chapter-(544) What is the first step to remain detached from Sansar?

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(544) what is the first step to remain detached from Sansar?

भोक्ता भोग्यं प्रेरितारं च मत्वा।

सर्वं प्रोक्तं त्रिविधं ब्रह्ममेतत्।।(श्र्वेताश्र्वेतर उपनिषद१-१२)

Vivek Chudamani says if you desire salvation abandon all the worldly pleasures as they are like poison for the Sadhak on the path of spirituality. You have to be contended, full of compassion, full of forgiving nature to everybody for every misdeed and misbehavior to you, peaceful inwardly, and have control over your desires and senses because these are the virtues that lead you to the nectar of spiritual life. We are created by five elements sky, air, fire, water, and earth they all together make MAHABHUT our body is created by them. We listen to words through our five senses, enjoy the touch of a mother or beloved, see beautiful things, are fascinated by the smell of the heavenly odor of various flowers, and become crazy about their scent. One should think about it when only one of the weaknesses can be a cause of life for other animals and birds, how can a person with all the five senses remain detached from the worldly attractions as described in Vivek Chudamani...

शब्दादिभिः पञ्चभिरेव पञ्च पञ्चत्वमापुः स्वगुणेन बद्धाः।

कुरङ्गमातङ्गपतङ्गमीनभृङ्गा नरः पञ्चभिरञ्चतः किम।।

A deer runs after music and his love for musical words becomes the cause of being trapped by a hunter and ends in death. A butterfly loves the colors and beauty of flowers, he roams here and there among the beauty seen in the colors of flowers and dies when he gets locked under the petals of flowers in the evening when they shut down their petals. Fish have no control over their tongue and feel attraction to the piece of meat which was shown to her with frock to trap and kill her. The wasp is mad after the touch of silky petals suffers from bondage and dies. Then how could a person with all the five organs see the beauty of nature and woman, feel thrills through soft touch, forget everything with soul seething odor- smell, crazy for various tastes of tongue and mad after listening to music and wonderfully created literature remain distracted from them? Kathopanishad says that...

पराचः कामाननुयन्ति बालास्ते मृत्योर्यन्ति विततस्य पाशम् ।

अथ धीरा अमृतत्वं विदित्वा ध्रुवमध्रुवेष्विह न प्रार्थयन्ते ।।

Only idiots run after all the bodily entertainment and because of this weakness of character and uncontrolled senses, he is dragged to illness, diseases, and death. But the wise and knowledgeable person never desires anything to entertain their senses because they know that only Paramatma can bless us with the nectar and immortality so they do not desire perishable things.  A person knows things through words, touch, beauty, taste, and smell and enjoys physical relations with all the entertainment of senses for the whole life but he remains unsatisfied. Nothing can give him permanent joy and contentment with his perishable physical body and through all the worldly sources, PADARTH, and instrument. It is natural because how can a person with his perishable body and unsteady sources of nature acquire permanent joy  Hence he falls into the cycle of birth and death, passes through the stages of growth and development of the physical body from childhood dependency to development of mental abilities, joys of youth, suffers from diseases and depression of old age, death, obesity and weakness of body and in the end loss of all the power and position, strength and control over his men, his senses and his accumulated wealth and status with death in the end. As a member of society, he has to follow the rules and regulations of his caste and nation. He has to pass through physical growth and decay with every stage of the body. He may either enjoy appreciation or praise from the world or negligence by family and friends, respect or disrespect from his co-workers and mates depending on his good and pious friendly deeds for family and environment, or sinful and bad karma.

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