cleans others' dirt purify from all the dirt, and transform them into manure. Shri Krishna tells Arjun to be simple as;

जो ताको कांटा बुवै ताहि बोव तू फूल।

तोहि फूलको फूल हा वाको है तिरसूल।।

Lastly, even if an enemy hurts or harms him, he simply neglects his behavior and prays to Paramatma to give his enemy sense and patience. No cunning person can please any human being, so how could he please Paramatma who is omniscient?

Let us surrender to great God and Jagat Guru Shri Krishna to find out our ways to liberation...

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