Chapter-(483) How could the entire universe exist within Paramatma and...?

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How could the entire universe and entire Sarga exist within Paramatma and outside too, visible HIM to us also?

ऊँ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पूर्णमुदच्यते।

पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते।।

Om has created the outer world with complete divine consciousness. This outer world is complete in the sense that we can add nothing to it. Everything is already created for all the livings. Paramatma has created an inner world also with divine consciousness for all the livings according to their necessity. Nothing is created useless or nothing is a total waste in his creation. Every Jiv has his role to play. Though everything is created from this complete Purna Paramatma, his fullness never exhausted or emptied by taking everything as sources from His power and authority. Nothing is decreased from HIM. After taking PURNA from PURNA, Purna remains as it is because divine consciousness is non-Dual and infinite.

Arjun saw the unlimited extended form of Paramatma in Virat Swaroop. When he saw Kurukshetra Shri Krishna and himself too within Virat Swaroop of Paramatma's ANSHअंश, he was confused. Which is the real Swaroop –within Paramatma's ANSH or outside where he is seeing Paramatma in human Avtar of Shri Krishna and talking with him. He asks how it can be possible that you are within everything and everything is within your Swaroop. I see different Sansar. I see your Chatur Bhuj Swaroop with crown, Gada, Shankh, Chakra, and the Padma here and see your Virat Swaroop too shining like billions of Sun. I cannot see you completely. Your Swaroop is endless. Now, I believe TVAMEV KARTA त्वमेव कर्ता, TVAMEV BHARTA भर्ता, TVAMEV HARTA हर्ता .You are the creator, the savior, and the destructor. You are the AKSHAR BRAHM अक्षर ब्रह्म the entire universe rests within you. You are the savior of devotees and you are the protector of religion.You are Sanatan Purush.

When Arjun says TVAMKSHARAM PARAMAM VEDITVYAM त्वमक्षरं परमं वेदितव्यम् he talks about NIRGUN NIRAKAR निर्गुण निराकार Swaroop of Paramatma.When he says TVAMSVAM VISHWASYA PARAM NIDHANAM त्वमस्य विश्र्वस्य परं निधानम् he talks about SAGUN-NIRAKAR सगुण-निराकार Swaroop .When talks about TVAM SHASHWAT DHARMGOPTA त्वम शाश्र्वतधर्मगोप्ता he talks about SAGUN- SAKAR सगुण-साकार Swaroop of Paramatma. He wants to say that everything is your manifestation. When I know this, there is nothing more to know about anything for me. I saw you endless. I saw you in the upper level, middle level, and at the end of my sight none but you only with uncountable hands. I see Sun and Moon as your eyes. I see fire blowing from your mouth and I see you as a source of all TEJ तेजः providing light and warmth to the universe.

Previously, Arjun says that he could not see the beginning, the middle, and the end of Paramatma's Swaroop as he wants to describe HIM as endless regarding space. When he describes here his endless Swaroop he talks about past, present, and future KAL काल. He also talks about things of all times that ever existed in the past and present and whichever is going to be existed or created in the future. The confusion is created here; when Paramatma is beyond time and place above all kinds of Jivatma and non –livings and he shows everything only in an ANSH of his Swaroop as he shows everything to Yashoda Ji in his mouth, how could he remains inside and outside both at the same time. Further, he describes that Paramatma has millions of Swaroop. Now he says that Paramatma has endless Swaroop. Paramatma is seen as a peaceful God and he shows has Swaroop as Maha Kal Swaroop.When he saw Paramatma's Swaroop envelops the sky, Earth, and Patal. He is afraid. He cannot look of at horrible Swaroop VIKRAL SWAROOP विकराल स्वरुप. Though it is astonishing that all the livings of trio-world become restless as when Bali Raja was surprised to see three steps of VAMAN AVTAR वामन अवतार covered trio-world. Arjun saw all the ten directions are absorbed within his Swaroop. Arjun could see all trio-world in Paramatma's Swaroop at a time. He could see past, present, and future at the same time. He could see that trio-world as restless as Paramatma shows his Virat UGRA ऊग्र Swaroop. Sanjay is describing VIRAT विराट Swaroop to Dhritarashtra; he says that trio-world is afraid after seeing your Swaroop with all the wild animals and giant creatures of forests, mountains. Deserts, Seas-Oceans within you, As we say VASUDEM SARVAM वसुदेवम् सर्वम् Arjun could not understand what it means. Shankaracharyaji in his VIVEK CHUDAMANI says

अज्ञानमूलोङयमनास्मबन्धो नैसर्गिकानादिरनन्त ईरितः।

जन्माप्ययव्याधिजरादिदुःखप्रवाहपातं जनयत्यमुष्य ।।

Jivatma is ignorance. His ignorance creates bondage to Sansar. It is natural for the person as he thinks of his body as a soul. Though the soul never gets involved in any bondage Jivatma creates bondage to the soul by taking birth in different yonis and suffers from disease and death. The body feels pain but a person thinks that his soul is feeling pain and the soul becomes sad. This bondage cannot be removed by millions and billions of good karma but it could be removed only by the grace of God and Guru and with the Sword of pure conscious knowledge as it is said by Aadi Shankaracharyaji ;

नास्त्रैर्न शस्त्रैरनिलेन वह्निना छेत्तुं न शक्त्यो न च कर्मकोटिभिः ।

विवेकविज्ञानमहासिना विना धातुः प्रसादेन सितेन मञ्जुना ।।

A person who has faith in his own religion and his Paramatma could be eligible to purify his Buddhi and this person with pure heart and Buddhi can acquire knowledge of Param Brahma and the moment he is blessed with the knowledge of Brahma he becomes detached to Sansar. Usually, soul is enveloped by five KOSHA कोशः as GYANMAY ज्ञानमय KOSH, VIGNAN MAY विज्ञानमय KOSH, ANNNAMAY अन्नमय KOSH, PRANMAY प्राणमय KOSH, AND MANOMAYमनोमय KOSH. And hence we cannot see him as we can see our physical body but with the emerging lamp's light of the moon the darkness of night is reduced in the full moon night, in the same way, a devotee acquires knowledge his ignorance is evaporated and he could see Paramatma in his soul clearly.

Generally, the soul does not have a body before birth and he does not have a body after death. It emerges within a wink of an eye and it has unsteady nature as it is described by Shankaracharji

पूर्वं जनेरपि मृतेरपि नायमस्ति जातः क्षणं क्षणगणोङनियतस्वभावः ।

नैको जडश्र्च धटवत् परिदृश्यमानः स्वात्मा कथं भवति भावविकारवेत्ता ।।

The soul is not made of any one element but it is made as a bundle of many things with memories of birth after birth in different yonis. It is not visible as a physical pot. Then how could our soul feel joy and sorrow, pain and gain, profit and loss? Our body with various limbs is not a soul. The soul is a witness of all karmas of Jivatma. But an ignorant person thinks that his body made of skin, flesh, fat, flesh and bones is his property. While a knowledgeable person knows that my body is not ME. I am a part of eternal Brahma Paramatma.

This difference is described as CHARM DRISHTI, BHAV DRISHTI, BHOG DRISHTI, VIVEK DRISHTI, and DIVYA DRISHTI in Bhagavatam. We see Sansar as real with Charma Drishti. We see Sansar as it is meant to entertain our senses with Bhoga Drishti. We think about good and bad karma with our Vivek Drishti. We see Paramatma in Statue with Bhav Drishti and We could see Virat Swaroop of Paramatma if we could be blessed with Divya Drishti as Arjun was blessed.

When we say VASUDEVAM SARVAM We accept Paramatma in everything and under his control. When we say TVAYEKAN you are the only one we accept that everything we see, feel, taste, or listen to is the manifestation of Paramatma. Paramatma has unlimited manifestations. His authority is endless. He can be there also where we cannot think about and here everything is included in VIRAT Swaroop. Now Arjun could see heaven and Death  He saw all Devtas in his Swaroop He saw Devtas praying, worshipping, and reciting the virtues of Paramatma. He saw Maharishi and Sadhak continuously saying," Be the WELFARE of all.'' They are also reciting songs of Lila of Paramatma's Avtar. They look as if they are afraid of seeing this Virat Swaroop As it has UGRA SWAROOP OF Narshinh Avtar, Varah Avtar, Matsyavatar, Kalki Avtar, etc. Arjun saw eleven Rudra, twelve Aaditya, Eight Vasu, ten Vishwadev, two Ashwini Kumar, 39 Marud Gan, seven PITRU with all the Gandharva, Yaksha, nag, Sarp, Siddha Muni astonished and looking at Virat Swaroop.

When Arjun knows Krishna as his Devta, Why does he afraid of Virat Swaroop?

Let us know from our great God ad Jagat Guru Shri Krishna...

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