Chapter-514 How could we overcome these VIKARS OF KSHETRA-our body?

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How could we overcome  these VIKARS OF KSHETRA-our body?

पथिच्युतंतिष्ठति दिष्ट रक्षितं गृहेस्थिनं तद विहितम् विनश्यति ।

जीवति अनाथः अपि तद्रक्षितो वने गृहेत्मिगुप्तस्य हतो न जीवति।।

A person is blessed who is protected by the smile of God. He could be survived even if he is lost in Sansar and does mistakes on the path of Spirituality. But if he is faulty in the eyes of God, he could not save himself even if he stays under lock and key and shut himself in the fort. A person could remain safe even in the deep forest and without escort or without parents in the jungle and he could be survived but whoever forgets Paramatma, dwells in Sansar becomes sinful and if Paramatma does not want him to save he would not be survived but a person who has followed no rules in life and dwells in all the negative activities could not overcome VIKAS or negativity without God's mercy.

जिव्हा दग्धा परान्नेन हस्तो दग्धो प्रतिग्रहान ।

मनोदग्दं स्त्रिभिः कार्यसिद्धिं कथं भवते।।

Whose tongue is corrupted by food snatched from others, whose hands are corrupted by begging or snatching others property, whose mind dwells in pleasing women and remains burnt in Vilas all the time, how could he think about accomplishing pure mind and heart and overcome VIKRUTI?

To overcome six VIKAS as desires, envy, longings for materialist happiness, avoiding sorrowfulness, expecting sensational bodily pleasures, and absence of patience in the judgment of Paramatma could be overcome by KSHETA-our body with God and Guru's grace. Shri Krishna shows us twenty virtuous or the knowledge of twenty instruments to be used to feel detachment from the body. Here, the body stands for PRAKRITI in the form of ten senses, five Gyanendriya, and mind all the sixteen entrance of VIKARS or VIKRUTIS in our body.

The cause of Vikar is a feeling of duality. As my Paramatma and I- are different. Real Scholars never think they are separated from Paramatma. They feel and practice yoga and meditation thinking unification with Paramatma-Param Brahma. The idea of duality is an illusion. Shruti says यत्र नान्यत् पश्यति–A knowledgeable person sees nothing but Paramatma everywhere and hence for him everything except Paramatma exists nowhere. He sees, feels, listens or tastes, whatever he feels grace of Paramatma everywhere and in everything. Aadi Guru Shri Shankaracharyaji says in his Sarva Vedant SAR sangrah;

यत्र नान्यत्यत्पश्यतीति श्रुतिर्द्वैतं निषेधति।

कल्पितस्य भ्रमाह्भूम्नि मिथ्यात्वावगमाय तत् ।।

But for a Gruhasth, he should use these twenty instruments to feel unification with Paramatma. The first is अमानित्वम् –to think high about ourselves as I am the great My caste is superior. My dynasty is prestigious. I am respectable in my society, state, and country. I am great by Varna, Ashram, skill, knowledge accomplishment of worldly gadgets, I am on the top of social status or I am Virtuous. When I do not mean your body who is I? The body is going to die and then who are you? The moments KSHETRAGYA abandons this KSHETRA –BODY people will bury you or you are put to fire to be transformed into ashes only. All these status, power, properties are related to the body, and the body is a non-living thing. The lesser the attachment to the body, the greater is the way open to liberation.

When a Sadhak thinks that I am not great but My God is great. I look beautiful as my God's creation is beautiful and I seem powerful to you or skillful to you because he stays within me, my body and nature look attractive because the magnet of Paramatma works within me. Tulsidasji in Ram Charit Manas says that सबहि मानप्रद आपु अमानी SABHI MANPRAD AAPU AMANI .A real saint never longs for appreciation and respect, worship, and followers. He becomes AMANI. He gives respect to others, looking at Paramatma everywhere. When a thought envelops his mind that I am beautiful, he would think that nature is beautiful. All the flowers are beautiful compared to me. When he thinks I am strong or capable, he would see that five elements are more powerful and stronger and KAL-time is the most powerful of all as it swallowed everything in a wink of an eye.

Secondly, he would never make a show off any virtues. He should never talk about good deeds he had done for others nor he would get credit for others' work.

Every person is full of trio-virtuous but a person who tries to show that I am Satvik and I am full of virtue. I am following tradition, doing Pooja and kirtan I am pious and read holy books. He does so because he wants people surrounding him to think of him as a pious Saint. A person is blessed with property, he would show off it in public at wedding ceremonies, baby showers, birthdays, and even on the occasion of death ceremony. If a person shuts himself in lock and key and shows others that he is meditating but actually if he is sleeping or resting inside he is making a show of his sainthood. Every Sadhak should try to avoid this. The solution UPAYA –The way how to correct it –is that he should not think about what people would say about him but he should try to be a real good and pious person inwardly. He should try to beautify his thoughts and deeds. These two instruments अमानित्वम् and अदम्भित्वम् could help a Sadhak should be free from Vikar of mind

A person would follow rules of non-violence Ahimsa through mind, body, and speech. MANASA VACHA KARMANN would not hurt or harm anybody and KSHAMA too is an instrument to purify ourselves. He would forgive the faults and misdeeds of others done to oppose him. 

Then, How could a Sadhak overcome VIKAR of violence? 

Let us surrender to our God and JAGAT GURU Shri Krishna to find out our ansewrs ... 

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