CHAPTER-(537) Where does a Jivatma go with his trio virtues after death?

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Where does a Jivatma go with his trio virtues after death?

देवी ह्येषा गुणमयी मम माया दुरत्यया।

मामेव ये प्रपद्यन्ते मायामेतां तरल्ति ते।।१४।।

Lord Shri Krishna says that my Maya –Prakruti with trio virtues is difficult to be understood only who are blessed by me, can overcome from the impact of this. It means that proportion of Trio virtues increases and decreases frequently. It means that Satva, Rajas and Tamas go on changing constantly and nobody knows the reason behind it. A Sadhak should know that no Satva Rajas and Tamas is permanent whatever we do under the influence of these trio-virtues is seen in our speech, behaviors, actions but whatever is seen outside is not inside. Hence a Sadhak should understand that he is only a witness of trio-virtues of Prakruti. He himself is not a form of greed, jealousy, envy or anger but when he cannot separate his virtues from his own existence, he thinks that "I am an angry man, or I am a pious person.'' But the fact is that he could be free himself from trio-virtues as he is a part of Paramatma. Whatever comes and goes is not HE. These virtues envelops his mind and Buddhi but he is not a mind nor a Buddhi ,he is not a chitta or pride, no organs or no five elements but he is Sat Chitta Anand swaroop of Paramatma. He is a part of Shiv and so he could overcome the impact of Vikars through meditation, yoga, Nididhyasan and Bhakti as Aadi Shankaracharyaji says in his Nirvana Shatak

मनोबुद्धिङहंकार चित्तानि नाहं न चक्षोत्रजिह्वे न च ध्राणनेत्रे।

न च व्योम भूमिरेन तेजो न वायुः चिदान्दरुप शिवोङहम् शिवोङहम्।।

When a person dies if he has developed Satva virtues on that moment he would go to the best of purest Lok. According to our Shastra URDHVAM GACHHANTI SATVASTHA उर्ध्वम् गच्छन्ति सत्वस्थाः On the time of death if Ajamil calls Narayan, he would be free from the cycle of birth and death and if a saint lying under the tree of berries thinking that he should eat berry, when he saw a squirrel eating berries with great delight. He became an insect in his next birth and lay in the berry. Why it happens that a saint doing Tapasya for the whole life forgets God on the death bed and a sinful person could obtain liberation when he calls Paramatma only once in a life? In the same way, when Guru of Amrapali, (the dancer of Vaishali Nagari) ,after his whole life of Tapasya fell under the spell of the beauty of Amrapali –The NAGAR VADHU and he was distracted from his path to salvation. Holy mother River saved him from the fall. So it is difficult to understand rule of Prakruti-Maya of Paramatma.

If he a person dies with Satvik Bhav doing any Satvik Kriya, having Satvik aim and using pure and pious instruments, he would surely go to heaven. It is better to use pure sources and worship God. It is more better to help or serve the needy with those sources ,it is even much more better to feel good for others and it would be more and more better to have pure and selfless intensions while doing any karma because Padarth, Kriya ,Bhav and Uddeshya all the four are better than the previous one sources.

Satva virtue is more extensive when Sukshma compared to Sthula. Just like a weapon has less power than the power of intension of using the weapon. The power of physical substance is always less compared to the unseen power of determination. Hence Manas Poojanam is considered as greater than SAHASTROPACHAR Poojanam सहस्त्रोपचार पूजनम् of God. Here it is a special privilege for a dying person from Paramatma as judge in the court asks a dying person about his last wish and try to fulfill his last wish .If a dying person is under the power of Satva virtue, he world go to heaven even if he was sinful during his life when he was alive.

सूर्ये चाभ्यर्हणं प्रेष्ठं सलिले सलिलादिभिः।श्रद्धयोपाह्रतं प्रेष्ठं भक्तेन मम वार्यपि।।

भूर्यंप्यभक्तोपह्रतं न मे तोषाय कल्पते। गन्धो धूपः सुमनसो दीपोङन्नाद्यं च किं पुनः।।

Paramatma says Uddhavji one can worship me through prayers, in water, through water with faith, I do not need perfume, incense, flowers, light and fifty six types of food dishes but a heap of offering cannot please me while a devotee with true Bhakti can please me with nothing to offer in kinds. One more thing is needed to understand is that a Sadhak can reach up to Brahm lok on the top of Devlok, Surya lok, Chandra lok etc but he has to come back to the earth after the exhaustion stock of his good deeds .Only when he reaches Kailash Dham or Vaikunth Dham, he would be free from the cycle of birth and death..

When Rishi Aashwalayan of Kaushal Desh asked Rishi Pippalad about the swaroop of Pran-Paramatma in our body and his entry and exit from our body Rishi Pippalad says that he has to loss his Pran when he abandons the body. This Pran emerges from Paramatma

आत्मन एष प्राणो जायते।

यथैषा पुरुषे च्छायैतस्मिन्नेतदाततं मनोकृतेनायात्यस्मिञ्शरीरे।(प्रश्र्नोपनिषद३-३)

Just like we see shadow of our body this Pran depends on presence of Paramatma and enters in the body due to sankalp of a mind. This Pran allots duties to his officers named VAYU into different organs. Soul lives in our heart which has hundreds of veins having hundreds of branches in each. These veins carry VAYU and Vayu, udan vayu moves upwards in our body and it takes a person to various Dev lok-heavens while a sinful person goes to hell. While a person with both good and bad deeds equal in proportion comes again to live as a human being and on the time of death whatever Jivatma thinks, he takes that yoni for his next birth out of eighty four yonis.

यच्चितस्तेनैष प्राणमायाति प्राणस्तेजसा युक्तः।

सहात्मना यथासंकल्पितम लोकं नयति।।(३-१०)

After death, Pran along with the light of Sun makes Jivatma to take decision SANKALP and he goes to various lok accordingly.

When a person dies with Rajas virtues he would take birth, both in the Manushya yoni as a human being and if he dies with Tamas virtues, he would enter in the body of animals, birds, insects, creatures etc. The reason why Rajas becomes the cause of rebirth is greed. When a person is full of Rajas, he would start too many activities and if he dies at the moment when Rajas is enveloped his mind, he would take rebirth to complete his work and because of attachment to Padarth, persons, kriya and thoughts, when a person dies with Rajas, he would be full of consciousness of good and bad and he could be a pious and knowledgeable person if he does his karma selflessly for the others.

But when a person dies with Tamas virtues, he would enter in the body of bird, insects, wild or timid animal, plants or creepers in his next birth. When Bharat Muni dies with the attachment to the baby deer, he enters in the body of a deer in his next birth though his Tap and Saintly nature remain with him in his birth as a deer and passed his life by eating dry leaves.

As we know Atma has no attachment to anybody or relatives, things and Sansar Just like sky over our head sees us with the eyes of Sun and moon day and night but did not get involved in any activities of any Jivatma. The virtue less, action less, pure knowledgeable, truthful and pleasant Swaroop of Atma a part of Paramatma with Jivatma and hence we feel that we are Karta, Bhokta and this Sansar is real but the moment we are blessed with pure knowledge of Brahm ,our ignorance evaporates as dream evaporates when we wake up in the morning.

To think this Sansar as real is ignorance and as ignorance is the cause of illusion. Rag and Moha but these ignorance is not permanent .It would be enveloped the enlighten knowledge and a person gets fruits of his good deeds as pure and pious life the fruit of Rajas always produces sorrows because greed gives you no contentment even if you have received the whole world as your kingdoms as the fruit of Tamas is ignorance. Then why the fruits of trio virtues are different? Let us go through Shrimad Bhagavad Gita , surrender to Jagat Guru lord Shri Krishna.. Om Tat Sat Shri Krishnajpanmastu....  

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