Chapter-(541) What are the intentions that create trio virtue influence

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What are the intentions that create trio virtue influence great or nullify the impact?

We have seen how can a Sadhak try to erase Rajas and Tamas from his mind and go on practicing for developing Satva through various sources such as the reading of holy scriptures, listening to the speech of saints, creating his positive direct perception based on newly acquired true knowledge of Brahma, following ancestors' traditions and learning the essence of Vedas and Puran and applying them in daily life as Satva virtues develop enlightenment, Rajas involves a person in too many activities, Tamas creates illusion due to ignorance. When Satva develops a Sadhak try to abandon the Vikars such as jealousy and envy for anybody. He never hates negatives but tries to correct them. He focuses on his intentions that he would not be attracted to Rajas or Tamas again

We have different intentions after every activity. No creativity is either bad or good, killing animals for food is natural for wild animals and it is not a sinful act but killing animals, and birds for food by a human being is considered brutal violence. In that sense, no activity itself is good or bad. What makes it sinful or sin-free is the intention behind that activity. Intensions exist in our minds, even if we do not consider their existence loudly. We do some activities due to some good or bad intentions. They have roots in jealousy, envy, or feelings of revenge. The existence of intentions is a mental phenomenon but converting intentions into positive or negative activities is different. For example, if you do not like anybody as a competitor in business or studies or as a family member it is natural and it happens that everybody does not like or love all the neighbors, friends, classmates, and colleagues. It is acceptable but when you try to insult that person, when you do not like or feel jealous about his or her success, achievement, prosperity, or good name in society and try to degrade him in front of all, insult him, do some activities to hurt or harm him physically mentally or financially. It is your bad karma and you are supposed to bear the fruit of your bad intentions.

Our intentions inspire us to do the activity, the power of creation or destruction is the product of the intentions. Intensions get hold of our mind, thoughts, Buddhi, Chitta, and senses and drag us to help or harm others, so all the activities in this world are inspired by various intentions of a person. When some actions or activities occur automatically person is not responsible for the consequences of that karma but when a person does some activities following good or bad intentions he becomes Karta and hence he has to bear the fruits of his actions. Hence Shri Krishna says

सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज।

अहं त्वा सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुचः।।

Do only your Swadharm as allotted to you by your previous birth's karma. Surrender to me. I will take all the responsibilities of well-being and salvation.  Further intentions never remain the same for life as they are influenced by three virtues but the difference is that a Sadhak with Satvik virtues does not entertain bad intentions and consciously tries to erase negative thoughts of harming anybody. There is a lot of difference between what we see and what exists. Again to do anything, to put our thoughts into action is inspired by three virtues. A person is hypnotized by Rajas and Tamas and does bad deeds go on the wrong path but a Satvik person would understand his mind and would have control over Rajas and Tamas as they are changing frequently and they are not permanent and it is not nature of a person to be a Satvik, Rajsik or Tamasik permanently.. 

A Sadhak with Satva  virtues never thinks about the comforts and discomforts of life.  He should react in the same way under the situation and joy and sorrow, gain or loss, profit, and loss.

समदुःखसुखः स्वस्थः समलोष्टाश्मकाञ्चनः।

तुल्यप्रियाप्रियो धीरस्तुल्यनिन्दात्मसंस्तुतिः।।

He does not go on doing his physical activities because he has control over his mind and does not entertain Rajas or Tamas's intentions. We all have experienced that we become happy when we get desired things but when we do not get the desired things, we get upset. When we cannot get love, and wealth, des would be STHITPRAGYA inwardly and he would not feel joy or sorrow, with ups and downs in life because he does not think of himself as a Karta. Only

अहंकार विमूढात्मा कर्ताहमिति मन्यते। 

an ignorant person thinks of himself as a Karta, Bhokta, or NIYANTA, and suffers from the consequences of his karma but a knowledgeable person knows that

नैव किञ्चित्करोमीति

I am not doing anything I am just like a puppet in the hands of Paramatma, an instrument in the hands of Paramatma and he is using me for good or bad deeds according to my previous birth karma as my previous birth karma follows me silently from birth after birth and I have to suffer for my sinful acts and blessed with rewards for my good deeds. It is difficult to remain steady when someone praises us a lot or abuses us. We please when we get respect and appreciation from people but we cannot stand against insult. We cannot tolerate their disrespectful remarks or gestures for our work or deeds. Appreciation and abuse both are done by others, Even Paramama in his human Avtar heard nonsense remarks from people at various incidents, Ram or Krishna Avtar are insulted, and even the opponents try to kill them cunningly but they forgive even Rakshasas and bless their liberation. Lord Shri Ram behaves equally with Vibhishan and Rawan though both of them have different intentions for him. Both are blessed in different ways When Vibhishan was given the kingship of Lanka and prosperity, Rawan was blessed with liberation. In the same way, Krishna faced too many enemies in the Swaroop of Rakshasa sent by his maternal uncle Kansa to kill him but all of them are forgiven by Lord Shri Krihna for their misdeeds as they were puppets of their king Kansa and hence no Karta. They are blessed by ending their life of slavery under the unjust king Kansa and liberation after death. Hence one should try to avoid envy and jealousy as they are not a characteristic virtue of a soul and no vikar can exist in a non-living body forever or permanently.

Then let us know how to overcome the trio virtues of nature

From our great God and Jagat Guru LordShri Krishna from Shrimad Bhagavad Gita,,,'

Om Tat Sat...

Shri Krishnrpanmastu.

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